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Commit 99ea1076 authored by brunoravera's avatar brunoravera
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mockups first iteration

parent f3814b4a
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1 merge request!1mockups first iteration
with 328 additions and 130 deletions
"editor.tabSize": 2,
"files.trimTrailingWhitespace": true,
"editor.formatOnSave": false,
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"editor.codeActionsOnSave": {
"source.fixAll.eslint": true
......@@ -18,5 +18,8 @@
"node": "=18.x",
"yarn": ">=1.15"
"packageManager": "yarn@3.7.0"
"packageManager": "yarn@3.7.0",
"dependencies": {
"react-icons": "^5.0.1"
......@@ -4,8 +4,8 @@ import * as theme from 'config/chakra.config'
import { FatalErrorBoundary, RedwoodProvider } from '@redwoodjs/web'
import { RedwoodApolloProvider } from '@redwoodjs/web/apollo'
import { Layout } from './layouts'
import { DevFatalError } from './pages/fatal-error'
import Routes from './Routes'
const extendedTheme = extendTheme(theme)
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const App = () => (
<ColorModeScript />
<ChakraProvider theme={extendedTheme}>
<Layout />
<Routes />
// In this file, all Page components from 'src/pages` are auto-imported. Nested
// directories are supported, and should be uppercase. Each subdirectory will be
// prepended onto the component name.
// Examples:
// 'src/pages/HomePage/HomePage.js' -> HomePage
// 'src/pages/Admin/BooksPage/BooksPage.js' -> AdminBooksPage
import { Router, Route } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import { Router, Route, Set } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import { Home } from './pages/home'
import { Implementations } from './pages/implementations'
import { NotFound } from './pages/not-found'
import { Patterns } from './pages/patterns'
import { Reports } from './pages/reports'
import { Tests } from './pages/tests'
import { PatternDetails } from './pages/patterns/details'
import { MainLayout } from './layouts'
const Routes = () => {
return (
<Set wrap={MainLayout}>
<Route path="/" page={Home} name="home" />
<Route path="/patterns" page={Patterns} name="patterns" />
<Route path="/pattern/{id}" page={PatternDetails} name="pattern" />
<Route notfound page={NotFound} />
<Route path="/" page={Home} name="home" />
<Route path="/patterns" page={Patterns} name="patterns" />
<Route path="/implementations" page={Implementations} name="implementations" />
<Route path="/reports" page={Reports} name="reports" />
<Route path="/tests" page={Tests} name="tests" />
export * from './navbar'
import React from 'react'
import { Button, ButtonProps, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { Link } from '@redwoodjs/router'
export type NavButtonProps = {
label: string
to: string
} & ButtonProps
export const NavButton: React.FC<NavButtonProps> = ({
}) => {
return (
<Link to={to}>
<Button {...props} justifyContent="start" w="full">
import * as RTL from '@redwoodjs/testing/web'
import { Navbar } from '.'
describe('HomePage', () => {
it('renders successfully', () => {
RTL.render(<Navbar />)
import type { StoryObj } from '@storybook/react'
import { Navbar } from '.'
type Args = {}
export default {
component: Navbar,
type Story = StoryObj<Args>
export const Default: Story = {}
import { Flex, Stack, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { NavButton } from './nav-button'
export const Navbar: React.FC = () => {
return (
<Flex as="section" minH="100vh" bg="bg.canvas">
maxW={{ base: 'full', sm: 'xs' }}
py={{ base: '6', sm: '8' }}
px={{ base: '4', sm: '6' }}
<Stack justify="space-between" spacing="1" width="full">
<Stack spacing="8" shouldWrapChildren>
<Stack spacing="1">
<NavButton label="Inicio" to="/" />
<Text textStyle="sm" color="fg.subtle" fontWeight="medium">
<Stack spacing="1">
<NavButton label="Patrones" to="/patterns" />
<NavButton label="Implementaciones" to="/implementations" />
<NavButton label="Reportes" to="/reports" />
<NavButton label="Test" to="/tests" />
export * from './topbar'
import { Divider, HStack, Icon, IconButton, Text } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { Link, back, routes, useLocation } from '@redwoodjs/router'
import React from 'react'
import { FaArrowLeft } from 'react-icons/fa'
export const Topbar: React.FC = () => {
const asd = useLocation()
console.log({ asd })
const handleOnBack = () => {
return (
<HStack h="10" w="full" justifyContent="space-between">
icon={<Icon as={FaArrowLeft} />}
<Link to={routes.patterns()}>
<Text textAlign="right">Patrones</Text>
<Divider />
export * from './layout'
export * from './main-layout'
import React from 'react'
import { Box, Container, Flex, HStack } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { Navbar } from 'src/features/navbar'
import Routes from 'src/Routes'
export const Layout = () => {
return (
<Box bgColor="teal.50">
<Navbar />
<Flex h="100vh" flexGrow="1" bgColor="white">
<Container maxW="lg" py="10" flexGrow="1">
<Routes />
import React from 'react'
import { Box, Flex, VStack } from '@chakra-ui/react'
import { Topbar } from 'src/features/topbar'
export type MainLayoutProps = {
children?: React.ReactNode
export const MainLayout = ({ children }: MainLayoutProps) => {
return (
<VStack w="full" alignItems="center">
<Topbar />
<Flex h="100vh" w="full" justifyContent="center" bgColor="white">
import { Pattern } from '.'
export interface Animation {
id: string
patternId: Pattern['id']
title: string
description: string
creationDate: number
import { Pattern } from '.'
export interface Implementation {
id: string
patternId: Pattern['id']
title: string
description: string
creationDate: number
export * from './pattern-model'
export * from './implementation-model'
export * from './animation-model'
export interface Pattern {
id: string
title: string
description: string
numberOfImplementations: number
import { Implementation } from 'src/models/implementation-model'
import { Pattern } from 'src/models/pattern-model'
export const patterns: Pattern[] = [
id: '1',
title: 'API Gateway',
'El patrón de Gateway API actúa como un punto de entrada para las solicitudes de clientes y enruta esas solicitudes a los servicios adecuados en la arquitectura de microservicios. Proporciona una capa de abstracción que oculta la complejidad de la arquitectura subyacente de microservicios al cliente, y también puede proporcionar funciones como autenticación, autorización, y equilibrio de carga.',
numberOfImplementations: 3,
id: '2',
title: 'Orquestación de Microservicios',
'Este patrón implica la coordinación de múltiples microservicios para llevar a cabo una tarea empresarial compleja. Puede ser implementado utilizando herramientas de orquestación como Kubernetes, Docker Swarm o Apache Mesos, que gestionan la implementación, escalado y administración de los microservicios. La orquestación de microservicios es fundamental para garantizar que los servicios trabajen juntos de manera cohesiva y coordinada.',
numberOfImplementations: 2,
id: '3',
title: 'Service Discovery',
'En una arquitectura de microservicios dinámica, los servicios pueden aparecer y desaparecer debido a la escalabilidad automática o a la falla de instancias. El patrón de autodescubrimiento permite que los servicios descubran dinámicamente la ubicación (por ejemplo, la dirección IP y el puerto) de otros servicios con los que necesitan comunicarse, lo que facilita la resiliencia y la adaptabilidad en un entorno de microservicios.',
numberOfImplementations: 4,
export const implementations: Implementation[] = [
// pattern 1
id: '1',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Microservicio 1 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '2',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Microservicio 2 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '3',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Microservicio 3 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '4',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Microservicio 4 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
// pattern 2
id: '5',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Microservicio 1 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '6',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Microservicio 2 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '7',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Microservicio 3 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '8',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Microservicio 4 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '9',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Microservicio 5 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
// pattern 3
id: '10',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Microservicio 1 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '11',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Microservicio 2 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '12',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Microservicio 3 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '14',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Microservicio 4 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '15',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Microservicio 5 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
export const animations: Implementation[] = [
// pattern 1
id: '1',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Animacion 1 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '2',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Animacion 2 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing microservice',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '3',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Animacion 3 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '4',
patternId: '1',
title: 'Animacion 4 patron 1',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
// pattern 2
id: '5',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Animacion 1 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '6',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Animacion 2 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '7',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Animacion 3 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '8',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Animacion 4 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '9',
patternId: '2',
title: 'Animacion 5 patron 2',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
// pattern 3
id: '10',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Animacion 1 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '11',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Animacion 2 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '12',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Animacion 3 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '14',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Animacion 4 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
id: '15',
patternId: '3',
title: 'Animacion 5 patron 3',
description: 'Im an amazing animation',
creationDate: 1708273884329,
export * from './pattern-details'
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