From 97d1dcbccd24a88132dbf071c0155df6f1b081ee Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cedric Roux <>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:16:19 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] add a 'record' tracer

 common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile |   7 +-
 common/utils/T/tracer/record.c | 158 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 163 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 common/utils/T/tracer/record.c

diff --git a/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile b/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
index bf0f72710c..59644e1b34 100644
--- a/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
+++ b/common/utils/T/tracer/Makefile
@@ -5,7 +5,10 @@ CFLAGS=-Wall -g -pthread -DT_TRACER -I.
 LIBS=-lX11 -lm -lpng -lXft
-all: textlog enb vcd
+all: record textlog enb vcd
+record: utils.o record.o database.o config.o
+	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o record $^ $(LIBS)
 textlog: utils.o textlog.o database.o event.o handler.o config.o \
          event_selector.o view/view.a gui/gui.a logger/logger.a \
@@ -40,7 +43,7 @@ filter/filter.a:
 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
-	rm -f *.o core tracer_remote textlog enb vcd
+	rm -f *.o core tracer_remote textlog enb vcd record
 	cd gui && make clean
 	cd view && make clean
 	cd logger && make clean
diff --git a/common/utils/T/tracer/record.c b/common/utils/T/tracer/record.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2dfe35f4da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/utils/T/tracer/record.c
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "database.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "../T_defs.h"
+#include "config.h"
+void usage(void)
+  printf(
+"    -d <database file>        this option is mandatory\n"
+"    -o <output file>          this option is mandatory\n"
+"    -on <GROUP or ID>         turn log ON for given GROUP or ID\n"
+"    -off <GROUP or ID>        turn log OFF for given GROUP or ID\n"
+"    -ON                       turn all logs ON\n"
+"    -OFF                      turn all logs OFF\n"
+"                              note: you may pass several -on/-off/-ON/-OFF,\n"
+"                                    they will be processed in order\n"
+"                                    by default, all is off\n"
+"    -ip <host>                connect to given IP address (default %s)\n"
+"    -p <port>                 connect to given port (default %d)\n",
+  );
+  exit(1);
+volatile int run = 1;
+void force_stop(int x)
+  printf("\ngently quit...\n");
+  run = 0;
+int main(int n, char **v)
+  char *database_filename = NULL;
+  char *output_filename = NULL;
+  FILE *out;
+  void *database;
+  char *ip = DEFAULT_REMOTE_IP;
+  int port = DEFAULT_REMOTE_PORT;
+  char **on_off_name;
+  int *on_off_action;
+  int on_off_n = 0;
+  int socket;
+  int *is_on;
+  int number_of_events;
+  int i;
+  char mt;
+  /* write on a socket fails if the other end is closed and we get SIGPIPE */
+  if (signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN) == SIG_ERR) abort();
+  /* exit on ctrl+c and ctrl+z */
+  if (signal(SIGQUIT, force_stop) == SIG_ERR) abort();
+  if (signal(SIGINT, force_stop) == SIG_ERR) abort();
+  if (signal(SIGTSTP, force_stop) == SIG_ERR) abort();
+  on_off_name = malloc(n * sizeof(char *)); if (on_off_name == NULL) abort();
+  on_off_action = malloc(n * sizeof(int)); if (on_off_action == NULL) abort();
+  for (i = 1; i < n; i++) {
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-h") || !strcmp(v[i], "--help")) usage();
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-d"))
+      { if (i > n-2) usage(); database_filename = v[++i]; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-o"))
+      { if (i > n-2) usage(); output_filename = v[++i]; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ip")) { if (i > n-2) usage(); ip = v[++i]; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-p"))
+      { if (i > n-2) usage(); port = atoi(v[++i]); continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-on")) { if (i > n-2) usage();
+      on_off_name[on_off_n]=v[++i]; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=1; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-off")) { if (i > n-2) usage();
+      on_off_name[on_off_n]=v[++i]; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=0; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-ON"))
+      { on_off_name[on_off_n]=NULL; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=1; continue; }
+    if (!strcmp(v[i], "-OFF"))
+      { on_off_name[on_off_n]=NULL; on_off_action[on_off_n++]=0; continue; }
+    usage();
+  }
+  if (database_filename == NULL) {
+    printf("ERROR: provide a database file (-d)\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  if (output_filename == NULL) {
+    printf("ERROR: provide an output file (-o)\n");
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  database = parse_database(database_filename);
+  load_config_file(database_filename);
+  number_of_events = number_of_ids(database);
+  is_on = calloc(number_of_events, sizeof(int));
+  if (is_on == NULL) abort();
+  for (i = 0; i < on_off_n; i++)
+    on_off(database, on_off_name[i], is_on, on_off_action[i]);
+  socket = connect_to(ip, port);
+  /* activate selected traces */
+  mt = 1;
+  if (socket_send(socket, &mt, 1) == -1 ||
+      socket_send(socket, &number_of_events, sizeof(int)) == -1 ||
+      socket_send(socket, is_on, number_of_events * sizeof(int)) == -1)
+    abort();
+  out = fopen(output_filename, "w");
+  if (out == NULL) {
+    perror(output_filename);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  /* read messages */
+  while (run) {
+    int type;
+    int32_t length;
+    char v[T_BUFFER_MAX];
+    int vpos = 0;
+    if (fullread(socket, &length, 4) == -1) goto read_error;
+    memcpy(v+vpos, &length, 4);
+    vpos += 4;
+#ifdef T_SEND_TIME
+    if (fullread(socket,v+vpos,sizeof(struct timespec))==-1) goto read_error;
+    vpos += sizeof(struct timespec);
+    length -= sizeof(struct timespec);
+    if (fullread(socket, &type, sizeof(int)) == -1) goto read_error;
+    memcpy(v+vpos, &type, sizeof(int));
+    vpos += sizeof(int);
+    length -= sizeof(int);
+    if (fullread(socket, v+vpos, length) == -1) goto read_error;
+    vpos += length;
+    if (type == -1) append_received_config_chunk(v+vpos-length, length);
+    if (type == -2) verify_config();
+    if (fwrite(v, vpos, 1, out) != 1) {
+      printf("error saving data to file %s\n", output_filename);
+      fclose(out);
+      exit(1);
+    }
+  }
+  fclose(out);
+  return 0;