From 8e9d9807aee187dd649d7704242115d3929b62a3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Robert Schmidt <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2018 11:01:35 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] lte-ru.c: fct for interface -dependant config, export more

- add set_function_spec_param() which configures RU_t instance depending on its
  function(al split)
- export more functions like kill_RU_proc() so that they can be reused by
  restart functionality
 targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c        | 292 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h |   4 +
 2 files changed, 152 insertions(+), 144 deletions(-)

diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
index 3ff4c4e7ac..e2918091e9 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-ru.c
@@ -1959,13 +1959,159 @@ void init_precoding_weights(PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB) {
+void set_function_spec_param(RU_t *ru)
+  int ret;
+  switch (ru->if_south) {
+  case LOCAL_RF:   // this is an RU with integrated RF (RRU, eNB)
+    if (ru->function ==  NGFI_RRU_IF5) {                 // IF5 RRU
+      ru->do_prach              = 0;                      // no prach processing in RU
+      ru->fh_north_in           = NULL;                   // no shynchronous incoming fronthaul from north
+      ru->fh_north_out          = fh_if5_north_out;       // need only to do send_IF5  reception
+      ru->fh_south_out          = tx_rf;                  // send output to RF
+      ru->fh_north_asynch_in    = fh_if5_north_asynch_in; // TX packets come asynchronously
+      ru->feprx                 = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
+      ru->feptx_ofdm            = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
+      ru->feptx_prec            = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
+      ru->start_if              = start_if;               // need to start the if interface for if5
+      ru->ifdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
+      ru->rfdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
+      ru->ifdevice.eth_params   = &ru->eth_params;
+      reset_meas(&ru->rx_fhaul);
+      reset_meas(&ru->tx_fhaul);
+      reset_meas(&ru->compression);
+      reset_meas(&ru->transport);
+      ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
+      printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n", ret, ru->idx);
+      if (ret<0) {
+        printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
+        exit(-1);
+      }
+    }
+    else if (ru->function == NGFI_RRU_IF4p5) {
+      ru->do_prach              = 1;                        // do part of prach processing in RU
+      ru->fh_north_in           = NULL;                     // no synchronous incoming fronthaul from north
+      ru->fh_north_out          = fh_if4p5_north_out;       // send_IF4p5 on reception
+      ru->fh_south_out          = tx_rf;                    // send output to RF
+      ru->fh_north_asynch_in    = fh_if4p5_north_asynch_in; // TX packets come asynchronously
+      ru->feprx                 = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full :ru_fep_full_2thread;                 // RX DFTs
+      ru->feptx_ofdm            = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;               // this is fep with idft only (no precoding in RRU)
+      ru->feptx_prec            = NULL;
+      ru->start_if              = start_if;                 // need to start the if interface for if4p5
+      ru->ifdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
+      ru->rfdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
+      ru->ifdevice.eth_params   = &ru->eth_params;
+      reset_meas(&ru->rx_fhaul);
+      reset_meas(&ru->tx_fhaul);
+      reset_meas(&ru->compression);
+      reset_meas(&ru->transport);
+      ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
+      printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n", ret, ru->idx);
+      if (ret<0) {
+        printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
+        exit(-1);
+      }
+      malloc_IF4p5_buffer(ru);
+    }
+    else if (ru->function == eNodeB_3GPP) {
+      ru->do_prach             = 0;                       // no prach processing in RU
+      ru->feprx                = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full : ru_fep_full_2thread;                // RX DFTs
+      ru->feptx_ofdm           = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;              // this is fep with idft and precoding
+      ru->feptx_prec           = feptx_prec;              // this is fep with idft and precoding
+      ru->fh_north_in          = NULL;                    // no incoming fronthaul from north
+      ru->fh_north_out         = NULL;                    // no outgoing fronthaul to north
+      ru->start_if             = NULL;                    // no if interface
+      ru->rfdevice.host_type   = RAU_HOST;
+    }
+    ru->fh_south_in            = rx_rf;                               // local synchronous RF RX
+    ru->fh_south_out           = tx_rf;                               // local synchronous RF TX
+    ru->start_rf               = start_rf;                            // need to start the local RF interface
+    printf("configuring ru_id %d (start_rf %p)\n", ru->idx, start_rf);
+    if (ru->function == eNodeB_3GPP) { // configure RF parameters only for 3GPP eNodeB, we need to get them from RAU otherwise
+      fill_rf_config(ru,rf_config_file);
+      init_frame_parms(&ru->frame_parms,1);
+      phy_init_RU(ru);
+    }
+    ret = openair0_device_load(&ru->rfdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg);
+    if (setup_RU_buffers(ru)!=0) {
+      printf("Exiting, cannot initialize RU Buffers\n");
+      exit(-1);
+    }*/
+    break;
+  case REMOTE_IF5: // the remote unit is IF5 RRU
+    ru->do_prach               = 0;
+    ru->feprx                  = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full : fep_full;                   // this is frequency-shift + DFTs
+    ru->feptx_prec             = feptx_prec;                 // need to do transmit Precoding + IDFTs
+    ru->feptx_ofdm             = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;                 // need to do transmit Precoding + IDFTs
+    if (ru->if_timing == synch_to_other) {
+      ru->fh_south_in          = fh_slave_south_in;                  // synchronize to master
+      ru->fh_south_out         = fh_if5_mobipass_south_out;          // use send_IF5 for mobipass
+      ru->fh_south_asynch_in   = fh_if5_south_asynch_in_mobipass;    // UL is asynchronous
+    }
+    else {
+      ru->fh_south_in          = fh_if5_south_in;     // synchronous IF5 reception
+      ru->fh_south_out         = fh_if5_south_out;    // synchronous IF5 transmission
+      ru->fh_south_asynch_in   = NULL;                // no asynchronous UL
+    }
+    ru->start_rf               = NULL;                 // no local RF
+    ru->start_if               = start_if;             // need to start if interface for IF5
+    ru->ifdevice.host_type     = RAU_HOST;
+    ru->ifdevice.eth_params    = &ru->eth_params;
+    ru->ifdevice.configure_rru = configure_ru;
+    ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
+    printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n", ret, ru->idx);
+    if (ret<0) {
+      printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+    break;
+  case REMOTE_IF4p5:
+    ru->do_prach               = 0;
+    ru->feprx                  = NULL;                // DFTs
+    ru->feptx_prec             = feptx_prec;          // Precoding operation
+    ru->feptx_ofdm             = NULL;                // no OFDM mod
+    ru->fh_south_in            = fh_if4p5_south_in;   // synchronous IF4p5 reception
+    ru->fh_south_out           = fh_if4p5_south_out;  // synchronous IF4p5 transmission
+    ru->fh_south_asynch_in     = (ru->if_timing == synch_to_other) ? fh_if4p5_south_in : NULL;                // asynchronous UL if synch_to_other
+    ru->fh_north_out           = NULL;
+    ru->fh_north_asynch_in     = NULL;
+    ru->start_rf               = NULL;                // no local RF
+    ru->start_if               = start_if;            // need to start if interface for IF4p5
+    ru->ifdevice.host_type     = RAU_HOST;
+    ru->ifdevice.eth_params    = &ru->eth_params;
+    ru->ifdevice.configure_rru = configure_ru;
+    ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice, &ru->openair0_cfg, &ru->eth_params);
+    printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n", ret, ru->idx);
+    if (ret<0) {
+      printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
+      exit(-1);
+    }
+    malloc_IF4p5_buffer(ru);
+    break;
+  default:
+    LOG_E(PHY,"RU with invalid or unknown southbound interface type %d\n",ru->if_south);
+    break;
+  } // switch on interface type
 extern void RCconfig_RU(void);
 void init_RU(char *rf_config_file) {
   int ru_id;
   RU_t *ru;
-  int ret;
   PHY_VARS_eNB *eNB0;
   int i;
   int CC_id;
@@ -2008,149 +2154,7 @@ void init_RU(char *rf_config_file) {
     //    LOG_I(PHY,"Initializing RRU descriptor %d : (%s,%s,%d)\n",ru_id,ru_if_types[ru->if_south],eNB_timing[ru->if_timing],ru->function);
-    switch (ru->if_south) {
-    case LOCAL_RF:   // this is an RU with integrated RF (RRU, eNB)
-      if (ru->function ==  NGFI_RRU_IF5) {                 // IF5 RRU
-	ru->do_prach              = 0;                      // no prach processing in RU
-	ru->fh_north_in           = NULL;                   // no shynchronous incoming fronthaul from north
-	ru->fh_north_out          = fh_if5_north_out;       // need only to do send_IF5  reception
-	ru->fh_south_out          = tx_rf;                  // send output to RF
-	ru->fh_north_asynch_in    = fh_if5_north_asynch_in; // TX packets come asynchronously 
-	ru->feprx                 = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
-	ru->feptx_ofdm            = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
-	ru->feptx_prec            = NULL;                   // nothing (this is a time-domain signal)
-	ru->start_if              = start_if;               // need to start the if interface for if5
-	ru->ifdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
-	ru->rfdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
-	ru->ifdevice.eth_params   = &ru->eth_params;
-    reset_meas(&ru->rx_fhaul);
-    reset_meas(&ru->tx_fhaul);
-    reset_meas(&ru->compression);
-    reset_meas(&ru->transport);
-	ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
-	printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n",ret,ru_id);
-	if (ret<0) {
-	  printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
-	  exit(-1);
-	}
-      }
-      else if (ru->function == NGFI_RRU_IF4p5) {
-	ru->do_prach              = 1;                        // do part of prach processing in RU
-	ru->fh_north_in           = NULL;                     // no synchronous incoming fronthaul from north
-	ru->fh_north_out          = fh_if4p5_north_out;       // send_IF4p5 on reception
-	ru->fh_south_out          = tx_rf;                    // send output to RF
-	ru->fh_north_asynch_in    = fh_if4p5_north_asynch_in; // TX packets come asynchronously
-	ru->feprx                 = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full :ru_fep_full_2thread;                 // RX DFTs
-	ru->feptx_ofdm            = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;               // this is fep with idft only (no precoding in RRU)
-	ru->feptx_prec            = NULL;
-	ru->start_if              = start_if;                 // need to start the if interface for if4p5
-	ru->ifdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
-	ru->rfdevice.host_type    = RRU_HOST;
-	ru->ifdevice.eth_params   = &ru->eth_params;
-    reset_meas(&ru->rx_fhaul);
-    reset_meas(&ru->tx_fhaul);
-    reset_meas(&ru->compression);
-    reset_meas(&ru->transport);
-	ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
-	printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n",ret,ru_id);
-	if (ret<0) {
-	  printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
-	  exit(-1);
-	}
-	malloc_IF4p5_buffer(ru);
-      }
-      else if (ru->function == eNodeB_3GPP) {  
-	ru->do_prach             = 0;                       // no prach processing in RU            
-	ru->feprx                = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full : ru_fep_full_2thread;                // RX DFTs
-	ru->feptx_ofdm           = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;              // this is fep with idft and precoding
-	ru->feptx_prec           = feptx_prec;              // this is fep with idft and precoding
-	ru->fh_north_in          = NULL;                    // no incoming fronthaul from north
-	ru->fh_north_out         = NULL;                    // no outgoing fronthaul to north
-	ru->start_if             = NULL;                    // no if interface
-	ru->rfdevice.host_type   = RAU_HOST;
-      }
-      ru->fh_south_in            = rx_rf;                               // local synchronous RF RX
-      ru->fh_south_out           = tx_rf;                               // local synchronous RF TX
-      ru->start_rf               = start_rf;                            // need to start the local RF interface
-      printf("configuring ru_id %d (start_rf %p)\n",ru_id,start_rf);
-      if (ru->function == eNodeB_3GPP) { // configure RF parameters only for 3GPP eNodeB, we need to get them from RAU otherwise
-	fill_rf_config(ru,rf_config_file);      
-	init_frame_parms(&ru->frame_parms,1);
-	phy_init_RU(ru);
-      }
-      ret = openair0_device_load(&ru->rfdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg);
-      if (setup_RU_buffers(ru)!=0) {
-	printf("Exiting, cannot initialize RU Buffers\n");
-	exit(-1);
-      }*/
-      break;
-    case REMOTE_IF5: // the remote unit is IF5 RRU
-      ru->do_prach               = 0;
-      ru->feprx                  = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? fep_full : fep_full;                   // this is frequency-shift + DFTs
-      ru->feptx_prec             = feptx_prec;                 // need to do transmit Precoding + IDFTs 
-      ru->feptx_ofdm             = (get_nprocs()<=2) ? feptx_ofdm : feptx_ofdm_2thread;                 // need to do transmit Precoding + IDFTs 
-      if (ru->if_timing == synch_to_other) {
-	ru->fh_south_in          = fh_slave_south_in;                  // synchronize to master
-	ru->fh_south_out         = fh_if5_mobipass_south_out;          // use send_IF5 for mobipass
-	ru->fh_south_asynch_in   = fh_if5_south_asynch_in_mobipass;    // UL is asynchronous
-      }
-      else {
-	ru->fh_south_in          = fh_if5_south_in;     // synchronous IF5 reception
-	ru->fh_south_out         = fh_if5_south_out;    // synchronous IF5 transmission
-	ru->fh_south_asynch_in   = NULL;                // no asynchronous UL
-      }
-      ru->start_rf               = NULL;                 // no local RF
-      ru->start_if               = start_if;             // need to start if interface for IF5 
-      ru->ifdevice.host_type     = RAU_HOST;
-      ru->ifdevice.eth_params    = &ru->eth_params;
-      ru->ifdevice.configure_rru = configure_ru;
-      ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice,&ru->openair0_cfg,&ru->eth_params);
-      printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n",ret,ru_id);
-      if (ret<0) {
-	printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
-	exit(-1);
-      }
-      break;
-    case REMOTE_IF4p5:
-      ru->do_prach               = 0;
-      ru->feprx                  = NULL;                // DFTs
-      ru->feptx_prec             = feptx_prec;          // Precoding operation
-      ru->feptx_ofdm             = NULL;                // no OFDM mod
-      ru->fh_south_in            = fh_if4p5_south_in;   // synchronous IF4p5 reception
-      ru->fh_south_out           = fh_if4p5_south_out;  // synchronous IF4p5 transmission
-      ru->fh_south_asynch_in     = (ru->if_timing == synch_to_other) ? fh_if4p5_south_in : NULL;                // asynchronous UL if synch_to_other
-      ru->fh_north_out           = NULL;
-      ru->fh_north_asynch_in     = NULL;
-      ru->start_rf               = NULL;                // no local RF
-      ru->start_if               = start_if;            // need to start if interface for IF4p5 
-      ru->ifdevice.host_type     = RAU_HOST;
-      ru->ifdevice.eth_params    = &ru->eth_params;
-      ru->ifdevice.configure_rru = configure_ru;
-      ret = openair0_transport_load(&ru->ifdevice, &ru->openair0_cfg, &ru->eth_params);
-      printf("openair0_transport_init returns %d for ru_id %d\n",ret,ru_id);
-      if (ret<0) {
-	printf("Exiting, cannot initialize transport protocol\n");
-	exit(-1);
-      }
-      malloc_IF4p5_buffer(ru);
-      break;
-    default:
-      LOG_E(PHY,"RU with invalid or unknown southbound interface type %d\n",ru->if_south);
-      break;
-    } // switch on interface type 
+    set_function_spec_param(ru);
     LOG_I(PHY,"Starting ru_thread %d\n",ru_id);
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
index 13e5ba6b91..c1d63eef4c 100644
--- a/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-softmodem.h
@@ -244,6 +244,10 @@ extern void kill_eNB_proc(int inst);
 // In lte-ru.c
 extern void init_RU(const char*);
+extern void init_RU_proc(RU_t *ru);
+extern void stop_RU(int nb_ru);
+extern void kill_RU_proc(int inst);
+extern void set_function_spec_param(RU_t *ru);
 // In lte-ue.c
 extern int setup_ue_buffers(PHY_VARS_UE **phy_vars_ue, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg);