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  • communication
  • cositas_nuevas
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7 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.028Jul2726252423222120161473129Jun27webmastermastersave image to filebackupbackupdel ip - port auto configENTREGAENTREGAvideo gallery readyuploading sample cornersmore web data ...more web dataweb embebbedchanges to links and apkfixed route to filesbasic intro pagebasci development pagenew media pagesnew links of interest pagenew web filessolved homog. resoldetection of building boardV1.0V1.0se agrga menu jugarfixed estados & thresholdsmas cosasversion beta -harcoded parametrosV0.1V0.1mejoras en modeladornew classreubicated clasesrm unused classbug killedrenamed and changes to detect boardrestructuration . . .compiledclear code and flowclear code. - no corner drawing. - ecualiz. not on but testedjust a sector of escaqueclear codese agrega deteccion de fichas usando sobelcositas_nuevascositas_nuevasshow chessboard reconstruction fixedfixed get escaquemerge 2cambios en modeladorfin mergecommunicationcommunication