diff --git a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
index 5182f597e341a12415ff840b37c0f10435123acc..c536d90ab66cb36e053770b115d57a83d2a6d4fa 100644
--- a/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/cmake_targets/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ include_directories ("${X2AP_DIR}")
 add_list1_option(NB_ANTENNAS_RX "2" "Number of antennas in reception" "1" "2" "4")
 add_list1_option(NB_ANTENNAS_TX "4" "Number of antennas in transmission" "1" "2" "4")
-add_list2_option(RF_BOARD "EXMIMO" "RF head type" "None" "EXMIMO" "OAI_USRP" "OAI_BLADERF" "CPRIGW" "OAI_LMSSDR")
+add_list2_option(RF_BOARD "EXMIMO" "RF head type" "None" "EXMIMO" "OAI_USRP" "OAI_BLADERF" "CPRIGW" "OAI_LMSSDR" "OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706")
 add_list2_option(TRANSP_PRO "None" "Transport protocol type" "None" "ETHERNET")
 #NOKIA config enhancement
@@ -507,6 +507,11 @@ set (SHLIB_LOADER_SOURCES
 # include RF devices / transport protocols library modules
+if (HWLAT)
+  add_definitions(-DHWLAT )
 include_directories ("${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/ARCH/EXMIMO/DEFS/")
@@ -761,6 +766,9 @@ include_directories("${OPENAIR3_DIR}/UDP")
@@ -2063,6 +2071,38 @@ target_link_libraries (lte-softmodem-nos1 pthread m ${CONFIG_LIBRARIES} rt crypt
 target_link_libraries (lte-softmodem-nos1  ${LIB_LMS_LIBRARIES})
 target_link_libraries (lte-softmodem-nos1 ${T_LIB})
+# lte-hwlat
+  ${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/RT/USER/lte-hwlat.c
+  )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat
+  -Wl,--start-group
+  -Wl,--end-group )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat rt pthread m )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}  )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat ${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/slib/libadrv9371_zc706.so )
+# lte-hwlat-test
+  ${OPENAIR1_DIR}/PHY/TOOLS/time_meas.c
+  ${OPENAIR_TARGETS}/RT/USER/lte-hwlat2.c
+  )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat-test
+  -Wl,--start-group
+  -Wl,--end-group )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat-test rt pthread m )
+target_link_libraries (lte-hwlat-test ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS}  )
 # lte-uesoftmodem is  UE implementation
@@ -2379,10 +2419,10 @@ if (${T_TRACER})
         #all "add_executable" definitions (except tests, rb_tool, updatefw)
         lte-softmodem lte-softmodem-nos1 oaisim oaisim_nos1
         dlsim_tm4 dlsim dlsim_tm7 ulsim pbchsim scansim mbmssim
-        pdcchsim pucchsim prachsim syncsim
+        pdcchsim pucchsim prachsim syncsim lte-hwlat
         #all "add_library" definitions
-        oai_exmimodevif oai_usrpdevif oai_bladerfdevif oai_lmssdrdevif
+        oai_adrv9371_zc706devif oai_exmimodevif oai_usrpdevif oai_bladerfdevif oai_lmssdrdevif
         SECU_CN SCHED_LIB PHY L2 default_sched remote_sched RAL CN_UTILS
diff --git a/cmake_targets/build_oai b/cmake_targets/build_oai
index 596b5aff7200f9133d257e19ad959a26f7c2b838..d9cad35b9e20e7fe63a68b086be1e0d34df6a6d0 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/build_oai
+++ b/cmake_targets/build_oai
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ REL="Rel14"
@@ -104,12 +105,14 @@ Options
    Specify conf_nvram_path (default \"$conf_nvram_path\")
 --UE-gen-nvram [output path]
    Specify gen_nvram_path (default \"$gen_nvram_path\")
+    Makes test program for haw latency tests
 -r | --3gpp-release
    default is Rel14,
    Rel8 limits the implementation to 3GPP Release 8 version
    Rel10 limits the implementation to 3GPP Release 10 version
 -w | --hardware
    Adds this RF board support (in external packages installation and in compilation)
 -t | --transport protocol
    ETHERNET , None
@@ -234,13 +237,16 @@ function main() {
             shift 2;;
        -w | --hardware)
             HW="$2" #"${i#*=}"
-            # Use OAI_USRP  as the key word USRP is used inside UHD driver           
-	    if [ "$HW" != "BLADERF" -a  "$HW" != "USRP" -a "$HW" != "LMSSDR" -a  "$HW" != "None" -a  "$HW" != "EXMIMO"  ] ; then 
+            # Use OAI_USRP  as the key word USRP is used inside UHD driver
+	    if [ "$HW" != "BLADERF" -a  "$HW" != "USRP" -a "$HW" != "LMSSDR" -a  "$HW" != "None" -a  "$HW" != "EXMIMO" -a  "$HW" != "ADRV9371_ZC706"  ] ; then 
 		echo_fatal "Unknown HW type $HW will exit..."		
 		if [ "$HW" == "USRP" ] ; then 
+		if [ "$HW" == "ADRV9371_ZC706" ] ; then 
+		    HW="OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706"
+		fi 
 		if [ "$HW" == "BLADERF" ] ; then 
@@ -297,6 +303,14 @@ function main() {
             echo_info "Will compile without S1 interface"
+       --HWLAT)
+            HWLAT=1
+            echo_info "Will compile hw latency test program"
+            shift;;
+       --HWLAT_TEST)
+            HWLAT_TEST=1
+            echo_info "Will compile hw latency test program"
+            shift;;
             echo_info "Will compile with verbose instructions"
@@ -397,6 +411,12 @@ function main() {
+  if [ "$HWLAT" = "1" ] ; then
+      if [ "$HW" = "None" ] ; then
+    echo_info "No radio head has been selected (HW set to $HW)" 
+      fi
+  fi
   echo_info "RF HW set to $HW" 
   #Now we set flags to enable deadline scheduler settings
   #By default: USRP: disable, 
@@ -409,6 +429,8 @@ function main() {
      elif [ "$HW" = "OAI_USRP" ] ; then 
+     elif [ "$HW" = "OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706" ] ; then 
      elif [ "$HW" = "OAI_BLADERF" ] ; then 
      elif [ "$HW" = "OAI_LMSSDR" ] ; then 
@@ -474,6 +496,10 @@ function main() {
         install_usrp_uhd_driver $UHD_IMAGES_DIR
+    if [ "$HW" == "OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706" ] ; then
+      echo_info "\nInstalling packages for ADRV9371_ZC706 support"
+      check_install_libiio_driver
+    fi 
     if [ "$HW" == "OAI_BLADERF" ] ; then
       echo_info "installing packages for BLADERF support"
@@ -811,9 +837,65 @@ function main() {
                   libtelnetsrv.so $dbin/libtelnetsrv.so
+  # HWLAT compilation
+  #####################
+  if [ "$HWLAT" = "1" ] ; then
+     hwlat_exec=lte-hwlat
+     hwlat_build_dir=lte-hwlat
+     echo_info "Compiling $hwlat_exec ..."
+     [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] && rm -rf $DIR/lte-hwlat/build 
+     mkdir -p $DIR/$hwlat_build_dir/build
+     cmake_file=$DIR/$hwlat_build_dir/CMakeLists.txt
+     echo "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)"   >   $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE )" >> $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( RF_BOARD \"${HW}\")"               >>  $cmake_file
+     echo 'set ( PACKAGE_NAME "\"lte-hwlat\"")'        >>  $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( DEADLINE_SCHEDULER \"${DEADLINE_SCHEDULER_FLAG_USER}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo "set ( CPU_AFFINITY \"${CPU_AFFINITY_FLAG_USER}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo "set ( HWLAT \"${HWLAT}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo 'include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../CMakeLists.txt)' >> $cmake_file    
+     cd $DIR/$hwlat_build_dir/build
+     cmake ..
+     compilations \
+   lte-hwlat lte-hwlat \
+   lte-hwlat $dbin/lte-hwlat
+  fi  
+  # HWLAT_TEST compilation
+  #####################
+  if [ "$HWLAT_TEST" = "1" ] ; then
+     hwlat_test_exec=lte-hwlat-test
+     hwlat_test_build_dir=lte-hwlat-test
+     echo_info "Compiling $hwlat_test_exec ..."
+     [ "$CLEAN" = "1" ] && rm -rf $DIR/lte-hwlat-test/build 
+     mkdir -p $DIR/$hwlat_test_build_dir/build
+     cmake_file=$DIR/$hwlat_test_build_dir/CMakeLists.txt
+     echo "cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)"   >   $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE )" >> $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( RF_BOARD \"${HW}\")"               >>  $cmake_file
+     echo 'set ( PACKAGE_NAME "\"lte-hwlat-test\"")'        >>  $cmake_file
+     echo "set ( DEADLINE_SCHEDULER \"${DEADLINE_SCHEDULER_FLAG_USER}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo "set ( CPU_AFFINITY \"${CPU_AFFINITY_FLAG_USER}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo "set ( HWLAT \"${HWLAT}\" )"    >>$cmake_file
+     echo 'include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/../CMakeLists.txt)' >> $cmake_file    
+     cd $DIR/$hwlat_test_build_dir/build
+     cmake ..
+     compilations \
+   lte-hwlat-test lte-hwlat-test \
+   lte-hwlat-test $dbin/lte-hwlat-test
+  fi  
   # build RF device and transport protocol libraries
-  if [ "$eNB" = "1" -o "$UE" = "1" -o "$gNB" = "1" -o "$nrUE" = "1" ] ; then
+  if [ "$eNB" = "1" -o "$UE" = "1" -o "$gNB" = "1" -o "$nrUE" = "1" - o "$HWLAT" = "1" ] ; then
@@ -831,6 +913,11 @@ function main() {
 	      ln -sf liboai_exmimodevif.so liboai_device.so
 	      ln -sf $dbin/liboai_exmimodevif.so.$REL $dbin/liboai_device.so
 	      echo_info "liboai_device.so is linked to EXMIMO device library"       
+	  elif [ "$HW" == "OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706" ] ; then
+        ln -sf $OPENAIR_DIR/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/slib/libadrv9371_zc706.so liboai_device.so
+	      echo_info "liboai_device.so is linked to ADRV9371_ZC706 device library"        
 	  elif [ "$HW" == "OAI_USRP" ] ; then
               compilations \
                   $build_dir oai_usrpdevif \
diff --git a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
index 2b8123c86b796b9927ec389df6431da67e85b2c8..4d95292f088591f06cb16e9bc9a5e9e96188832f 100755
--- a/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
+++ b/cmake_targets/tools/build_helper
@@ -242,6 +242,36 @@ install_protobuf_c_from_source(){
     ) >& $protobuf_c_install_log
+    libiio_install_log=$OPENAIR_DIR/cmake_targets/log/libiio_install_log.txt
+    echo_info "\nInstalling LibIIO driver from sources. The log file for LibIIO driver installation is here: $libiio_install_log "
+    (
+     cd /tmp
+     echo "Downloading LibIIO driver"
+     rm -rf /tmp/libiio
+     git clone https://github.com/analogdevicesinc/libiio.git
+     cd libiio
+     git checkout 2016_R2
+     cmake ./
+	 make all
+     $SUDO make install
+    ) >& $libiio_install_log
+    if [[ "$OS_DISTRO" == "ubuntu" ]]; then
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libxml2
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libxml2-dev
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated bison
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated flex
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libcdk5-dev
+   		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated cmake 
+		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libaio-dev
+		$SUDO apt-get install -y --allow-unauthenticated libavahi-client-dev
+		install_libiio_driver_from_source
+    fi
     echo_info "\nInstalling UHD driver from sources. The log file for UHD driver installation is here: $uhd_install_log "
diff --git a/oaienv b/oaienv
index f6b298debf69e2e24c2c65cce458291b9ff0a513..d9a540697b445bba06e5686718bc0380dabcc44c 100644
--- a/oaienv
+++ b/oaienv
@@ -17,3 +17,6 @@ alias oait='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS'
 alias oailte='cd $OPENAIR_TARGETS/RT/USER'
+export IIOD_REMOTE=
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
index 4b73de6fcc72864fa1a55d7924819dab46cd5e14..8f995e12e345bda05e81f43d4ada30de25d1fba9 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/dci_tools.c
@@ -8118,6 +8118,9 @@ int generate_ue_ulsch_params_from_dci(void *dci_pdu,
   // ulsch->n_DMRS2 = ((DCI0_5MHz_TDD_1_6_t *)dci_pdu)->cshift;
+//printf("Format 0 DCI : ulsch (ue): AbsSubframe  %d.%d nrb %d harq_pid %d round %d mcs %d\n",proc->frame_rx%1024,nr_tti_rx,ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->nb_rb,
+ //       harq_pid,ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->round,ulsch->harq_processes[harq_pid]->mcs);
     LOG_D(PHY,"Format 0 DCI : ulsch (ue): AbsSubframe %d.%d\n",proc->frame_rx%1024,subframe);
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/initial_sync.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/initial_sync.c
index 918696968b373ce1830f4abe081fa01505e4e7ae..ab987c4a4f6c8f7173091222ea95c17b038531af 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/initial_sync.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/initial_sync.c
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ int initial_sync(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, runmode_t mode)
-#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
     printf("[UE %d] Frame %d Measured Carrier Frequency %.0f Hz (offset %d Hz)\n",
@@ -618,9 +618,11 @@ int initial_sync(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, runmode_t mode)
 #ifndef OAI_USRP
 #ifndef OAI_BLADERF
 #ifndef OAI_LMSSDR
+#ifndef OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706
@@ -629,9 +631,11 @@ int initial_sync(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, runmode_t mode)
 #ifndef OAI_USRP
 #ifndef OAI_BLADERF
 #ifndef OAI_LMSSDR
+#ifndef OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/prach.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/prach.c
index b58aa91636a4d83fb9aa5d6aabfa3a476fc2e884..0c97a307af90be2985c8453290377e7965b07e73 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/prach.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/prach.c
@@ -636,7 +636,7 @@ int32_t generate_prach( PHY_VARS_UE *ue, uint8_t eNB_id, uint8_t subframe, uint1
   int i, prach_len;
   uint16_t first_nonzero_root_idx=0;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   prach_start =  (ue->rx_offset+subframe*ue->frame_parms.samples_per_tti-ue->hw_timing_advance-ue->N_TA_offset);
     LOG_I(PHY,"[UE %d] prach_start %d, rx_offset %d, hw_timing_advance %d, N_TA_offset %d\n", ue->Mod_id,
@@ -1042,7 +1042,7 @@ int32_t generate_prach( PHY_VARS_UE *ue, uint8_t eNB_id, uint8_t subframe, uint1
 	      "prach_fmt4 not fully implemented" );
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP)  || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   int j;
   int overflow = prach_start + prach_len - LTE_NUMBER_OF_SUBFRAMES_PER_FRAME*ue->frame_parms.samples_per_tti;
   LOG_I( PHY, "prach_start=%d, overflow=%d\n", prach_start, overflow );
diff --git a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/print_stats.c b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/print_stats.c
index 9e328353a4fdd975b26640822813bd4d5a909846..22b1adf3b902631b5263c3111f42215c37ef4a14 100644
--- a/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/print_stats.c
+++ b/openair1/PHY/LTE_TRANSPORT/print_stats.c
@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@
 extern int mac_get_rrc_status(uint8_t Mod_id,uint8_t eNB_flag,uint8_t index);
-#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
 #include "common_lib.h"
 extern openair0_config_t openair0_cfg[];
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ int dump_ue_stats(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,char* buffer, int length
 #ifdef EXMIMO
     len += sprintf(&buffer[len], "[UE PROC] RX Gain %d dB (LNA %d, vga %d dB)\n",ue->rx_total_gain_dB, openair0_cfg[0].rxg_mode[0],(int)openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain[0]);
-#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
     len += sprintf(&buffer[len], "[UE PROC] RX Gain %d dB\n",ue->rx_total_gain_dB);
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
     len += sprintf(&buffer[len], "[UE_PROC] Frequency offset %d Hz, estimated carrier frequency %f Hz\n",ue->common_vars.freq_offset,openair0_cfg[0].rx_freq[0]-ue->common_vars.freq_offset);
     len += sprintf(&buffer[len], "[UE PROC] UE mode = %s (%d)\n",mode_string[ue->UE_mode[0]],ue->UE_mode[0]);
diff --git a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
index 2635649589643575b027439581079c63b1527ba9..c73e14b28839d7c4b4bdf26307ee9e10263b2c94 100644
--- a/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
+++ b/openair1/SCHED/phy_procedures_lte_ue.c
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ extern double cpuf;
 void Msg1_transmitted(module_id_t module_idP,uint8_t CC_id,frame_t frameP, uint8_t eNB_id);
 void Msg3_transmitted(module_id_t module_idP,uint8_t CC_id,frame_t frameP, uint8_t eNB_id);
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
 extern uint32_t downlink_frequency[MAX_NUM_CCs][4];
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ void dump_dlsch_SI(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,uint8_t s
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
 //unsigned int gain_table[31] = {100,112,126,141,158,178,200,224,251,282,316,359,398,447,501,562,631,708,794,891,1000,1122,1258,1412,1585,1778,1995,2239,2512,2818,3162};
   unsigned int get_tx_amp_prach(int power_dBm, int power_max_dBm, int N_RB_UL)
@@ -1202,7 +1202,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
   int frame_tx = proc->frame_tx;
   int ulsch_start;
   int overflow=0;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   int k,l;
   int dummy_tx_buffer[frame_parms->samples_per_tti] __attribute__((aligned(16)));
@@ -1213,7 +1213,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
   nsymb = (frame_parms->Ncp == 0) ? 14 : 12;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)//this is the EXPRESS MIMO case
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)  || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)//this is the EXPRESS MIMO case
   ulsch_start = (ue->rx_offset+subframe_tx*frame_parms->samples_per_tti-
@@ -1231,7 +1231,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
   ulsch_start = (frame_parms->samples_per_tti*subframe_tx)-ue->N_TA_offset; //-ue->timing_advance;
 #endif //else EXMIMO
-//#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+//#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   if (empty_subframe)
 //#if 1
@@ -1279,7 +1279,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
   for (aa=0; aa<frame_parms->nb_antennas_tx; aa++) {
     if (frame_parms->Ncp == 1)
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
@@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
     else {
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
@@ -1308,7 +1308,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
@@ -1317,7 +1317,7 @@ void ulsch_common_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue, UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc, uint8_t empt
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
     overflow = ulsch_start - 9*frame_parms->samples_per_tti;
@@ -1822,7 +1822,7 @@ void ue_ulsch_uespec_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB
       ue->tx_total_RE[subframe_tx] = nb_rb*12;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)  || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
       tx_amp = get_tx_amp(ue->tx_power_dBm[subframe_tx],
@@ -1899,7 +1899,7 @@ void ue_srs_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,uint8
       Po_SRS = ue->tx_power_max_dBm;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
     if (ue->mac_enabled==1)
     tx_amp = get_tx_amp(Po_SRS,
@@ -2182,7 +2182,7 @@ void ue_pucch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,uin
       ue->tx_power_dBm[subframe_tx] = Po_PUCCH;
       ue->tx_total_RE[subframe_tx] = 12;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
       tx_amp = get_tx_amp(Po_PUCCH,
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ void ue_pucch_procedures(PHY_VARS_UE *ue,UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc,uint8_t eNB_id,uin
       ue->tx_power_dBm[subframe_tx] = Po_PUCCH;
       ue->tx_total_RE[subframe_tx] = 12;
-#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_BLADERF) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
       tx_amp =  get_tx_amp(Po_PUCCH,
@@ -2538,9 +2538,11 @@ void ue_measurement_procedures(
 #ifndef OAI_USRP
 #ifndef OAI_BLADERF
 #ifndef OAI_LMSSDR
+#ifndef OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706
     phy_adjust_gain (ue,dB_fixed(ue->measurements.rssi),0);
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
index 3edf230ac2817ca736956c7affd80342980629f4..2a12def7523b7697cedc00b228661202ff95d084 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_UE.c
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ rrc_ue_establish_drb(
-#   if !defined(OAI_NW_DRIVER_TYPE_ETHERNET) && !defined(EXMIMO) && !defined(OAI_USRP) && !defined(OAI_BLADERF) && !defined(ETHERNET) && !defined(LINK_ENB_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U)
+#   if !defined(OAI_NW_DRIVER_TYPE_ETHERNET) && !defined(EXMIMO) && !defined(OAI_USRP) && !defined(OAI_BLADERF) && !defined(ETHERNET) && !defined(LINK_ENB_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U) && !defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   ip_addr_offset3 = 0;
   ip_addr_offset4 = 1;
   LOG_I(OIP,"[UE %d] trying to bring up the OAI interface oai%d, IP 10.0.%d.%d\n", ue_mod_idP, ip_addr_offset3+ue_mod_idP,
diff --git a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
index 9faa686ef6532afafa413a9c5f4ae633940dcff7..78d32697f39ca3f7785496438e050a5a2a904355 100644
--- a/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
+++ b/openair2/RRC/LITE/rrc_eNB.c
@@ -5401,7 +5401,7 @@ rrc_eNB_process_RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete(
                 ctxt_pP->module_id, ctxt_pP->frame, (int)DRB_configList->list.array[i]->drb_Identity);
 #if  defined(PDCP_USE_NETLINK) && !defined(LINK_ENB_PDCP_TO_GTPV1U)
           // can mean also IPV6 since ether -> ipv6 autoconf
-#   if !defined(OAI_NW_DRIVER_TYPE_ETHERNET) && !defined(EXMIMO) && !defined(OAI_USRP) && !defined(OAI_BLADERF) && !defined(ETHERNET)
+#   if !defined(OAI_NW_DRIVER_TYPE_ETHERNET) && !defined(EXMIMO) && !defined(OAI_USRP) && !defined(OAI_BLADERF) && !defined(ETHERNET) && !defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
           LOG_I(OIP, "[eNB %d] trying to bring up the OAI interface oai%d\n",
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/Makefile b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/Makefile
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..5684c7b3bc5cb4047512aece1ac652ff0c111725
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+#			Creates shared library
+CC=			gcc
+CFLAGS+=	-DADRV9371_ZC706 -DHWLAT -O0 -g3 -Wall -fmessage-length=0 -fPIC
+IFLAGS+=	-I$(DIR)/								\
+			-I$(DROOT)/libini/						\
+			-I../COMMON/							\
+			-I/usr/include/
+LDFLAGS+=	-L/usr/lib/x86/64-linux-gnu/			\
+			-lm -liio -ldl -lriffa
+OUTDIR=		./slib
+TARGET=		libadrv9371_zc706.so
+SRC=		$(DIR)/adrv9371_dump.c					\
+			$(DIR)/adrv9371_helper.c				\
+			$(DIR)/adrv9371_self_test.c				\
+			$(DIR)/adrv9371_zc706_lib.c				\
+			$(DIR)/adrv9371_zc706_riffa_lib.c		\
+			$(DIR)/adrv9371_zc706_stats.c			\
+			$(DIR)/hw_init.c			\
+			$(DROOT)/libini/libini.c
+OBJ=		$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_dump.o				\
+			$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_helper.o				\
+			$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_self_test.o			\
+			$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_zc706_lib.o			\
+			$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_zc706_riffa_lib.o	\
+			$(OUTDIR)/adrv9371_zc706_stats.o		\
+			$(OUTDIR)/hw_init.o		\
+			$(OUTDIR)/libini.o
+all:	lib
+	mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
+	set PATH=/usr/lib/:${PATH}
+obj:	dir env
+	$(CC) -c $(CFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) $(SRC) 
+	mv *.o $(OUTDIR)
+lib:	dir obj
+	$(CC) -shared $(OBJ) -o $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET) $(LDFLAGS)
+# exec: 	env
+#	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(IFLAGS) main.c $(SRC) -o lib.exe $(LDFLAGS) -lpthread
+.PHONY:	clean
+	rm -f $(OUTDIR)/*.o $(OUTDIR)/*~
+rm:		clean
+	rm -f $(OUTDIR)/$(TARGET)
+	rmdir $(OUTDIR)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ADRV9371-W_test.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ADRV9371-W_test.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c1861b2e8dc3314cd3cc1dc5c6e153d01a6c3672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ADRV9371-W_test.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+[IIO Oscilloscope]
+plugin.AD9371 Advanced.detached=0
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+fru_connect = 1
+test.message = Please ensure:\n • 30.72 MHz -> REF_CLK_IN (0dBm)\n • Rx1 <-> Tx1\n • Rx2 <-> Tx2
+show_capture_options = 1
+marker_type = Single Tone Markers
+marker.0 = 9525
+marker.1 = 8192
+marker.2 = 10859
+marker.3 = 12193
+marker.4 = 13526
+marker.5 = 14859
+device_list = ad7291 0
+device_list = ad9371-phy 0
+device_list = xadc 0
+running = No
+# temp between 20C and 55C (in 0.25C units)
+test.ad7291.in_temp0_raw.int = 80 220
+# See the production testing wiki docs [1] for how these values are calculated.
+# [1]: (https://wiki.analog.com/resources/eval/user-guides/ad-fmcomms2-ebz/testing#voltage)
+# scale = 0.610351562
+# All nominal voltages +/- 2.5%
+# 0 INPUT_VOLTAGE 12V - V(Drop Diode) 56/10
+test.ad7291.in_voltage0_raw.int = 2710 2850
+# 1 VOUT2_1V3_DIG 1
+test.ad7291.in_voltage1_raw.int = 2077 2183
+# 2 VDD_IF 10/10
+test.ad7291.in_voltage2_raw.int = 1997 2099
+# 3 VOUT3_3V3 10/10
+test.ad7291.in_voltage3_raw.int = 2636 2770
+# 5 VOUT4_1V8  1
+test.ad7291.in_voltage5_raw.int = 2875 3023
+# 7 VOUT1_1V3_ANLG 1
+test.ad7291.in_voltage7_raw.int = 2077 2183
+# Test AD9528 lock status - Requires 30.720 MHz reference clock!
+test.ad9528-1.pll1_reference_clk_a_present.int = 1 1
+test.ad9528-1.pll1_locked.int = 1 1
+test.ad9528-1.pll2_locked.int = 1 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = INTERNALCALS
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2500000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2600000000
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2600000000
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 10001402
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1001265
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 10001402
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 10001402
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 40001860
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1001265
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 10001402
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 40001860
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+dds_mode_tx1 = 0
+dds_mode_tx2 = 0
+# test receiver at 1GHz to 5 GHz
+<SEQ> i 1000000000 5000000000 5000000000
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+# wait for device to settle
+marker_type = Peak Markers
+capture_started = 0
+cycle = 1000
+cycle = 1000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = <i>
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = {{<i>} + {100000000}}
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = {{<i>} + {100000000}}
+dds_mode_tx1 = 0
+dds_mode_tx2 = 0
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+# wait for device to settle
+capture_started = 1
+cycle = 3000
+# channels should be off, so RSSI should be low
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_rssi.int = 44 45
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_rssi.int = 44 45
+# and gain is high
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain.double = 30.0 31.0
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain.double = 30.0 31.0
+# set Tx and Rx to be the same
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = <i>
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+# wait for device to settle
+marker_type = Single Tone Markers
+cycle = 3000
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+# channels should be on, so RSSI should be high
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_rssi.int = 3 12
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_rssi.int = 3 12
+# and gain is low
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain.double = 15.0 29.0
+test.ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain.double = 15.0 29.0
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+cycle = 1000
+capture_started = 1
+cycle = 3000
+save_png = ADRV9371_rx1_<i>.png
+save_markers = markers.log
+#look at the markers - Fundamental
+test.marker.0 = -12.0 -4.0
+# DC
+test.marker.1 = -100.0 -60.0
+# 2st Harmonic
+test.marker.2 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 3nd Harmonic
+test.marker.3 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.4 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.5 = -110.0 -65.0
+capture_started = 0
+cycle = 1000
+cycle = 1000
+capture_started = 1
+cycle = 3000
+save_png = ADRV9371_rx2_<i>.png
+save_markers = markers.log
+#look at the markers - Fundamental
+test.marker.0 = -12.0 -4.0
+# DC
+test.marker.1 = -100.0 -60.0
+# 2st Harmonic
+test.marker.2 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 3nd Harmonic
+test.marker.3 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.4 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.5 = -110.0 -65.0
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+capture_started = 0
+test.message = Please ensure:\n • ORX1 <-> Tx1\n • ORX22 <-> Tx2
+cycle = 1000
+# test observer path at 1GHz to 5 GHz
+<SEQ> i 1000000000 1000000000 5000000000
+# set Tx and Rx to be the same
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = <i>
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = {{<i>} + {1000000}}
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = <i>
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = ORX1_TX_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_gain_control_mode = manual
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = 18.000000 dB
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+capture_started = 1
+cycle = 3000
+save_png = ADRV9371_ob1_<i>.png
+save_markers = markers.log
+#look at the markers - Fundamental
+test.marker.0 = -15.0 -5.0
+# DC
+test.marker.1 = -100.0 -75.0
+# 2st Harmonic
+test.marker.2 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 3nd Harmonic
+test.marker.3 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.4 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.5 = -110.0 -65.0
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = ORX2_TX_LO
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+cycle = 1000
+capture_started = 1
+cycle = 3000
+save_png = ADRV9371_ob2_<i>.png
+save_markers = markers.log
+#look at the markers - Fundamental
+test.marker.0 = -15.0 -4.0
+# DC
+test.marker.1 = -100.0 -75.0
+# 2st Harmonic
+test.marker.2 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 3nd Harmonic
+test.marker.3 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.4 = -110.0 -75.0
+# 4th Harmonic
+test.marker.5 = -110.0 -65.0
+[IIO Oscilloscope - Capture Window1]
+test.message = All tests passed - Ship it
+quit = 1
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile1-osc.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile1-osc.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4282cfffdd1230fd5c9f8f44f87a04a434b8c2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile1-osc.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = OFF
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = -156.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2685000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2565000000
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2565000000
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_rx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_vswr_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_clgc_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_ext_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_dpd_en = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+load_myk_profile_file = /targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+dac_buf_filename = /usr/local/lib/osc/waveforms/LTE20.mat
+tx_channel_0 = 1
+tx_channel_1 = 1
+tx_channel_2 = 0
+tx_channel_3 = 0
+global_settings_show = 1
+tx_show = 1
+rx_show = 1
+obs_show = 1
+fpga_show = 1
+debug_mode = 0
+interpolation_decimation_factor = 2
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac20ab2663cf34f2c4ae2f91c02152c5e15b8c92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+<profile AD9371 version=0 name=Rx 20, IQrate 30.720>
+ <clocks>
+  <deviceClock_kHz=122880>
+  <clkPllVcoFreq_kHz=9830400>
+  <clkPllVcoDiv=2>
+  <clkPllHsDiv=4>
+ </clocks>
+ <rx>
+  <adcDiv=1>
+  <rxFirDecimation=4>
+  <rxDec5Decimation=5>
+  <enHighRejDec5=1>
+  <rhb1Decimation=2>
+  <iqRate_kHz=30720>
+  <rfBandwidth_Hz=20000000>
+  <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=20000>
+  <filter FIR gain=-6 num=72>
+  0
+  2
+  4
+  3
+  -4
+  -14
+  -21
+  -12
+  17
+  56
+  73
+  39
+  -53
+  -159
+  -198
+  -101
+  129
+  377
+  457
+  229
+  -274
+  -793
+  -951
+  -482
+  527
+  1564
+  1899
+  1011
+  -978
+  -3154
+  -4109
+  -2611
+  1669
+  7795
+  13807
+  17524
+  17524
+  13807
+  7795
+  1669
+  -2611
+  -4109
+  -3154
+  -978
+  1011
+  1899
+  1564
+  527
+  -482
+  -951
+  -793
+  -274
+  229
+  457
+  377
+  129
+  -101
+  -198
+  -159
+  -53
+  39
+  73
+  56
+  17
+  -12
+  -21
+  -14
+  -4
+  3
+  4
+  2
+  0
+  </filter>
+  <adc-profile num=16>
+  599
+  357
+  201
+  98
+  1280
+  112
+  1505
+  53
+  1331
+  21
+  820
+  40
+  48
+  40
+  23
+  191
+  </adc-profile>
+ </rx>
+ <obs>
+  <adcDiv=1>
+  <rxFirDecimation=2>
+  <rxDec5Decimation=5>
+  <enHighRejDec5=1>
+  <rhb1Decimation=2>
+  <iqRate_kHz=61440>
+  <rfBandwidth_Hz=50000000>
+  <rxBbf3dBCorner_kHz=25000>
+  <filter FIR gain=0 num=72>
+  0
+  -1
+  1
+  2
+  -2
+  -6
+  6
+  12
+  -13
+  -24
+  25
+  43
+  -45
+  -73
+  77
+  118
+  -124
+  -183
+  193
+  274
+  -289
+  -402
+  423
+  579
+  -607
+  -826
+  866
+  1187
+  -1244
+  -1759
+  1842
+  2818
+  -2970
+  -5815
+  4337
+  18436
+  18436
+  4337
+  -5815
+  -2970
+  2818
+  1842
+  -1759
+  -1244
+  1187
+  866
+  -826
+  -607
+  579
+  423
+  -402
+  -289
+  274
+  193
+  -183
+  -124
+  118
+  77
+  -73
+  -45
+  43
+  25
+  -24
+  -13
+  12
+  6
+  -6
+  -2
+  2
+  1
+  -1
+  0
+  </filter>
+  <adc-profile num=16>
+  596
+  358
+  201
+  98
+  1280
+  134
+  1509
+  64
+  1329
+  25
+  818
+  39
+  48
+  40
+  23
+  190
+  </adc-profile>
+  <lpbk-adc-profile num=16>
+  599
+  357
+  201
+  98
+  1280
+  112
+  1505
+  53
+  1331
+  21
+  820
+  40
+  48
+  40
+  23
+  191
+  </lpbk-adc-profile>
+ </obs>
+ <tx>
+  <dacDiv=2.5>
+  <txFirInterpolation=2>
+  <thb1Interpolation=2>
+  <thb2Interpolation=2>
+  <txInputHbInterpolation=1>
+  <iqRate_kHz=61440>
+  <primarySigBandwidth_Hz=20000000>
+  <rfBandwidth_Hz=50000000>
+  <txDac3dBCorner_kHz=92000>
+  <txBbf3dBCorner_kHz=25000>
+  <filter FIR gain=0 num=32>
+  -118
+  -122
+  242
+  240
+  -429
+  -499
+  730
+  900
+  -1154
+  -1615
+  1742
+  2957
+  -2322
+  -5354
+  3885
+  17211
+  17211
+  3885
+  -5354
+  -2322
+  2957
+  1742
+  -1615
+  -1154
+  900
+  730
+  -499
+  -429
+  240
+  242
+  -122
+  -118
+  </filter>
+ </tx>
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..34a98d4a7711f30ee9bd1e438f3b0a824a930d5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = OFF
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = -156.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2560000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2680000000
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = manual
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain = 25.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_hardwaregain = 25.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = manual
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2680000000
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_rx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_vswr_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_clgc_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_ext_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_dpd_en = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+load_myk_profile_file = /targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile20MHz.txt
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+dac_buf_filename = /usr/local/lib/osc/waveforms/LTE20.mat
+tx_channel_0 = 1
+tx_channel_1 = 1
+tx_channel_2 = 0
+tx_channel_3 = 0
+global_settings_show = 1
+tx_show = 1
+rx_show = 1
+obs_show = 1
+fpga_show = 1
+debug_mode = 0
+# 20MHz 40MHz 80MHz=1; 10MHz=2; 5MHz=4
+interpolation_decimation_factor = 1
+# is taken into account only if "ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = manual"
+rx_gain_offset = 69
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706_HWgain15dB.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706_HWgain15dB.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e12de4edbe6509a0e31466fd8e7cd514172d412b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706_HWgain15dB.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = OFF
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = -156.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = 0.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2560000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2680000000
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = manual
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain = 15.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_hardwaregain = 15.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = manual
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2680000000
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_rx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_vswr_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_clgc_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_ext_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_dpd_en = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+load_myk_profile_file = /targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile20MHz.txt
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+dac_buf_filename = /usr/local/lib/osc/waveforms/LTE20.mat
+tx_channel_0 = 1
+tx_channel_1 = 1
+tx_channel_2 = 0
+tx_channel_3 = 0
+global_settings_show = 1
+tx_show = 1
+rx_show = 1
+obs_show = 1
+fpga_show = 1
+debug_mode = 0
+# 20MHz 40MHz 80MHz=1; 10MHz=2; 5MHz=4
+interpolation_decimation_factor = 1
+# is taken into account only if "ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = manual"
+rx_gain_offset = 30
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB25.adrv9371-zc706.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB25.adrv9371-zc706.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcdbf7716a800c39d02f49961ab1a3c537361d5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB25.adrv9371-zc706.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = OFF
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = -156.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2535000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2655000000
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2655000000
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_rx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_vswr_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_clgc_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_ext_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_dpd_en = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+load_myk_profile_file = /targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+dac_buf_filename = /usr/local/lib/osc/waveforms/LTE20.mat
+tx_channel_0 = 1
+tx_channel_1 = 1
+tx_channel_2 = 0
+tx_channel_3 = 0
+global_settings_show = 1
+tx_show = 1
+rx_show = 1
+obs_show = 1
+fpga_show = 1
+debug_mode = 0
+interpolation_decimation_factor = 4
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB50.adrv9371-zc706.ini b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB50.adrv9371-zc706.ini
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..a23a765503599ff5486ffa1ad1d380127852b5e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB50.adrv9371-zc706.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_rf_port_select = OFF
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_hardwaregain = -156.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage2_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_hardwaregain = -10.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_lo_leakage_tracking_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.out_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage1_TX_LO_frequency = 2535000000
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage2_RX_SN_LO_frequency = 2655000000
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage0_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_quadrature_tracking_en = 1
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_hardwaregain = 30.000000 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_temp_comp_gain = 0.00 dB
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage1_gain_control_mode = automatic
+ad9371-phy.in_voltage_rf_port_select_available = OFF INTERNALCALS OBS_SNIFFER SN_A SN_B SN_C ORX1_TX_LO ORX2_TX_LO ORX1_SN_LO ORX2_SN_LO
+ad9371-phy.out_altvoltage0_RX_LO_frequency = 2655000000
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_rx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_vswr_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_qec_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_clgc_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.ensm_mode = radio_on
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_tx_lol_ext_en = 0
+ad9371-phy.calibrate_dpd_en = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage0_TX1_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage5_TX2_I_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage4_TX2_I_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_frequency = 7999809
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage6_TX2_Q_F1_scale = 0.251160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage3_TX1_Q_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_scale = 0.000000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage7_TX2_Q_F2_frequency = 1000327
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_phase = 0
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_scale = 0.501160
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage2_TX1_Q_F1_frequency = 1999718
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_frequency = 19998117
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_raw = 1
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_phase = 90000
+axi-ad9371-tx-hpc.out_altvoltage1_TX1_I_F2_scale = 0.000000
+load_myk_profile_file = /targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/profile_rx30_Tx60_syr.txt
+dds_mode_tx1 = 1
+dds_mode_tx2 = 1
+dac_buf_filename = /usr/local/lib/osc/waveforms/LTE20.mat
+tx_channel_0 = 1
+tx_channel_1 = 1
+tx_channel_2 = 0
+tx_channel_3 = 0
+global_settings_show = 1
+tx_show = 1
+rx_show = 1
+obs_show = 1
+fpga_show = 1
+debug_mode = 0
+interpolation_decimation_factor = 2
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/readme.txt b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/readme.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..05b3bc1b7d90ee2f922b101b96e14f3a321a5942
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/readme.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+Common command line:
+cd /openairinterface5g/
+source oaienv
+HWLAT application:
+./cmake_targets/build_oai -c -C -w ADRV9371_ZC706 --HWLAT
+LTE-SOFTMODEM application:
+./cmake_targets/build_oai -c --eNB --UE --noS1 -w ADRV9371_ZC706
+sudo su
+source oaienv
+source ./targets/bin/init_nas_nos1 UE
+./cmake_targets/lte_noS1_build_oai/build/lte-softmodem-nos1 -U -C 2680000000 -r100 --ue-scan-carrier --ue-txgain 0 --ue-rxgain 5 -S -A 6 --ue-max-power -25 --phy-test -g 7 --rf-config-file ./targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706_HWgain15dB.ini
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/slib/libadrv9371_zc706.so b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/slib/libadrv9371_zc706.so
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c060bfdc57da7c5213e7b6f4c6b576f28a9cff08
Binary files /dev/null and b/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/slib/libadrv9371_zc706.so differ
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c b/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c
index d74b1c6d4fed2d65640c1d5989e2ec846c642dcf..c0a3e8a7203abecf1aeff6a9a47153304173a465 100644
--- a/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c
+++ b/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.c
@@ -60,6 +60,12 @@ case USRP_X300_DEV:
   case NONE_DEV:
     printf("[%s] has not loaded a HW device.\n",((device->host_type == RAU_HOST) ? "RAU": "RRU"));
+  case ADRV9371_ZC706_DEV:
+    printf("[%s] has loaded ADRV9371_ZC706 device.\n",((device->host_type == RAU_HOST) ? "RAU": "RRU"));
+    break;
+  case UEDv2_DEV:
+    printf("[%s] has loaded UEDv2 device.\n",((device->host_type == RAU_HOST) ? "RAU": "RRU"));
+    break;
     printf("[%s] invalid HW device.\n",((device->host_type == RAU_HOST) ? "RAU": "RRU")); 
     return -1;
diff --git a/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.h b/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.h
index 433e29e97db7b15322b51d8f3282daa91b922c09..7460c4849bfa383048a100ef4184b562d5856f0e 100644
--- a/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.h
+++ b/targets/ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.h
@@ -97,6 +97,10 @@ typedef enum {
   /*!\brief device is NONE*/
+  /*!\brief device is ADRV9371_ZC706 */
+  ADRV9371_ZC706_DEV,
+  /*!\brief device is UEDv2 */
+  UEDv2_DEV,
 } dev_type_t;
@@ -216,6 +220,14 @@ typedef struct {
   unsigned int   sf_write_delay;    // write delay in replay mode
   unsigned int   eth_mtu;           // ethernet MTU
+  //! number of samples per tti
+  unsigned int  samples_per_tti;
+  //! the sample rate for receive.
+  double rx_sample_rate;
+  //! the sample rate for transmit.
+  double tx_sample_rate;
 } openair0_config_t;
 /*! \brief RF mapping */ 
diff --git a/targets/COMMON/openairinterface5g_limits.h b/targets/COMMON/openairinterface5g_limits.h
index 98de4a024f5225e7d061dc3d1ba09c2ec8802bad..4ce85f4cad6dd6b56f99042bc18619cadf86aec2 100644
--- a/targets/COMMON/openairinterface5g_limits.h
+++ b/targets/COMMON/openairinterface5g_limits.h
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-#if defined(CBMIMO1) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR)
+#if defined(CBMIMO1) || defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_LMSSDR) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
 #        define NUMBER_OF_eNB_MAX 1
 #        define NUMBER_OF_RU_MAX 2
 #        define NUMBER_OF_UE_MAX 16
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat.c
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..9f5a3306aa20128cd856e7c416cc2318688d7a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat.c
@@ -0,0 +1,944 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <execinfo.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <syscall.h>
+#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include "assertions.h"
+#include "PHY/types.h"
+#include "PHY/defs.h"
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#define GET_TIME_INIT(num) struct timeval _timers[num]
+#define GET_TIME_VAL(num) gettimeofday(&_timers[num], NULL)
+#define TIME_VAL_TO_MS(num) (((double)_timers[num].tv_sec*1000.0) + ((double)_timers[num].tv_usec/1000.0))
+#undef MALLOC //there are two conflicting definitions, so we better make sure we don't use it at all
+//#undef FRAME_LENGTH_COMPLEX_SAMPLES //there are two conflicting definitions, so we better make sure we don't use it at all
+#include "../../ARCH/COMMON/common_lib.h"
+#include "PHY/extern.h"
+#include "SCHED/extern.h"
+#include "LAYER2/MAC/extern.h"
+#include "LAYER2/MAC/proto.h"
+#define     RIFFA_CHANNEL_DATA1   1
+volatile int             oai_exit = 0;
+openair0_config_t openair0_cfg[MAX_CARDS];
+#if 0
+#define NB_ANTENNAS_RX 4
+#define DevAssert(cOND)                     _Assert_(cOND, _Assert_Exit_, "")
+#define malloc16(x) memalign(16,x)
+#ifdef 0
+static inline void* malloc16_clear( size_t size )
+#ifdef __AVX2__
+  void* ptr = memalign(32, size);
+  void* ptr = memalign(16, size);
+  if(ptr)
+    memset( ptr, 0, size );
+  return ptr;
+typedef struct latency_stat {
+    uint64_t    counter;
+    uint64_t    stat250;
+    uint64_t    stat500;
+    uint64_t    stat600;
+    uint64_t    stat700;
+    uint64_t    stat800;
+    uint64_t    stat1300;
+    uint64_t    stat1500;
+    uint64_t    stat2000;
+    uint64_t    stat2500;
+    uint64_t    stat3000;
+    uint64_t    stat880;
+    uint64_t    stat960;
+    uint64_t    stat1040;
+    uint64_t    stat1120;
+    uint64_t    stat1200;
+} latency_stat_t;
+typedef struct	timing_stats {
+	char			*name;
+	double			min;
+	double			max;
+	double			total;
+	unsigned int	count;
+} timing_stats_t;
+//static struct timespec	get_timespec_diff(
+//							struct timespec *start,
+//							struct timespec *stop )
+//	struct timespec		result;
+//	if ( ( stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec ) < 0 ) {
+//		result.tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec - 1;
+//		result.tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec + 1000000000;
+//	}
+//	else {
+//		result.tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec;
+//		result.tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec;
+//	}
+//	return result;
+//static void 			measure_time (
+//							openair0_device	*rf_device,
+//							struct timespec *start,
+//							struct timespec *stop,
+//							timing_stats_t *stats,
+//							boolean_t START,
+//							uint8_t PRINT_INTERVAL )
+//	if ( START ) {
+//		clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, start );
+//	}
+//	else {
+//		clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, stop );
+//		struct timespec		diff;
+//		double				current		= 0;
+////		boolean_t			show_stats	= false;
+//		diff 	= get_timespec_diff( start, stop );
+//		current = (double)diff.tv_sec * 1000000 + (double)diff.tv_nsec / 1000;
+//		if ( current > stats->max ) {
+//			stats->max = current;
+////			show_stats = true;
+//		}
+//		if ( stats->min == 0 || current < stats->min ) {
+//			stats->min = current;
+////			show_stats = true;
+//		}
+//		stats->total += current;
+////		if ( show_stats ) {
+////			rf_device.trx_get_stats_func( &rf_device );
+////		}
+////		if ( stats->count % PRINT_INTERVAL == 0 ) {
+////			double			avg	= stats->total / ( stats->count + 1 );
+////			printf( "[%s][%d] Current : %.2lf µs, Min : %.2lf µs, Max : %.2lf µs, Avg : %.2lf µs\n",
+////					stats->count, stats->name, current, stats->min, stats->max, avg );
+////		}
+//		stats->count++;
+//	}
+int32_t **rxdata;
+int32_t **txdata;
+int setup_ue_buffers(PHY_VARS_UE **phy_vars_ue, openair0_config_t *openair0_cfg);
+static inline void saif_meas(int frame_rx, int subframe_rx) {
+    static latency_stat_t __thread latency_stat;
+    static struct timespec __thread last= {0};
+    struct timespec now;
+    clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, &now);
+    if ( last.tv_sec )  {
+        uint64_t diffTime =  ((uint64_t)now.tv_sec *1000 *1000 *1000 + now.tv_nsec) -
+                             ((uint64_t)last.tv_sec *1000 *1000 *1000 + last.tv_nsec);
+        diffTime/=1000;
+        latency_stat.counter++;
+        if ( diffTime <= 800 ) {
+          if (diffTime  < 250 )
+            latency_stat.stat250++;
+          else if (diffTime  < 500 )
+            latency_stat.stat500++;
+          else if (diffTime  < 600 )
+            latency_stat.stat600++;
+          else if (diffTime  < 700 )
+            latency_stat.stat700++;
+          else
+            latency_stat.stat800++;
+        }
+        else if ( diffTime > 1200 ) {
+            if (diffTime  < 1500 )
+                latency_stat.stat1300++;
+            else if ( diffTime < 2000 )
+                latency_stat.stat1500++;
+            else if ( diffTime < 2500 )
+                latency_stat.stat2000++;
+            else if ( diffTime < 3000 )
+                latency_stat.stat2500++;
+            else
+                latency_stat.stat3000++;
+        }
+        else
+          if (diffTime  <= 880 )
+            latency_stat.stat880++;
+          else if (diffTime  <= 960 )
+            latency_stat.stat960++;
+          else if (diffTime  <= 1040 )
+            latency_stat.stat1040++;
+          else if (diffTime  < 1120 )
+            latency_stat.stat1120++;
+          else
+            latency_stat.stat1200++;
+        if ( (diffTime>=1500) || ( !(frame_rx%1024) && subframe_rx == 0 ) ) {
+            time_t current=time(NULL);
+            printf("\n");
+            printf("%.2f Period stats cnt=%7.7ld    0.. 250=%7.7ld  250.. 500=%7.7ld  500.. 600=%7.7ld  600.. 700=%7.7ld  700.. 800=%7.7ld - (frame_rx=%d) - %s",
+                  now.tv_sec+(double)now.tv_nsec/1e9,
+                  latency_stat.counter,
+                  latency_stat.stat250, latency_stat.stat500,
+                  latency_stat.stat600, latency_stat.stat700,
+                  latency_stat.stat800,
+                  frame_rx,
+                  ctime(&current));
+            printf("%.2f Period stats cnt=%7.7ld  800.. 880=%7.7ld  880.. 960=%7.7ld  960..1040=%7.7ld 1040..1120=%7.7ld 1120..1200=%7.7ld - (frame_rx=%d) - %s",
+                  now.tv_sec+(double)now.tv_nsec/1e9,
+                  latency_stat.counter,
+                  latency_stat.stat880, latency_stat.stat960,
+                  latency_stat.stat1040, latency_stat.stat1120,
+                  latency_stat.stat1200,
+                  frame_rx,
+                  ctime(&current));
+            printf("%.2f Period stats cnt=%7.7ld 1200..1300=%7.7ld 1300..1500=%7.7ld 1500..2000=%7.7ld 2000..2500=%7.7ld      >3000=%7.7ld - (frame_rx=%d) - %s",
+                  now.tv_sec+(double)now.tv_nsec/1e9,
+                  latency_stat.counter,
+                  latency_stat.stat1300, latency_stat.stat1500,
+                  latency_stat.stat2000, latency_stat.stat2500,
+                  latency_stat.stat3000,
+                  frame_rx,
+                  ctime(&current));
+            fflush(stdout);
+        }
+    }
+    last=now;
+/* End of Changed by SYRTEM */
+void exit_fun(const char* s)
+  if (s != NULL) {
+    printf("%s %s() Exiting OAI softmodem: %s\n",__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, s);
+  }
+  oai_exit = 1;
+void init_thread(int sched_runtime, int sched_deadline, int sched_fifo, char * name) {
+    if (sched_runtime!=0) {
+        struct sched_attr attr= {0};
+        attr.size = sizeof(attr);
+        // This creates a .5 ms fpga_recv_cnt reservation
+        attr.sched_policy = SCHED_DEADLINE;
+        attr.sched_runtime  = sched_runtime;
+        attr.sched_deadline = sched_deadline;
+        attr.sched_period   = 0;
+        AssertFatal(sched_setattr(0, &attr, 0) == 0,
+                    "[SCHED] main eNB thread: sched_setattr failed %s \n",perror(errno));
+        LOG_I(HW,"[SCHED][eNB] eNB main deadline thread %lu started on CPU %d\n",
+              (unsigned long)gettid(), sched_getcpu());
+    }
+    if (get_nprocs() >2) {
+        for (j = 1; j < get_nprocs(); j++)
+            CPU_SET(j, &cpuset);
+    }
+    AssertFatal( 0 == pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), &cpuset)==0,"");
+    struct sched_param sp;
+    sp.sched_priority = sched_fifo;
+    AssertFatal(pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(),SCHED_FIFO,&sp)==0,
+                "Can't set thread priority, Are you root?\n");
+    // Lock memory from swapping. This is a process wide call (not constraint to this thread).
+    mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);
+    pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), name );
+int main(void)
+	int                 ret;
+	uint64_t			i;
+	openair0_device     rf_device;
+	openair0_timestamp	timestamp       = 0;
+	int					sub_frame       = 0;
+	unsigned int        frame_rx        = 0;
+	unsigned int        nb_antennas_tx  = 1;
+	unsigned int        nb_antennas_rx  = 1;
+	openair0_cfg[0].mmapped_dma         = 0;
+	openair0_cfg[0].configFilename      = NULL;
+	openair0_cfg[0].duplex_mode         = duplex_mode_FDD;
+	uint32_t			**sendbuff		= NULL;
+	uint32_t			**recvbuff		= NULL;
+	uint32_t			expected_value	= 0;
+	uint32_t			received_value	= 0;
+	int					nsamp 			= 0; // 1 ms
+	int					antenna_id		= 1;
+	int 				c 				= 0;
+	int 				numIter			= 0;
+	int 				fpga_loop		= 0;
+	uint64_t			first_ts		= 0;
+	uint8_t				is_first_ts		= 0;
+	uint64_t			trx_read_cnt	= 0;
+	uint32_t			j				= 0;
+	uint32_t			err_cnt			= 0;
+	int         		failure			= 0;
+#if 0 // 5MHz BW
+  unsigned int 			nb_sample_per_tti	= 7680;
+  openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate				= 7.68e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].samples_per_frame			= nb_sample_per_tti*10;
+  openair0_cfg[0].rx_bw						= 2.5e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].tx_bw						= 2.5e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].num_rb_dl					= 25;
+#if 0 // 10MHz BW
+  unsigned int  nb_sample_per_tti   = 15360;
+  openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate       = 15.36e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].samples_per_frame = nb_sample_per_tti*10;
+  openair0_cfg[0].rx_bw             = 5.0e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].tx_bw             = 5.0e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].num_rb_dl         = 50;
+#if 1 // 20MHz BW
+  unsigned int  nb_sample_per_tti   = 30720;
+  openair0_cfg[0].sample_rate       = 30.72e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].samples_per_frame = nb_sample_per_tti*10;
+  openair0_cfg[0].rx_bw             = 10.0e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].tx_bw             = 10.0e6;
+  openair0_cfg[0].num_rb_dl         = 100;
+  const char *openair_dir = getenv("OPENAIR_DIR");
+  const char *ini_file		= "/targets/ARCH/ADRV9371_ZC706/USERSPACE/PROFILES/ue.band7.tm1.PRB100.adrv9371-zc706_HWgain15dB.ini";
+  int   readBlockSize;
+  void* rxp[nb_antennas_rx];
+  void* txp[nb_antennas_tx];
+//  int32_t rxdata[1][nb_sample_per_tti*10+2048];
+#if 0
+  int32_t 				**rxdata;
+//  init_thread(100000, 500000, sched_get_priority_max(SCHED_FIFO),"main UE");
+	printf("LTE HARDWARE Latency debug utility \n");
+  printf("INIT data buffers \n");
+#if 0
+  rxdata    = (int32_t**)memalign(32, nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t*) );
+  rxdata[0] = (int32_t*)memalign(32,(nb_sample_per_tti*10+2048)*sizeof(int32_t));
+  rxdata = (int32_t**)malloc16( nb_antennas_rx*sizeof(int32_t*) );
+  txdata = (int32_t**)malloc16( nb_antennas_tx*sizeof(int32_t*) );
+  rxdata[0] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( 307200*sizeof(int32_t) );
+  txdata[0] = (int32_t*)malloc16_clear( 307200*sizeof(int32_t) );
+	printf("INIT done\n");
+	memset(&rf_device, 0, sizeof(openair0_device));
+	rf_device.host_type = BBU_HOST;
+	openair0_cfg[0].duplex_mode = duplex_mode_FDD;
+	openair0_cfg[0].rx_num_channels  = 1;
+	openair0_cfg[0].tx_num_channels  = 1;
+	// configure channel 0
+	for (i=0; i<openair0_cfg[0].rx_num_channels; i++)
+  {
+		printf("configure channel %d \n",i);
+		openair0_cfg[0].autocal[i] = 1;
+		openair0_cfg[0].rx_freq[i] = 2680000000;
+		openair0_cfg[0].tx_freq[i] = 2560000000;
+		openair0_cfg[0].rx_gain[i] = 61;
+		openair0_cfg[0].tx_gain[i] = 90;
+	}
+	if (openair_dir)
+	{
+		openair0_cfg[0].configFilename = malloc(strlen(openair_dir) + strlen(ini_file) + 2);
+		sprintf(openair0_cfg[0].configFilename, "%s/%s", openair_dir, ini_file);
+	}
+//	printf("openair0_cfg[0].configFilename:%s\n", openair0_cfg[0].configFilename);
+	ret = openair0_device_load( &rf_device, &openair0_cfg[0] );
+	if (ret != 0){
+		exit_fun("Error loading device library");
+    exit(-1);
+	}
+/*	Runtime test
+ *	30 720 000 samples (4 bytes) for 1 sec (30 720 for 1 ms)
+ */
+	puts( "* Starting the device" );
+//	struct timespec		start, stop; // tx_start, tx_stop;
+//	timing_stats_t		rx_stats, tx_stats;
+//	rx_stats.name		= strdup( "RX" );
+//	tx_stats.name		= strdup( "TX" );
+	nsamp		= 307200; // 1 ms
+	sendbuff	= memalign( 128, nb_antennas_rx * sizeof( uint32_t * ) );
+	sendbuff[0]	= memalign( 128, nsamp * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
+	recvbuff	= memalign( 128, nb_antennas_rx * sizeof( uint32_t * ) );
+	recvbuff[0]	= memalign( 128, nsamp * sizeof( uint32_t ) );
+//	Create dummy buffer
+	for ( c = 0; c < nsamp; c++ ) {
+//		sendbuff[0][c] = (c+1);
+		sendbuff[0][c] = (c+1)*16;
+//		sendbuff[0][c] = (nsamp-c);
+		recvbuff[0][c] = 0;
+	}
+	if ( rf_device.trx_start_func( &rf_device ) < 0 ) {
+		printf( "  device could not be started !\n" );
+		return -1;
+	}
+	// read 30720
+	// write 30720 ts+2*30720
+	// if tsread >= 2-307200 -> check expected value + status (RxoVer TxUnder)
+	rxp[0]			= (void*)&rxdata[0][0];
+	txp[0]			= (void*)&txdata[0][0];
+	timestamp		= 0;
+	nsamp			= 30720;	// 30720  => 1ms buffer
+	trx_read_cnt	= 100000;		// 1 loop => 1ms (10sec=10000; 15min = 900000)
+	antenna_id		= 1;
+	int	diff		= 0;
+	int compare_start	= 0;
+	uint32_t	looploop=0;
+	uint64_t	error_cnt = 0;
+	uint64_t	error_ts_start;
+	for (i = 0; i < trx_read_cnt; i++)
+	{
+//		printf("\n\n");
+//		ret = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device, &timestamp, &(rxp[0][(i*30720)%307200]), nsamp, antenna_id );
+//		ret = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device, &timestamp, recvbuff[0][(i*30720)%307200], nsamp, antenna_id );
+		rxp[0]			= (void*)&rxdata[0][(i*30720)%307200];
+		ret = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device, &timestamp, rxp, nsamp, antenna_id );
+		if (ret != nsamp)
+		{
+			printf("Error: nsamp received (%d) != nsamp required (%d)\n", ret, nsamp);
+			fflush(stdout);
+			return (-1);
+		}
+		if (!is_first_ts)
+		{
+			first_ts 	= timestamp;
+			is_first_ts	= 1;
+		}
+//		printf("%d - trx_read_func ret=%d - ts = %d - @=0x%08lx\n", i, ret, timestamp, rxp[0]  );
+		txp[0]			= (void*)&(txdata[0][ ((i*30720)%307200+2*30720)%307200 ]);	
+//		printf("    i=%d @txp[0][0] = 0x%016lx\n", i, &(((uint32_t *)txp[0])[0]) );
+//		printf("    i=%d @txp[0][1] = 0x%016lx\n", i, &(((uint32_t *)txp[0])[1]) );
+		for ( c = 0; c < nsamp; c++ )
+		{
+			(((uint32_t *)txp[0])[c]) = ( (((timestamp+c+2*30720)<<4)&0x0000FFF0) + (((timestamp+c+2*30720)<<8)&0xFFF00000) );
+		}
+//		printf("    txp[0][%d] = 0x%x\n",0,((uint32_t *)(txp[0]))[0]);
+//		printf("    txp[0][%d] = 0x%x\n",1,((uint32_t *)(txp[0]))[1]);
+//		printf("    ...\n");
+//		printf("    txp[0][%d] = 0x%x\n",nsamp-2,((uint32_t *)(txp[0]))[nsamp-2]);
+//		printf("    txp[0][%d] = 0x%x\n",nsamp-1,((uint32_t *)(txp[0]))[nsamp-1]);
+		ret = rf_device.trx_write_func( &rf_device, (timestamp+2*30720), txp, nsamp, antenna_id, false );
+		if (ret != nsamp)
+		{
+			printf("Error: nsamp sent (%d) != nsamp required (%d)\n", ret, nsamp);
+			fflush(stdout);
+			return (-1);
+		}
+//		printf("%d - trx_write_func ret=%d - ts = %d - @=0x%08lx\n", i, ret, (timestamp+2*30720), txp[0]  );
+		if (timestamp >= (first_ts + 2 * 307200))
+		{			
+			// check Rx Overflow
+			// check Tx Underflow
+			// check Expected Value
+			for ( c = 0; c < nsamp; c++ )
+			{
+#if 1
+				expected_value	= ((timestamp + c)&0xFFFFFF);
+				received_value	= ((uint32_t *)(rxp[0]))[c];
+				received_value	= ((received_value)&0xFFF) + ((received_value>>4)&0xFFF000);
+				if (compare_start == 0)
+				{
+					compare_start	= 1;
+					diff			= expected_value - received_value;
+				}
+				received_value = (received_value + diff)&0xFFFFFF;
+#if 1
+				if (expected_value != received_value)
+				{
+					if(!error_cnt)
+						error_ts_start = (timestamp + c);
+					else
+					{
+						if (looploop < 32)
+							printf("%d - %d != %d - ts %d - raw 0x%x - diff %d\n",
+								looploop, 
+								expected_value, received_value, 
+								(timestamp + c), ((uint32_t *)(rxp[0]))[c],
+								diff);
+						looploop++;
+					}
+					error_cnt++;
+					if(!(error_cnt%102400))
+						printf(" -> error detected     : cnt=%d - start=%ld - stop=... diff=%d\n",
+									error_cnt,
+									error_ts_start,
+									diff);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if(error_cnt)
+					{
+						printf(" -> error detected     : cnt=%d - start=%ld - stop=%ld\n\n",
+									error_cnt,
+									error_ts_start,
+									(timestamp + c) );
+						looploop=0;
+					}
+					error_cnt=0;
+				}
+// DEBUG mode 0
+#if 0
+				received_value	= ((uint32_t *)(rxp[0]))[c];
+				received_value	= ((received_value)&0xFFF) + ((received_value>>4)&0xFFF000);
+				received_value	= (received_value&0xFFFFFF);
+				if (compare_start == 0)
+				{
+					compare_start	= 1;
+					expected_value 	= received_value;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					expected_value++;
+					expected_value	= (expected_value&0xFFFFFF);
+				}
+				if (expected_value != received_value)
+				{
+					if(!error_cnt)
+						error_ts_start = (timestamp + c);
+					error_cnt++;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					if(error_cnt)
+					{
+						printf(" -> error detected     : cnt=%d - start=%ld - stop=%ld\n\n",
+									error_cnt,
+									error_ts_start,
+									(timestamp + c) );
+					}
+					error_cnt=0;
+				}
+//				if (expected_value != received_value)
+//				{
+//					printf("%d -> %d != %d (ts+c=%ld)(raw=0x%08x)\n", 
+//							looploop, 
+//							expected_value, received_value,
+//							(timestamp + c),
+//							((uint32_t *)(rxp[0]))[c] );
+//					if (received_value)
+//						expected_value 	= received_value;
+//				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	printf("HwLat Application returns !!!\n");
+	fflush(stdout);
+	sleep(1);
+	printf("\n");
+	rf_device.trx_end_func( &rf_device );
+	sleep(1);
+	free(sendbuff[0]);
+	free(sendbuff);
+	free(recvbuff[0]);
+	free(recvbuff);
+	exit(0);
+	return(0);
+//	puts( "* Frequency modification test" );
+//	rf_device.trx_set_freq_func( &rf_device, &openair0_cfg[0], 0 );
+//	puts( "* Gain modification test" );
+//	rf_device.trx_set_gains_func( &rf_device, &openair0_cfg[0] );	//	NOT working (cf. initialization)
+//#if LTE_UE
+//  sleep(1);
+	for (i = 0; i < trx_read_cnt; i++)
+	{
+    printf("\n");
+		ret = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device, &timestamp, rxp, nsamp, antenna_id );
+    printf("* timestamp=%ld\n", timestamp);
+#if 1
+		for (j = 0; j < nsamp; j++)
+		{
+			if ( ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[j] != ((expected_value + j + timestamp)%307200) )
+			{
+				err_cnt++;
+				printf("rxp[%06d]=0x%08x (expected 0x%08lx)\n", j, ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[j], ((expected_value + j + timestamp)%307200) );
+			}
+			if (err_cnt >= 128)
+			{
+				printf("Error: more than 128 expected value failed !\n");
+				i = (trx_read_cnt - 1);
+				j = nsamp;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		//expected_value	= (expected_value + nsamp)%307200;
+    expected_value  = (expected_value)%307200;
+	}
+/* ********** ********** */
+/* ********** ********** */
+//  rf_device.trx_get_stats_func( &rf_device );
+  rf_device.trx_end_func( &rf_device );
+  printf("\n* rf_device.trx_read_func(%d) x %d: %.6lf s\n\n", nsamp, i, ((TIME_VAL_TO_MS(1) - TIME_VAL_TO_MS(0)))/1000.0 );
+//  rf_device.trx_get_stats_func( &rf_device );
+#if 0
+  for (i = 0; i < nsamp; i++)
+  {
+//    if ( ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[i] != i)
+//    {
+      err_cnt++;
+      printf("rxp[%06d]=0x%08x (expected 0x%08x)\n", i, ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[i], i);
+//    }
+//    if (err_cnt > 256)
+//    {
+//      i = 307200;
+//      break;
+//    }
+  }
+//  for (i = 1024-32; i < 1024+32; i++)
+//  {
+////    if ( ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[i] != i)
+////    {
+//      err_cnt++;
+//      printf("rxp[%06d]=0x%08x (expected 0x%08x)\n", i, ((uint32_t *)rxp[0])[i], i);
+////    }
+//    if (err_cnt > 256)
+//    {
+//      i = 307200;
+//      break;
+//    }
+//  }
+	printf("RIFFA CHANNEL DATA1 done !!!\n");
+  sleep(1);
+	return(0);
+/* ********** ********** */
+/* ********** ********** */
+	timestamp	= 0;
+	ret = rf_device.trx_write_func( &rf_device, timestamp, (void**)sendbuff, nsamp, antenna_id, false );
+	printf("* rf_device.trx_write_func returns %d\n", ret);
+	sleep(1);
+	nsamp	= 30720;
+	numIter		= 100000;
+	for ( c = 0; c < numIter; c++ )
+	{
+		fpga_loop ++;
+		if ( !(fpga_loop % 1000) )
+		{
+			printf("\rtest loop %d / %d", fpga_loop, numIter);
+			fflush(stdout);
+		}
+//		printf("* TEST : %08d\n", (c+1));
+//		measure_time( &rf_device, &start, &stop, &tx_stats, true, 10 );
+//		ret = rf_device.trx_write_func( &rf_device, timestamp, (void**)sendbuff, nsamp, antenna_id, false );
+//    		printf("* rf_device.trx_write_func returns %d\n", ret);
+//		measure_time( &rf_device, &start, &stop, &tx_stats, false, 10 );
+//		sleep(1);
+//		measure_time( &rf_device, &start, &stop, &tx_stats, true, 10 );
+		ret = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device, &timestamp, (void**)recvbuff, nsamp, antenna_id );
+//		measure_time( &rf_device, &start, &stop, &tx_stats, false, 10 );
+		// Check the data
+		if (ret > 0)
+		{
+/* ********** ********** */
+/* ********** ********** */
+      failure = 0;
+			for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
+			{
+				if ( ((i%1024) == 0) || ((i%1024) == 1) || ((i%1024) == 2) || ((i%1024) == 3) )
+				{
+					if ( (recvbuff[0])[i] != (1020 + ((i%1024)+1)) )
+					{
+						printf("* ERROR (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], ((i%1024)+1) );
+						failure = 1;
+					}
+				}
+				else if ( (recvbuff[0])[i] != ((i%1024)+1) )
+				{
+					printf("* ERROR (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], ((i%1024)+1) );
+					failure = 1;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					printf("* DONE  (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], ((i%1024)+1) );
+				}
+				if(failure)
+					break;
+			}
+			if (failure)
+			 	printf("* ERROR recv %08d checked FAILURE ret=%d\n", (c+1), ret);
+			else
+      			{
+//			 	printf("* DONE  recv %08d checked SUCCESSFULLY ret=%d\n", (c+1), ret);
+      			}
+/* ********** ********** */
+/* ********** ********** */
+//			printf("* ret=%d timestamp=%ld (%ld)\n", ret, timestamp, (timestamp%307200));
+      failure = 0;
+			for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
+			{
+//				printf("* (recvbuff[0])[%d]: %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i]);
+//				printf("* timestamp+(i/1024+1)*1024 - 3 + i%1024: %d\n", (timestamp-nsamp+(i/1024+1)*1024 - 3 + i%1024)%307200 );
+				expected_value	= ((((i%1024)+1)/*>>4*/)&0x00000FFF);
+				if ( ((i%1024) == 0) || ((i%1024) == 1) || ((i%1024) == 2) || ((i%1024) == 3) )
+				{
+					expected_value	= ((((timestamp-nsamp+(i/1024+1)*1024 - 3 + i%1024))%307200));
+					if ( (recvbuff[0])[i] !=  expected_value)
+					{
+						if ( (expected_value == 0) && ((recvbuff[0])[i] != 4915200) )
+						{
+							printf("* ERROR (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], expected_value );
+							failure = 1;
+						}
+						if ( (expected_value == 0) && ((recvbuff[0])[i] == 4915200) )
+						{
+//							printf("* DONE loop in circular buffer\n");
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else if ( (recvbuff[0])[i] != expected_value )
+				{
+					printf("* ERROR (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], ((i%1024)+1) );
+					failure = 1;
+				}
+				else
+				{
+//					printf("* DONE  (buff[0])[%d]: %d, expected %d\n", i, (uint32_t)(recvbuff[0])[i], ((i%1024)+1) );
+				}
+//				if(failure)
+//					break;
+			}
+			if (failure)
+			 	printf("* ERROR recv %08d checked FAILURE ret=%d\n", (c+1), ret);
+			else
+      			{
+//			 	printf("* DONE  recv %08d checked SUCCESSFULLY ret=%d\n", (c+1), ret);
+      			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			printf("* ERROR rf_device.trx_read_func returns %d\n", ret);
+		}
+	}
+	printf("\n");
+	rf_device.trx_end_func( &rf_device );
+	sleep(1);
+	free(sendbuff[0]);
+	free(sendbuff);
+	free(recvbuff[0]);
+	free(recvbuff);
+	exit(0);
+	rf_device.trx_set_freq_func(&rf_device,&openair0_cfg[0],0);
+	if (rf_device.trx_start_func(&rf_device) != 0 ) {
+		printf("Could not start the device\n");
+		oai_exit=1;
+	}
+	while(!oai_exit){
+	rxp[0] = (void*)&rxdata[0][sub_frame*nb_sample_per_tti];
+	readBlockSize = rf_device.trx_read_func( &rf_device,
+											&timestamp,
+											rxp,
+											nb_sample_per_tti,
+											0);
+    if ( readBlockSize != nb_sample_per_tti )
+      oai_exit = 1;
+    sub_frame++;
+    sub_frame%=10;
+    if( sub_frame == 0)
+      frame_rx++;
+    saif_meas(frame_rx, sub_frame);
+  }
+  return(0);
diff --git a/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat2.c b/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat2.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..67761be9a7fcfb796dfbfe977b1865a519a8dd11
--- /dev/null
+++ b/targets/RT/USER/lte-hwlat2.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1282 @@
+ * Licensed to the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The OpenAirInterface Software Alliance licenses this file to You under
+ * the OAI Public License, Version 1.1  (the "License"); you may not use this file
+ * except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *      http://www.openairinterface.org/?page_id=698
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ * For more information about the OpenAirInterface (OAI) Software Alliance:
+ *      contact@openairinterface.org
+ */
+/* *************************************************************************************************
+  see TESTS PARAMETERS section below
+  2 - COMPILATION CMD LINE (same as openair compilation)
+  /usr/bin/cc            -msse4.1 -mssse3  -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fno-strict-aliasing -rdynamic -funroll-loops -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat -fPIC  -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_FCNTL_H=1 -DHAVE_ARPA_INET_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H=1 -DHAVE_STRERROR=1 -DHAVE_SOCKET=1 -DHAVE_MEMSET=1 -DHAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_MALLOC=1 -DHAVE_LIBSCTP -g -DMALLOC_CHECK_=3 -O2  -o lte-hwlat-test  lte-hwlat2.c -lrt -lpthread -lm -ldl
+    - AVX2 Support
+  /usr/bin/cc     -mavx2 -msse4.1 -mssse3  -std=gnu99 -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -fno-strict-aliasing -rdynamic -funroll-loops -Wno-packed-bitfield-compat -fPIC  -DSTDC_HEADERS=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_STAT_H=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_STRING_H=1 -DHAVE_MEMORY_H=1 -DHAVE_STRINGS_H=1 -DHAVE_INTTYPES_H=1 -DHAVE_STDINT_H=1 -DHAVE_UNISTD_H=1 -DHAVE_FCNTL_H=1 -DHAVE_ARPA_INET_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_TIME_H=1 -DHAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H=1 -DHAVE_STRERROR=1 -DHAVE_SOCKET=1 -DHAVE_MEMSET=1 -DHAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY=1 -DHAVE_STDLIB_H=1 -DHAVE_MALLOC=1 -DHAVE_LIBSCTP -g -DMALLOC_CHECK_=3 -O2  -o lte-hwlat-test  lte-hwlat2.c -lrt -lpthread -lm -ldl
+  3 - RUN
+  sudo cset shield --force --kthread on -c 1-3    // for 4 cores
+  sudo cset shield --force --kthread on -c 1-7    // for 8 cores
+  sudo cset shield ./lte-hwlat-test
+  4 - remove cset shield
+  sudo cset shield --reset
+ ***************************************************************************************************/
+/* *************************************************************************************************
+ */
+#define     HWLAT_LOOP_CNT      1000000   /* measurment loop count for each thread*/
+#define     HWLAT_TTI_SLEEP_US  250     /* usleep duration -> IQ capture simulation (in µ seconds) */
+#define     RX_NB_TH            6
+/* Laurent Thpmas instrumentation -> see openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h for full implementation
+    -> This is a copy and paste implementation in this file for a self contained source */
+#define     INSTRUMENTATION_LT_RDTSC              1
+/* SYRTEM rdtsc instrumentation implementation (see below for more infaormation) */
+#define     INSTRUMENTATION_SYR_RDTSC             2
+/* SYRTEM instrumentation using clock_gettime MONOTONIC */
+/* SYRTEM instrumentation using clock_gettime REALTIME */
+/* Statistics histogram output */
+#define HISTOGRAM_MIN_VALUE     0
+#define HISTOGRAM_MAX_VALUE     2000
+#define HISTOGRAM_STEP          1
+/* *************************************************************************************************/
+ */
+#define _GNU_SOURCE
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <linux/kernel.h>
+#include <linux/types.h>
+#include <syscall.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <sched.h> 
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <linux/sched.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <execinfo.h>
+#include <getopt.h>
+#include <sys/sysinfo.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>   /* For SYS_xxx definitions */
+#include <inttypes.h>
+/* From rt_wrapper.h 
+#define gettid() syscall(__NR_gettid) // for gettid
+/* From common/utils/itti/assertions.h
+# define display_backtrace()
+#define _Assert_Exit_                           \
+{                                               \
+    fprintf(stderr, "\nExiting execution\n");   \
+    display_backtrace();                        \
+    fflush(stdout);                             \
+    fflush(stderr);                             \
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);                         \
+#define _Assert_(cOND, aCTION, fORMAT, aRGS...)             \
+do {                                                        \
+    if (!(cOND)) {                                          \
+        fprintf(stderr, "\nAssertion ("#cOND") failed!\n"   \
+                "In %s() %s:%d\n" fORMAT,                   \
+                __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, ##aRGS);  \
+        aCTION;                                             \
+    }           \
+} while(0)
+#define AssertFatal(cOND, fORMAT, aRGS...)          _Assert_(cOND, _Assert_Exit_, fORMAT, ##aRGS)
+/* From "openair1/PHY/TOOLS/time_meas.h"
+double cpu_freq_GHz;
+typedef struct {
+  long long in;
+  long long diff;
+  long long diff_now;
+  long long p_time; /*!< \brief absolute process duration */
+  long long diff_square; /*!< \brief process duration square */
+  long long max;
+  int trials;
+  int meas_flag;
+} time_stats_t;
+static inline unsigned long long rdtsc_oai(void) __attribute__((always_inline));
+static inline unsigned long long rdtsc_oai(void)
+  unsigned long long a, d;
+  __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
+  return (d<<32) | a;
+double get_cpu_freq_GHz(void);
+static inline void reset_meas(time_stats_t *ts) {
+  ts->trials=0;
+  ts->diff=0;
+  ts->diff_now=0;
+  ts->p_time=0;
+  ts->diff_square=0;
+  ts->max=0;
+  ts->meas_flag=0;
+double estimate_MHz_syr(void);
+static __inline__ uint64_t pickCyclesStart(void);
+static __inline__ uint64_t pickCyclesStop(void);
+/* From "openair2/UTIL/LOG/log.h"
+extern double cpuf;         
+extern double cpu_mhz_syr;
+static __inline__ uint64_t rdtsc(void) {
+  uint64_t a, d;
+  __asm__ volatile ("rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d));
+  return (d<<32) | a;
+typedef struct m {
+    uint64_t iterations;
+    uint64_t sum;
+    uint64_t maxArray[11];
+} Meas;
+static inline void printMeas(char * txt, Meas *M, int period) {
+    if (M->iterations%period == 0 ) {
+        char txt2[512];
+        sprintf(txt2,"%s avg=%" PRIu64 " iterations=%" PRIu64 " max=%" 
+                PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 ":%" PRIu64 "\n",
+                txt,
+                M->sum/M->iterations,
+                M->iterations,
+                M->maxArray[1],M->maxArray[2], M->maxArray[3],M->maxArray[4], M->maxArray[5], 
+                M->maxArray[6],M->maxArray[7], M->maxArray[8],M->maxArray[9],M->maxArray[10]);
+// SYRTEM : just use printf do not include all LOG_X for this test
+        printf("%s",txt2);
+//        LOG_W(PHY, "%s",txt2);
+    }
+static inline int cmpint(const void* a, const void* b) {
+    uint64_t* aa=(uint64_t*)a;
+    uint64_t* bb=(uint64_t*)b;
+    return (int)(*aa-*bb);
+static inline uint64_t updateTimes(uint64_t start, Meas *M, int period, char * txt) {
+    if (start!=0) {
+        uint64_t end=rdtsc();
+        long long diff=(end-start)/(cpuf*1000);
+        M->maxArray[0]=diff;
+        M->sum+=diff;
+        M->iterations++;
+        qsort(M->maxArray, 11, sizeof(uint64_t), cmpint);
+//        printMeas(txt,M,period);    // SYRTEM : Printed only a the end of the measurment loop 
+        return diff;
+    }
+    return 0;
+static inline uint64_t updateTimes_syr(uint64_t start, Meas *M, int period, char * txt) {
+    if (start!=0) {
+//        uint64_t end=rdtsc();
+        uint64_t end=pickCyclesStop();
+        long long diff=(long long)((double)(end-start)/(cpu_mhz_syr));
+//        long long diff=(end-start)/(cpuf*1000);
+        M->maxArray[0]=diff;
+        M->sum+=diff;
+        M->iterations++;
+        qsort(M->maxArray, 11, sizeof(uint64_t), cmpint);
+//        printMeas(txt,M,period);    // SYRTEM : Printed only a the end of the measurment loop 
+        return diff;
+    }
+    return 0;
+#define initRefTimes(a) static __thread Meas a= {0}
+#define pickTime(a) uint64_t a=rdtsc()
+#define pickTime_syr(a) uint64_t a=pickCyclesStart()
+#define readTime(a) a
+ */
+#define TIMESPEC_TO_DOUBLE_US( t )    ( ( (double)t.tv_sec * 1000000 ) + ( (double)t.tv_nsec / 1000 ) )
+typedef struct histo_time {
+  double      max;
+  unsigned int  count;
+} histo_time_t;
+static void measure_time ( struct timespec *start, struct timespec *stop, uint8_t START, uint16_t PRINT_INTERVAL );
+static struct timespec  get_timespec_diff( struct timespec *start, struct timespec *stop );
+void  histogram_save_in_csv( histo_time_t *histo , char *file_prefix);
+histo_time_t  *histogram_init( histo_time_t *histo );
+void          histogram_store_value( histo_time_t *histo, double value );
+#define FIFO_PRIORITY         40
+#define true            1
+#define false           0
+ */
+/* stub of UE_rxtx_proc full structure in openair1/PHY/defs.h  
+typedef struct  UE_rxtx_proc {
+  int                 instance_cnt_rxtx;
+  pthread_t           pthread_rxtx;
+  pthread_cond_t      cond_rxtx;
+  pthread_mutex_t     mutex_rxtx;
+  int sub_frame_start;
+  int sub_frame_step;
+  unsigned long long gotIQs;
+  unsigned long syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_iteration;
+  uint64_t      syr_rdtsc_ue_th_got_iq;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock; 
+  double        syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_max;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_mean;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_min;
+  histo_time_t  *syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram;
+} UE_rxtx_proc_t;
+/* this structure is used to pass both UE phy vars and
+ * proc to the function UE_thread_rxn_txnp4
+ */
+struct rx_tx_thread_data {
+  /* PHY_VARS_UE    *UE;  */  // UE phy vars not used for this test
+  UE_rxtx_proc_t    *proc;    // We use a stub of rxtx_proc see definition above
+// ODD / EVEN Scheduling
+#if 0
+typedef struct  threads_s {
+    int         iq;
+    int         odd;
+    int         even;
+} threads_t;
+threads_t       threads = { -1, -1, -1 }; // Core number for each thread (iq=3, even=2, odd=1)
+// SLOT 0 / SLOT 1 parallelization
+typedef struct threads_s {
+    int iq;
+    int one;
+    int two;
+    int three;
+    int four;
+    int five;
+    int six;
+    int slot1_proc_one;
+    int slot1_proc_two;
+    int slot1_proc_three;
+} threads_t;
+threads_t threads= {7,6,5,4,3,2,1,-1,-1,-1};
+ */
+void *UE_thread(void *arg);
+void init_UE(int nb_inst);
+ */
+volatile int      oai_exit  = 0;
+int           th_count  = 0;
+double cpuf;
+double cpu_mhz_syr;
+pthread_t       pthread_ue;
+pthread_attr_t      attr_ue;
+UE_rxtx_proc_t      **rxtx_proc;
+struct timespec     even_start, even_stop;
+struct timespec     odd_start, odd_stop;
+histo_time_t      *th_wake_histogram;
+ */
+void exit_fun(const char* s) {
+    if ( s != NULL ) {
+        printf("%s %s() Exiting OAI softmodem: %s\n",__FILE__, __FUNCTION__, s);
+    }
+    oai_exit = 1;
+void init_thread(int sched_runtime, int sched_deadline, int sched_fifo, cpu_set_t *cpuset, char * name) {
+    if (sched_runtime!=0) {
+        struct sched_attr attr= {0};
+        attr.size = sizeof(attr);
+        attr.sched_policy = SCHED_DEADLINE;
+        attr.sched_runtime  = sched_runtime;
+        attr.sched_deadline = sched_deadline;
+        attr.sched_period   = 0;
+        AssertFatal(sched_setattr(0, &attr, 0) == 0,
+                    "[SCHED] %s thread: sched_setattr failed %s \n", name, strerror(errno));
+        LOG_I(HW,"[SCHED][eNB] %s deadline thread %lu started on CPU %d\n",
+              name, (unsigned long)gettid(), sched_getcpu());
+    }
+    if (CPU_COUNT(cpuset) > 0)
+        AssertFatal( 0 == pthread_setaffinity_np(pthread_self(), sizeof(cpu_set_t), cpuset), "");
+    struct sched_param sp;
+    sp.sched_priority = sched_fifo;
+    AssertFatal(pthread_setschedparam(pthread_self(),SCHED_FIFO,&sp)==0,
+                "Can't set thread priority, Are you root?\n");
+    /* Check the actual affinity mask assigned to the thread */
+    cpu_set_t *cset=CPU_ALLOC(CPU_SETSIZE);
+    if (0 == pthread_getaffinity_np(pthread_self(), CPU_ALLOC_SIZE(CPU_SETSIZE), cset)) {
+      char txt[512]={0};
+      for (int j = 0; j < CPU_SETSIZE; j++)
+        if (CPU_ISSET(j, cset))
+    sprintf(txt+strlen(txt), " %d ", j);
+      printf("CPU Affinity of thread %s is %s\n", name, txt);
+    }
+    CPU_FREE(cset);
+    // Lock memory from swapping. This is a process wide call (not constraint to this thread).
+    mlockall(MCL_CURRENT | MCL_FUTURE);
+    pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), name );
+// SYRTEM : Synchronization thread is not simulated -> just ignore this part of code
+//    // LTS: this sync stuff should be wrong
+//    printf("waiting for sync (%s)\n",name);
+//    pthread_mutex_lock(&sync_mutex);
+//    printf("Locked sync_mutex, waiting (%s)\n",name);
+//    while (sync_var<0)
+//        pthread_cond_wait(&sync_cond, &sync_mutex);
+//    pthread_mutex_unlock(&sync_mutex);
+    printf("started %s as PID: %ld\n",name, gettid());
+void init_UE(int nb_inst)
+  int inst;
+  for (inst=0; inst < nb_inst; inst++) {
+    //   UE->rfdevice.type      = NONE_DEV;
+// SYRTEM : we use a stub of phy_var_ue
+//    PHY_VARS_UE *UE = PHY_vars_UE_g[inst][0];
+//    AssertFatal(0 == pthread_create(&UE->proc.pthread_ue, &UE->proc.attr_ue, UE_thread, (void*)UE), "");
+    AssertFatal( 0 == pthread_create( &pthread_ue, &attr_ue, UE_thread, NULL ), "" );
+  }
+  printf("UE threads created by %ld\n", gettid());
+// SYRTEM - UE synchronization thread is not used in this latency test program
+//static void *UE_thread_synch(void *arg) {
+//  ...
+// SYRTEM - Stub of UE_thread_rxn_txnp4
+//    -> No DSP scheduled
+//    -> Only thread initialization and thread wake up are kept 
+static void *UE_thread_rxn_txnp4(void *arg){
+    static __thread int UE_thread_rxtx_retval;
+    struct rx_tx_thread_data *rtd = arg;
+    UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc = rtd->proc;
+    proc->instance_cnt_rxtx=-1;
+    char threadname[256];
+    sprintf(threadname,"UE_%d_proc_%d", 0, proc->sub_frame_start);
+    cpu_set_t cpuset;
+    CPU_ZERO(&cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 0 && threads.one != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.one, &cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 1 && threads.two != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.two, &cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 2 && threads.three != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.three, &cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 3 && threads.four != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.four, &cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 4 && threads.five != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.five, &cpuset);
+    if ( (proc->sub_frame_start)%RX_NB_TH == 5 && threads.six != -1 )
+        CPU_SET(threads.six, &cpuset);
+            //CPU_SET(threads.three, &cpuset);
+    init_thread(900000,1000000 , FIFO_PRIORITY-1, &cpuset,
+                threadname);
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_iteration=0;
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_max=0;
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_mean=0;
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_min=1000;
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram = NULL;
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram = histogram_init (proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram);
+    while (!oai_exit) {
+        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) != 0) {
+          printf("[SCHED][UE] error locking mutex for UE RXTX\n" );
+          exit_fun("nothing to add");
+        }
+        while (proc->instance_cnt_rxtx < 0) {
+          // most of the time, the thread is waiting here
+          pthread_cond_wait( &proc->cond_rxtx, &proc->mutex_rxtx );
+        }
+        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) != 0) {
+          printf("[SCHED][UE] error unlocking mutex for UE RXn_TXnp4\n" );
+          exit_fun("nothing to add");
+        }
+        proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock = (double)(pickCyclesStop()-proc->syr_rdtsc_ue_th_got_iq )/cpu_mhz_syr;
+        proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_iteration++;
+        proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_mean += proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock;
+        if ( proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_max < proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock )
+          proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_max = proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock;
+        if ( proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_min > proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock )
+          proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_min = proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock;
+        histogram_store_value( proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram, proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock );
+        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) != 0) {
+          printf("[SCHED][UE] error locking mutex for UE RXTX\n" );
+          exit_fun("noting to add");
+        }
+        proc->instance_cnt_rxtx--;
+        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) != 0) {
+          printf("[SCHED][UE] error unlocking mutex for UE RXTX\n" );
+          exit_fun("noting to add");
+        }
+    }
+// thread finished
+    free(arg);
+    return &UE_thread_rxtx_retval;
+void *UE_thread(void *arg) {
+  int i           = 0;
+  int hw_loop_cnt = 0;
+  int             nb_threads  = RX_NB_TH;
+  char            threadname[128];
+  cpu_set_t           cpuset;
+  struct rx_tx_thread_data  *rtd;
+  UE_rxtx_proc_t *proc;
+  CPU_ZERO( &cpuset );
+  if ( threads.iq != -1 )
+    CPU_SET( threads.iq, &cpuset );
+  init_thread( 100000, 500000, FIFO_PRIORITY, &cpuset, "HDW Threads" );
+  sprintf( threadname, "Main UE %d", 0 );
+  pthread_setname_np( pthread_self(), threadname );
+//  init_UE_threads(UE)
+  pthread_attr_init( &attr_ue );
+  pthread_attr_setstacksize( &attr_ue, 8192 );//5*PTHREAD_STACK_MIN);
+  for ( i = 0; i < nb_threads; i++ ) {
+    printf("\n");
+    rtd = calloc( 1, sizeof( struct rx_tx_thread_data ) );
+    if ( rtd == NULL )
+      abort();
+    rtd->proc = rxtx_proc[i]; // &UE->proc.proc_rxtx[i];
+    pthread_mutex_init( &rxtx_proc[i]->mutex_rxtx ,NULL ); // pthread_mutex_init( &UE->proc.proc_rxtx[i].mutex_rxtx,NULL );
+    pthread_cond_init( &rxtx_proc[i]->cond_rxtx, NULL ); // pthread_cond_init(&UE->proc.proc_rxtx[i].cond_rxtx,NULL);
+    rtd->proc->sub_frame_start=i;
+    rtd->proc->sub_frame_step=nb_threads;
+    printf("Init_UE_threads rtd %d proc %d nb_threads %d i %d\n",rtd->proc->sub_frame_start, rxtx_proc[i]->sub_frame_start,nb_threads, i);
+    pthread_create( &rxtx_proc[i]->pthread_rxtx, NULL, UE_thread_rxn_txnp4, rtd ); // pthread_create( &UE->proc.proc_rxtx[i].pthread_rxtx, NULL, UE_thread_rxn_txnp4, rtd);
+    usleep(1000);
+  }
+//  init_UE_threads(UE)
+  int sub_frame=-1;
+  while ( !oai_exit ) {
+    sub_frame++;
+    sub_frame %= 10;
+    proc = rxtx_proc[hw_loop_cnt%RX_NB_TH];
+    // Simulate IQ reception
+    usleep( HWLAT_TTI_SLEEP_US );
+    proc->syr_rdtsc_ue_th_got_iq = pickCyclesStart();
+    AssertFatal(pthread_mutex_lock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) ==0,"");
+    proc->instance_cnt_rxtx++;
+    if ( proc->instance_cnt_rxtx == 0 ) {
+      if ( pthread_cond_signal( &proc->cond_rxtx) != 0 ) {
+      exit_fun( "nothing to add" );
+      }
+    } else {
+      if ( proc->instance_cnt_rxtx > 2 )
+      exit_fun( "instance_cnt_rxtx > 2" );
+    }
+    AssertFatal( pthread_cond_signal( &proc->cond_rxtx ) == 0 ,"" );
+    AssertFatal(pthread_mutex_unlock(&proc->mutex_rxtx) ==0,"");
+    /* Do not go indefinitely */
+    hw_loop_cnt++;
+    if ( hw_loop_cnt%1000 == 0 )
+    {
+      printf("\r%d/%d",hw_loop_cnt,HWLAT_LOOP_CNT*RX_NB_TH);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    } 
+    if (hw_loop_cnt >= HWLAT_LOOP_CNT*RX_NB_TH)
+    {
+      printf("\n\n");
+      for (i=0 ; i<RX_NB_TH ; i++)
+      {
+        proc = rxtx_proc[i];
+        pthread_getname_np(proc->pthread_rxtx,threadname,128 );
+        printf("RxTX Thread unlock latency on thread %s (it. %ld) (us) : max=%8.3f - mean=%8.3f - min=%8.3f\n",
+                  threadname,
+                  proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_iteration,
+                  proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_max,
+                  proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_mean/proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_iteration,
+                  proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_min);
+        histogram_save_in_csv(proc->syr_rdtsc_rxtx_th_unlock_histogram, threadname );
+      }
+      printf("\n\n");
+      oai_exit = 1;
+    }
+  } // while !oai_exit
+  oai_exit = 1;
+  return NULL;
+#define CALIB_LOOP_CNT            1000000 //2000000000
+#define CALIB_LOOP_UP_THRESHOLD   20        // 20 -> for NG Intel flat model    
+#define CALIB_USLEEP              250     
+int           main( void )
+  int i;
+  uint32_t    calib_loop_count;
+  uint64_t      lt_overhead_cur;
+  uint64_t      lt_overhead_min;
+  uint64_t      lt_overhead_max;
+  uint64_t      lt_overhead_mean;
+  histo_time_t  *lt_overhead_histogram = NULL;
+  uint64_t      lt_syr_overhead_cur;
+  uint64_t      lt_syr_overhead_min;
+  uint64_t      lt_syr_overhead_max;
+  uint64_t      lt_syr_overhead_mean;
+  histo_time_t  *lt_syr_overhead_histogram = NULL;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_overhead_min;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_overhead_max;
+  double        syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean;
+  histo_time_t  *syr_rdtsc_overhead_histogram = NULL;
+  double        syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur;
+  double        syr_clock_gettime_overhead_min;
+  double        syr_clock_gettime_overhead_max;
+  double        syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean;
+  histo_time_t  *syr_clock_gettime_overhead_histogram = NULL;
+  uint64_t  cycles_start;
+  uint64_t  cycles_stop;
+  uint64_t  cycles_diff;
+  uint64_t  cycles_diff_max = 0;
+  struct timespec start;
+  struct timespec stop;
+  cpuf        = get_cpu_freq_GHz();
+  cpu_mhz_syr = estimate_MHz_syr();
+  printf("\n\ncpuf %f - cpu_mhz_syr %f\n\n", cpuf, cpu_mhz_syr);
+  /* ********************************************************************************************** */
+  /*  CALIBRATION                                                                                   */
+  /* ********************************************************************************************** */
+  /* *************************************************************
+    Laurent Thomas instrumentation overhead
+  */
+  printf("\nCalibrating OAI Realtime Instrumentation (Laurent Thomas imp.)\n");
+  calib_loop_count = CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+  initRefTimes(lt_instru_calib);      // Laurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments
+  lt_overhead_min   = 1000;
+  lt_overhead_max   = 0;
+  lt_overhead_mean  = 0;
+  lt_overhead_histogram = histogram_init( lt_overhead_histogram );
+  while(calib_loop_count)
+  {
+    pickTime(lt_start);
+//    asm volatile("");     // Nop instruction
+    usleep(CALIB_USLEEP);
+    lt_overhead_cur = updateTimes(  readTime(lt_start), 
+                                    &lt_instru_calib, 
+                                    CALIB_LOOP_CNT, 
+                                    "Laurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments");
+    lt_overhead_mean += lt_overhead_cur;
+    if ( lt_overhead_max < lt_overhead_cur )
+      lt_overhead_max = lt_overhead_cur;
+    if ( lt_overhead_min > lt_overhead_cur )
+      lt_overhead_min = lt_overhead_cur;
+    histogram_store_value( lt_overhead_histogram, (double)lt_overhead_cur );
+    if ( calib_loop_count%CALIB_LOOP_REPORT_PERIOD == 0 )
+    {
+      printf("\r%d/%d",calib_loop_count,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    calib_loop_count--;
+  }
+  lt_overhead_mean = lt_overhead_mean/CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+//  printMeas("\nLaurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments",&lt_instru_calib,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+  /* *************************************************************
+    Laurent Thomas instrumentation overhead 
+  */
+  printf("\nCalibrating OAI Realtime Instrumentation - SYRTEM revisited\n");
+  calib_loop_count = CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+  initRefTimes(lt_instru_calib_syr);      // Laurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments
+  lt_syr_overhead_min   = 1000;
+  lt_syr_overhead_max   = 0;
+  lt_syr_overhead_mean  = 0;
+  lt_syr_overhead_histogram = histogram_init( lt_syr_overhead_histogram );
+  while(calib_loop_count)
+  {
+    pickTime_syr(lt_start_syr);
+//    asm volatile("");     // Nop instruction
+    usleep(CALIB_USLEEP);
+    lt_syr_overhead_cur = updateTimes_syr(readTime(lt_start_syr), &lt_instru_calib_syr, CALIB_LOOP_CNT, "Laurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments (SYRTEM Update)");
+    lt_syr_overhead_mean += lt_syr_overhead_cur;
+    if ( lt_syr_overhead_max < lt_syr_overhead_cur )
+      lt_syr_overhead_max = lt_syr_overhead_cur;
+    if ( lt_syr_overhead_min > lt_syr_overhead_cur )
+      lt_syr_overhead_min = lt_syr_overhead_cur;
+    histogram_store_value( lt_syr_overhead_histogram, (double)lt_syr_overhead_cur );
+    if ( calib_loop_count%CALIB_LOOP_REPORT_PERIOD == 0 )
+    {
+      printf("\r%d/%d",calib_loop_count,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    calib_loop_count--;
+  }
+  lt_syr_overhead_mean = lt_syr_overhead_mean / CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+//  printMeas("\nLaurent Thomas realtime instrumentation calibration measurments (SYRTEM Update)",&lt_instru_calib_syr,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+  /* *************************************************************
+    SYRTEM RDTSC instrumentation overhead 
+  */
+  printf("\nCalibrating SYRTEM RDTSC Realtime Instrumentation\n");
+  calib_loop_count = CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+  syr_rdtsc_overhead_min    = 1000;
+  syr_rdtsc_overhead_max    = 0;
+  syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean   = 0;
+  syr_rdtsc_overhead_histogram  = histogram_init( syr_rdtsc_overhead_histogram );
+  while(calib_loop_count)
+  {
+    cycles_start = pickCyclesStart();
+//    asm volatile("");     // Nop instruction
+    usleep(CALIB_USLEEP);
+    cycles_stop = pickCyclesStop();
+    cycles_diff = cycles_stop - cycles_start;
+    if(cycles_diff_max < cycles_diff)
+      cycles_diff_max = cycles_diff;
+    syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur = (double)cycles_diff/cpu_mhz_syr;
+    syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean += syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur;
+    if ( syr_rdtsc_overhead_max < syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur )
+      syr_rdtsc_overhead_max = syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur;
+    if ( syr_rdtsc_overhead_min > syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur )
+      syr_rdtsc_overhead_min = syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur;
+    histogram_store_value( syr_rdtsc_overhead_histogram, (double)syr_rdtsc_overhead_cur );
+    if ( calib_loop_count%CALIB_LOOP_REPORT_PERIOD == 0 )
+    {
+      printf("\r%d/%d",calib_loop_count,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    calib_loop_count--;
+  }
+  syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean = syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean / CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+//  printf("\nSYRTEM RDTSV realtime instrumentation calibration : cycles_diff_max %ld - tsc_duration_max %f us\n ", cycles_diff_max, tsc_duration_max);
+  /* *************************************************************
+    SYRTEM Clock_gettime MONOTONIC instrumentation overhead
+  */
+  printf("\nCalibrating SYRTEM clock_gettime Realtime Instrumentation\n");
+  calib_loop_count = CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+  syr_clock_gettime_overhead_min = 1000;
+  syr_clock_gettime_overhead_max    = 0;
+  syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean   = 0;
+  syr_clock_gettime_overhead_histogram  = histogram_init( syr_clock_gettime_overhead_histogram );
+  while(calib_loop_count)
+  {
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &start );
+//    asm volatile("");     // Nop instruction
+    usleep(CALIB_USLEEP);
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stop );
+    syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur = TIMESPEC_TO_DOUBLE_US( get_timespec_diff( &start, &stop ) );
+    syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean += syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur;
+    if ( syr_clock_gettime_overhead_max < syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur )
+      syr_clock_gettime_overhead_max = syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur;
+    if ( syr_clock_gettime_overhead_min > syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur )
+      syr_clock_gettime_overhead_min = syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur;
+    histogram_store_value( syr_clock_gettime_overhead_histogram, (double)syr_clock_gettime_overhead_cur );
+    if ( calib_loop_count%CALIB_LOOP_REPORT_PERIOD == 0 )
+    {
+      printf("\r%d/%d",calib_loop_count,CALIB_LOOP_CNT);
+      fflush(stdout);
+    }
+    calib_loop_count--;
+  }
+  syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean = syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean / CALIB_LOOP_CNT;
+//  printf("\nSYRTEM clock_gettime MONOTONIC calibration : clock_gettime duration_max %f us\n ", max);
+  printf("\n");
+  printf("OAI LT  RT profiling overhead (it. %d) (us)       : max=%8ld - mean=%8ld - min=%8ld\n",
+          CALIB_LOOP_CNT,
+          lt_overhead_max, lt_overhead_mean, lt_overhead_min);
+  printf("OAI SYR RT profiling overhead (it. %d) (us)       : max=%8ld - mean=%8ld - min=%8ld\n",
+          CALIB_LOOP_CNT,
+          lt_syr_overhead_max, lt_syr_overhead_mean, lt_syr_overhead_min);
+  printf("SYR RDTSC  profiling overhead (it. %d) (us)       : max=%8.3f - mean=%8.3f - min=%8.3f\n",
+          CALIB_LOOP_CNT,
+          syr_rdtsc_overhead_max, syr_rdtsc_overhead_mean, syr_rdtsc_overhead_min);
+  printf("SYR clock_gettime profiling overhead (it. %d) (us): max=%8.3f - mean=%8.3f - min=%8.3f\n",
+          CALIB_LOOP_CNT,
+          syr_clock_gettime_overhead_max, syr_clock_gettime_overhead_mean, syr_clock_gettime_overhead_min);
+  return 0;
+  rxtx_proc     = calloc( RX_NB_TH, sizeof( UE_rxtx_proc_t* ) );
+  for (i=0 ; i<RX_NB_TH; i++)
+    rxtx_proc[i]    = calloc( 1, sizeof( UE_rxtx_proc_t ) );
+  th_wake_histogram = histogram_init( th_wake_histogram );
+  init_UE( 1 );
+  while ( !oai_exit )
+    sleep( 1 );
+  return 0;
+double estimate_MHz_syr(void)
+    //copied blantantly from http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/linux/linux-kernel/2001-37/0256.html
+    /*
+    * $Id: MHz.c,v 1.4 2001/05/21 18:58:01 davej Exp $
+    * This file is part of x86info.
+    * (C) 2001 Dave Jones.
+    *
+    * Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2.
+    *
+    * Estimate CPU MHz routine by Andrea Arcangeli <andrea@suse.de>
+    * Small changes by David Sterba <sterd9am@ss1000.ms.mff.cuni.cz>
+    *
+    */
+    struct timespec start;
+    struct timespec stop;
+    unsigned long long int cycles[2];   /* must be 64 bit */
+    double microseconds;  /* total time taken */
+    /* get this function in cached memory */
+    cycles[0] = rdtsc ();
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &start );
+    /* we don't trust that this is any specific length of time */
+    usleep (100000);
+    cycles[1] = rdtsc ();
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, &stop );
+    microseconds = TIMESPEC_TO_DOUBLE_US( get_timespec_diff( &start, &stop ) );
+    unsigned long long int elapsed = 0;
+    if (cycles[1] < cycles[0])
+    {
+        //printf("c0 = %llu   c1 = %llu",cycles[0],cycles[1]);
+        elapsed = UINT32_MAX - cycles[0];
+        elapsed = elapsed + cycles[1];
+        //printf("c0 = %llu  c1 = %llu max = %llu elapsed=%llu\n",cycles[0], cycles[1], UINT32_MAX,elapsed);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        elapsed = cycles[1] - cycles[0];
+        // printf("\nc0 = %llu  c1 = %llu elapsed=%llu\n",cycles[0], cycles[1],elapsed);
+    }
+    double mhz = elapsed / microseconds;
+    //printf("%llg MHz processor (estimate).  diff cycles=%llu  microseconds=%llu \n", mhz, elapsed, microseconds);
+    //printf("%g  elapsed %llu  microseconds %llu\n",mhz, elapsed, microseconds);
+    return (mhz);
+/** TSC Timestamp references
+ - http://oliveryang.net/2015/09/pitfalls-of-TSC-usage/#312-tsc-sync-behaviors-on-smp-system
+ - https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/embedded/training/ia-32-ia-64-benchmark-code-execution-paper.html
+ - https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/manuals/64-ia-32-architectures-software-developer-vol-3b-part-2-manual.pdf
+ - http://blog.tinola.com/?e=54
+ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/24392392/getting-tsc-frequency-from-proc-cpuinfo !! warning on turbo
+ - https://gist.github.com/nfarring/1624742
+ - https://www.lmax.com/blog/staff-blogs/2015/10/25/time-stamp-counters/
+ - https://github.com/cyring/CoreFreq
+ - https://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/9438133/ --> TSC_ADJUST - to be checked
+    -> https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/software-tuning-performance-optimization-platform-monitoring/topic/388964
+ - https://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=11&ved=0ahUKEwjwpJbem5DVAhWBDpoKHXv0Dt04ChAWCCIwAA&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsigarra.up.pt%2Ffeup%2Fpt%2Fpub_geral.show_file%3Fpi_gdoc_id%3D809041&usg=AFQjCNFHTMjmjWMG6QSVnLDflEoU0RavKw&cad=rja
+ - https://unix4lyfe.org/benchmarking/
+ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27693145/rdtscp-versus-rdtsc-cpuid
+ - https://github.com/dterei/tsc/blob/master/tsc.h
+ - https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-isa-extensions/topic/280440
+ - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19941588/wrong-clock-cycle-measurements-with-rdtsc
+static __inline__ uint64_t pickCyclesStart(void) {
+    unsigned  cycles_low, cycles_high;
+    asm volatile(   "CPUID\n\t" // serialize
+                    "RDTSC\n\t" // read clock
+                    "MOV %%edx, %0\n\t"
+                    "MOV %%eax, %1\n\t"
+                    : "=r" (cycles_high), "=r" (cycles_low)
+                    :: "%rax", "%rbx", "%rcx", "%rdx" );
+return ((uint64_t) cycles_high << 32) | cycles_low;
+static __inline__ uint64_t pickCyclesStop(void) {
+  uint32_t eax, edx;
+  __asm__ __volatile__("rdtscp"
+    : "=a" (eax), "=d" (edx)
+    :
+    : "%ecx", "memory");
+return (((uint64_t)edx << 32) | eax);
+    EXTRACT from openair1/PHY/TOOLS/time_meas.c
+double get_cpu_freq_GHz(void) {
+  time_stats_t ts = {0};
+  reset_meas(&ts);
+  ts.trials++;
+  ts.in = rdtsc_oai();
+  sleep(1);
+  ts.diff = (rdtsc_oai()-ts.in);
+  cpu_freq_GHz = (double)ts.diff/1000000000;
+  printf("CPU Freq is %f \n", cpu_freq_GHz);
+  return cpu_freq_GHz; 
+histo_time_t *histogram_init(histo_time_t *histo )
+  int     i   = 0;
+  histo = calloc( HISTOGRAM_SIZE, sizeof( histo_time_t ) );
+  if ( histo == NULL ) {
+    printf( "ERROR allocating histogram structure !\n" );
+    return NULL;
+  }
+  for ( i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++ ) {
+    histo[i].max  = max_val;
+    max_val     += HISTOGRAM_STEP;
+  }
+  return histo;
+void  histogram_store_value( histo_time_t *histo, double value )
+  int         i   = 0;
+  for ( i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++ ) {
+    if ( histo[i].max >= value || ( i + 1 ) == HISTOGRAM_SIZE ) {
+      histo[i].count++;
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+void  histogram_save_in_csv( histo_time_t *histo , char *file_sufix)
+  char        *csv_filename;
+  char        month[3], day[3], hour[3], min[3], sec[3];
+  time_t      curr_time;
+  struct tm   *datetime;
+  curr_time = time( NULL );
+  datetime = localtime( &curr_time );
+  csv_filename = calloc( sizeof( char ), 64 );
+  if ( csv_filename == NULL ) {
+    return;
+  }
+  memset( csv_filename, 0x00, 64 );
+  memset( month, 0x00, 3 );
+  memset( day, 0x00, 3 );
+  memset( hour, 0x00, 3 );
+  memset( min, 0x00, 3 );
+  memset( sec, 0x00, 3 );
+/*  Month.  */
+  if ( datetime->tm_mon < 9 )
+    snprintf( month, 3, "0%d", datetime->tm_mon + 1 );
+  else
+    snprintf( month, 3, "%d", datetime->tm_mon + 1 );
+/*  Day.  */
+  if ( datetime->tm_mday < 10 )
+    snprintf( day, 3, "0%d", datetime->tm_mday );
+  else
+    snprintf( day, 3, "%d", datetime->tm_mday );
+/*  Hour.  */
+  if ( datetime->tm_hour < 10 )
+    snprintf( hour, 3, "0%d", datetime->tm_hour );
+  else
+    snprintf( hour, 3, "%d", datetime->tm_hour );
+/*  Minute.  */
+  if ( datetime->tm_min < 10 )
+    snprintf( min, 3, "0%d", datetime->tm_min );
+  else
+    snprintf( min, 3, "%d", datetime->tm_min );
+/*  Second.  */
+  if ( datetime->tm_sec < 10 )
+    snprintf( sec, 3, "0%d", datetime->tm_sec );
+  else
+    snprintf( sec, 3, "%d", datetime->tm_sec );
+  snprintf( csv_filename, 63, "ADRV9371_ZC706_HISTO_UEtoRXTX_%d%s%s%s%s%s_%s.csv",
+      datetime->tm_year + 1900, month, day, hour, min, sec, file_sufix );
+  FILE        *fp;
+  int         i   = 0;
+  int         min_val = 0;
+  fp  = fopen( csv_filename, "w+" );
+  fprintf( fp, "range;count\n" );
+  for ( i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++ ) {
+    if ( i + 1 == HISTOGRAM_SIZE )
+      fprintf( fp, "%u+;%u\n", min_val, histo[i].count );
+    else
+      fprintf( fp, "%u-%.0f;%u\n", min_val, histo[i].max, histo[i].count );
+    min_val = histo[i].max;
+  }
+  fclose( fp );
+static struct timespec  get_timespec_diff(
+              struct timespec *start,
+              struct timespec *stop )
+  struct timespec   result;
+  if ( ( stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec ) < 0 ) {
+    result.tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec - 1;
+    result.tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec + 1000000000;
+  }
+  else {
+    result.tv_sec = stop->tv_sec - start->tv_sec;
+    result.tv_nsec = stop->tv_nsec - start->tv_nsec;
+  }
+  return result;
+static void       measure_time (
+              struct timespec *start,
+              struct timespec *stop,
+              uint8_t START,
+              uint16_t PRINT_INTERVAL )
+  static double   max   = 0;
+  static double   min   = 0;
+  static double     total = 0;
+  static int      count = 0;
+  if ( START ) {
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, start );
+  }
+  else {
+    clock_gettime( CLOCK_REALTIME, stop );
+    struct timespec   diff;
+    double        current   = 0;
+    diff  = get_timespec_diff( start, stop );
+//    current = ( (double)diff.tv_sec * 1000000 ) + ( (double)diff.tv_nsec / 1000 );
+    current = TIMESPEC_TO_DOUBLE_US( diff );
+    if ( current > max ) {
+      max = current;
+    }
+    if ( min == 0 || current < min ) {
+      min = current;
+    }
+    total += current;
+    histogram_store_value( th_wake_histogram, current );
+    if ( count % PRINT_INTERVAL == 0 && count != 0 ) {
+      double      avg = total / ( count + 1 );
+      printf( "[%d] Current : %.2lf µs, Min : %.2lf µs, Max : %.2lf µs, Moy : %.2lf µs\n",
+          count, current, min, max, avg );
+    }
+    count++;
+  }
diff --git a/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_functions.c b/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_functions.c
index ceaae1958b9c08df2b57028dd7f54c4fa7fe79b5..c6907e666bc66e9d45bfe4e66d3036a0f9e2610c 100644
--- a/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_functions.c
+++ b/targets/SIMU/USER/oaisim_functions.c
@@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ void update_otg_eNB(module_id_t enb_module_idP, unsigned int ctime)
-#if 0 //  defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP)
+#if 0 //  defined(EXMIMO) || defined(OAI_USRP) || defined(OAI_ADRV9371_ZC706)
   if (otg_enabled==1) {
     ctime = frame * 100;
diff --git a/targets/build_oai.bash b/targets/build_oai.bash
index cfe5e35d2662b72c2e0d3dda473c121fee589c33..05b14a541b10a14dc6c4dfc72a939cbb1f37b8c0 100755
--- a/targets/build_oai.bash
+++ b/targets/build_oai.bash
@@ -344,6 +344,10 @@ build_enb(){
+    if [ $HW = "ADRV9371_ZC706" ]; then 
+    fi
     if [ $HW = "EXMIMO" ]; then 