diff --git a/malva/environment b/malva/environment
index fecad06feb28400820808414edec463c0d0aaf73..4976de6761bf2491e7a5976290961d6410764b4b 100644
--- a/malva/environment
+++ b/malva/environment
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Malva Configuration.
 # MPI library
diff --git a/malva/lib/libmallba.a b/malva/lib/libmallba.a
index caca61bfac3b2578381e72a4e29daf4a541a0b2c..db7f3cab7df60324f9676e75019a0ef727333a3e 100644
Binary files a/malva/lib/libmallba.a and b/malva/lib/libmallba.a differ
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/MainLan b/malva/rep/GA/MainLan
index 3c264da8176cea8ef985745f1886486fdf6ec58e..d96e058d4a226ffee113e32b7c5ed75c28789619 100755
Binary files a/malva/rep/GA/MainLan and b/malva/rep/GA/MainLan differ
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/MainSeq b/malva/rep/GA/MainSeq
index fb205232104f6ea6d779d642900ef7cf2bfe4b27..40a7b5e51cc3e975a8ab68a6be5291901a0ba57b 100755
Binary files a/malva/rep/GA/MainSeq and b/malva/rep/GA/MainSeq differ
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/asignacion_colores.csv b/malva/rep/GA/asignacion_colores.csv
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..83840363d469cec56434d0f6c25e841eb42688df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/malva/rep/GA/asignacion_colores.csv
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.hh b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.hh
index def4981d220d0d5153dba4e95233cb43ba7588fe..9397c031ff7c3a4c28d7009c953cc6f422265e4f 100644
--- a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.hh
+++ b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.hh
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 ***																									   ***
 ***									new Genetic Algorithm Skeleton v1.5 							   ***
-***								  Developed by: Gabriel Jesús Luque Polo							   ***
+***								  Developed by: Gabriel Jesús Luque Polo							   ***
 ***										Last Update:  27-01-2003									   ***
 ***																									   ***
 *** tabular size = 4																				   ***
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
 skeleton newGA
-// Si se definen más de 5 nuevos operadores por parte del usuario, se debe cambiar esta constante.
+// Si se definen más de 5 nuevos operadores por parte del usuario, se debe cambiar esta constante.
 #define MAX_OP_USER 5
-// Si se algún operador tiene más de 5 parámetros se debe modificar esta variable
+// Si se algún operador tiene más de 5 parámetros se debe modificar esta variable
 #define MAX_PROB_PER_OP 5
   provides class SetUpParams;
@@ -61,19 +61,23 @@ skeleton newGA
 		bool operator!= (const Problem& pbm) const;
 		Direction direction () const;
-		int dimension() const;
-        int cantEmpleados() const;
         int cantDias() const;
-        Rarray<Empleado> empleados() const;
-        Rarray<int> tareasEsf() const;
+        int cantEmpleados() const;
+		int dimension() const;
+        Empleado * empleados() const;
+        int * tareasEsf() const;
+		int ** limite_barrios() const;
+		const char* getfield(char* line, int num);
+        int _cantDias;
+        Empleado * _empleados;
+        int * _tareasEsf;
         int _cantEmpleados;
 		int _dimension;
-        int _cantDias;
-        Rarray<Empleado> _empleados;
-        Rarray<int> _tareasEsf;
+		int ** _limite_barrios;
 //Solution ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.cc b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.cc
index c65fa03efb15e5504eac45513eca88d244eb87fa..87a14e59f90937391acd6fe323e62844ee10520b 100644
--- a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.cc
+++ b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.cc
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@
 #define INC_REQ_newGA
 #include "newGA.hh"
 #include <math.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
 #include <sstream>
 skeleton newGA
@@ -9,98 +12,259 @@ skeleton newGA
 	// Problem ---------------------------------------------------------------
-	Problem::Problem ():_dimension(0)
-	{}
+	Problem::Problem ():_dimension(0),_limite_barrios(NULL),_tareasEsf(NULL),_empleados(NULL),_cantDias(0),_cantEmpleados(0)
+	{
+        //cout << "uf6";
+    }
 	ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Problem& pbm)
 		os << endl << endl << "Number of Variables " << pbm._dimension
 		   << endl;
+		//Imprimo el arreglo con los limites de barrios
+		os<<"Limites de barrios: "<<endl<<endl;
+		for (int i=0;i<pbm._dimension;i++){
+			os<<i<<": ";
+			int indice=0;
+			while (pbm._limite_barrios[i][indice]!=-1){
+				os<<pbm._limite_barrios[i][indice]<<",";
+				indice++;	
+			}
+			os<<endl;
+		}
+		os<<endl;
 		return os;
 	istream& operator>> (istream& is, Problem& pbm)
-        /*
 		char buffer[MAX_BUFFER];
 		int i;
-		is.getline(buffer,MAX_BUFFER,'\n');
-		sscanf(buffer,"%d",&pbm._dimension);
-        */
-        string line;
-        ifstream cantTareasFile ("datos_cantidad_tareas");
-        getline(cantTareasFile, line);
-        pbm._dimension = stoi(line);
-        cout << pbm._dimension << endl;
+		//is.getline(buffer,MAX_BUFFER,'\n');
+		//sscanf(buffer,"%d",&pbm._dimension);
-        //string line;
-        ifstream cantEmpleadosFile ("datos_cantidad_empleados");
-        getline(cantEmpleadosFile, line);
-        pbm._cantEmpleados = stoi(line);
-        cout << pbm._cantEmpleados << endl;
+        //CARGAR DATO CANT Tareas
+        ifstream inFile;
+        inFile.open("datos_cantidad_tareas");
+        if (!inFile) 
+        {
+            cerr << "Unable to open file datafile.txt";
+            exit(1);   // call system to stop
+        }
+        string x;
+        getline(inFile,x);
+        pbm._dimension = stoi(x);
+        inFile.close();
+		//Pido memoria para almacenar los limites de los barrios
+		pbm._limite_barrios=new int *[pbm._dimension];
+		for (int i=0;i<pbm._dimension;i++)
+        {
+			pbm._limite_barrios[i]=new int [10];
+			for (int j=0;j<10;j++)
+				pbm._limite_barrios[i][j]=-1;
+		}
+        inFile;
+        inFile.open("datos_cantidad_empleados");
+        if (!inFile) 
+        {
+            cerr << "Unable to open file datafile.txt";
+            exit(1);   // call system to stop
+        }
+        //string x;
+        getline(inFile,x);
+        pbm._cantEmpleados = stoi(x);
+        inFile.close();
+        pbm._tareasEsf=new int [pbm._dimension];
+		for (int ii=0;ii<pbm._dimension;ii++)
+        {
+			pbm._tareasEsf[ii]=0;
+		}
+        inFile.open("datos_tareas");
+        if (!inFile) 
+        {
+            cerr << "Unable to open file datafile.txt";
+            exit(1);   // call system to stop
+        }
+        string line2;
+        getline(inFile,line2);
+        pbm._cantDias = stoi(line2);
+        getline(inFile, line2);
+        getline(inFile, line2);
+        int n = line2.length(); 
+        char char_array[n+1];  
+        int len=1;
+        int t=0;
+        int z=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<=line2.length(); i++) 
+        {
+            if(line2[i] == ' '|| i==line2.length()) 
+            {
+                string rr = line2.substr(z,len);
+                pbm._tareasEsf[t] = stoi(rr);
+                //cout << rr << " ";
+                t=t+1;
+                z=i+1;
+                len=1;
+                //s.erase(i,1);
+            }
+            else len=len+1;
+        }
+        inFile.close();
+        //cout << pbm._tareasEsf[0] << " " <<  pbm._tareasEsf[1] << " " << pbm._tareasEsf[2] << " " << pbm._tareasEsf[3] << " " << pbm._tareasEsf[4] <<  endl;
+     //cout << s[1] << s[2] << endl;
+        //pbm._tareasEsf[counter4] = i3;
+        //std::string::iterator end_pos = std::remove(str.begin(), str.end(), ' ');
+        //str.erase(end_pos, str.end());
+        strcpy(char_array, s.c_str()); 
+        for (int i=0; i<n; i++) 
+            cout << char_array[i];     
-        string line23;
-        ifstream datosEmpleadosFile ("datos_empleados");
-        getline(datosEmpleadosFile, line23);
-        getline(datosEmpleadosFile, line23);
-        int i1;
-        int counter1 = 0;
-        stringstream os(line23);
-        /*Rarray<Empleado> tempEmpleados*/ pbm._empleados = Rarray<Empleado>(pbm._cantEmpleados);
-        //pbm._empleados = tempEmpleados;
-        for (int zz=0;zz<pbm._cantEmpleados;zz++) 
+     */
+        pbm._empleados=new Empleado [pbm._cantEmpleados];
+		for (int zz=0;zz<pbm._cantEmpleados;zz++)
-            //+pbm._empleados[zz] = new Empleado;
             pbm._empleados[zz]._sueldo = 0;
-        while (os >> i1)
+       string line23;
+        inFile.open("datos_empleados");
+        getline(inFile, line23);
+        getline(inFile, line23);
+       int no = line23.length(); 
+        char_array[n+1];  
+        len=1;
+        t=0;
+        z=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<=line23.length(); i++) 
-            pbm._empleados[counter1]._horas = i1;
-            cout << pbm._empleados[counter1]._horas << endl;
-            counter1 += 1;
+            if(line23[i] == ' ' || i==line23.length()) 
+            {
+                string rrr = line23.substr(z,len);
+                pbm._empleados[t]._horas = stoi(rrr);
+                //cout << rr << " ";
+                t=t+1;
+                z=i+1;
+                len=1;
+                //s.erase(i,1);
+            }
+            else len=len+1;
-        getline(datosEmpleadosFile, line);
-        float f1;
-        int counter2 = 0;
-        stringstream os2(line);
-        while (os2 >> f1)
+        cout << pbm._empleados[0]._horas <<" " << pbm._empleados[1]._horas <<" " << pbm._empleados[2]._horas <<" " << pbm._empleados[3]._horas << " " << pbm._empleados[4]._horas << " " << endl;
+        getline(inFile, line23);
+       no = line23.length(); 
+        char_array[n+1];  
+        len=1;
+        t=0;
+        z=0;
+       // cout << line23;
+        for(int i=0; i<=line23.length(); i++) 
-            pbm._empleados[counter2]._habilidad = f1;
-            counter2 += 1;
-        }
-        getline(datosEmpleadosFile, line);
-        int i2;
-        int counter3 = 0;
-        stringstream os3(line);
-        while (os3 >> i2)
-        {
-            pbm._empleados[counter3]._sueldo = i2;
-            counter3 += 1;
+            if(line23[i] == ' ' || i==line23.length()) 
+            {
+                string rrr = line23.substr(z,len);
+                pbm._empleados[t]._habilidad = stof(rrr);
+                //cout << rrr << " ";
+                t=t+1;
+                z=i+1;
+                len=1;
+                //s.erase(i,1);
+            }
+            else len=len+1;
+        cout << pbm._empleados[0]._habilidad <<" " << pbm._empleados[1]._habilidad <<" " << pbm._empleados[2]._habilidad <<" " << pbm._empleados[3]._habilidad << " " << pbm._empleados[4]._habilidad << " " << endl;
-        //string line;
-        ifstream datosTareasFile ("datos_tareas");
-        getline(datosTareasFile, line);
-        pbm._cantDias = stoi(line);
-        getline(datosTareasFile, line);
-        getline(datosTareasFile, line);
-        int i3;
-        int counter4 = 0;
-        stringstream os4(line);
-        while (os4 >> i3)
+        getline(inFile, line23);
+       no = line23.length(); 
+        char_array[n+1];  
+        len=1;
+        t=0;
+        z=0;
+        for(int i=0; i<=line23.length(); i++) 
-            pbm._tareasEsf[counter4] = i3;
-            counter4 += 1;
+            if(line23[i] == ' ' || i==line23.length()) 
+            {
+                string rrr = line23.substr(z,len);
+                pbm._empleados[t]._sueldo = stoi(rrr);
+                //cout << rr << " ";
+                t=t+1;
+                z=i+1;
+                len=1;
+                //s.erase(i,1);
+            }
+            else len=len+1;
+       cout << pbm._empleados[0]._sueldo <<" " << pbm._empleados[1]._sueldo <<" " << pbm._empleados[2]._sueldo <<" " << pbm._empleados[3]._sueldo << " " << pbm._empleados[4]._sueldo << " " << endl;
+       //assert(false);
+       inFile.close();
+       /*
+		//Cargo el archivo con los limites de los barrios
+	    FILE* stream = fopen("limite_barrios.csv", "r");
+	    char line[1024];
+	    while (fgets(line, 1024, stream))
+	    {
+	        char* tmp = strdup(line);
+	        const char * barrio = pbm.getfield(tmp,1);
+	        int barrio_int=atoi(barrio);
+			tmp = strdup(line);	
+	        const char * limite= pbm.getfield(tmp,2);
+	        int i=0;
+	        while (limite!=NULL)
+            {
+	        	pbm._limite_barrios[barrio_int-1][i]=atoi(limite)-1;
+	        	i++;
+	        	tmp = strdup(line);
+	        	limite=pbm.getfield(tmp,i+2);
+	        }
+	        free(tmp);
+	    }
+	    */
+		cout<<pbm;
 		return is;
+	//Funcion para leer el archivo CSV
+	const char* Problem::getfield(char* line, int num)
+	{
+	    const char* tok;
+	    for (tok = strtok(line, ",");
+	            tok && *tok;
+	            tok = strtok(NULL, ",\n"))
+	    {
+	        if (!--num)
+	            return tok;
+	    }
+	    return NULL;
+	}
+	int ** Problem::limite_barrios() const{
+		return _limite_barrios;
+	}
 	bool Problem::operator== (const Problem& pbm) const
 		if (_dimension!=pbm.dimension()) return false;
@@ -122,26 +286,36 @@ skeleton newGA
 		return _dimension;
-    int Problem::cantEmpleados() const
+	int Problem::cantEmpleados() const
 		return _cantEmpleados;
-	Problem::~Problem()
+	int Problem::cantDias() const
+		return _cantDias;
-    int Problem::cantDias() const
+	int * Problem::tareasEsf() const
-		return _cantDias;
+		return _tareasEsf;
-    Rarray<Empleado> Problem::empleados() const
+	Empleado *Problem::empleados() const
 		return _empleados;
-	Rarray<int> Problem::tareasEsf() const
+	Problem::~Problem()
-		return _tareasEsf;
+		//Libero la memoria pedida para almacenar los limites de los barrios
+		for (int i=0;i<_dimension;i++)
+			delete [] _limite_barrios[i];
+		delete [] _limite_barrios;
+        delete [] _empleados;
+        cout << "ufdasd";
+        delete [] _tareasEsf;
 	// Solution --------------------------------------------------------------
 	Solution::Solution (const Problem& pbm):_pbm(pbm),_var(pbm.dimension())
@@ -166,8 +340,43 @@ skeleton newGA
 	ostream& operator<< (ostream& os, const Solution& sol)
-		for (int i=0;i<sol.pbm().dimension();i++)
-			os << " " << sol._var[i];
+		//for (int i=0;i<sol.pbm().dimension();i++)
+		//	os << " " << sol._var[i];
+        stringstream ss;
+        ofstream outfile("solution");
+        os << endl;
+        for (int j = 0; j < sol.pbm().cantEmpleados(); j++)
+        {
+            bool found1 = false;
+            for (int i = 0; i < sol.pbm().dimension(); i++)
+            {
+                if (sol._var[i] == j)
+                {
+                    if (!found1)
+                    {
+                        ss << j + 1;
+                        found1 = true;
+                    }
+                    ss << " " << i + 1;
+                }
+            }
+            if (found1)
+            {
+                ss << endl;
+            }
+        }
+        outfile << ss.str();
+        outfile.close();
+        os << ss.str();
 		return os;
@@ -205,21 +414,38 @@ skeleton newGA
 	void Solution::initialize()
-	{
+	{  
+        //cout << _pbm.dimension();
 		for (int i=0;i<_pbm.dimension();i++)
-            _var[i]=rand() % _pbm.cantEmpleados() + 1;//numero random entre 1 y CANT EMPLEADOS
+        {
+			_var[i]=rand_int(0,_pbm.cantEmpleados() - 1);
+            //_var[i]=rand_int(0,3);
+        }
 	double Solution::fitness ()
         double fitness = 0.0;
-        Rarray<Empleado> grupo= _pbm.empleados();
-        Rarray<int> soFun = _pbm.tareasEsf();
-		for (int i=0;i< _var.size();i++) {
-			Empleado tipo = grupo[i];
-            fitness += tipo._sueldo*soFun[i];
+        int* diasTrabajados = new int[_pbm.cantEmpleados()];
+		for (int i=0;i< _pbm.dimension();i++) 
+        {
+			Empleado tipo = _pbm.empleados()[_var[i]];
+            int diasReq = (_pbm.tareasEsf()[i]/(0.5+tipo._habilidad)) / tipo._horas;
+            diasTrabajados[_var[i]] += diasReq;
+            fitness += tipo._sueldo * diasReq;
+        }
+        for (int j = 0; j < _pbm.cantEmpleados(); j++)
+        {
+            if (diasTrabajados[j] > _pbm.cantDias())
+            {
+                fitness += 100000;
+            }
 		return fitness;
 	char *Solution::to_String() const
@@ -362,6 +588,7 @@ skeleton newGA
 	void Crossover::cross(Solution& sol1,Solution& sol2) const // dadas dos soluciones de la poblacion, las cruza
+		//Usamos cruzamiento de dos puntos (2PX)
 		int i=0;
 		Rarray<int> aux(sol1.pbm().dimension());
@@ -429,9 +656,10 @@ skeleton newGA
 			if (rand01()<=probability[1])
-				sol.var(i) = rand() % sol.pbm().cantEmpleados() + 1;
-                //if (sol.var(i)==1) sol.var(i)=0;
-			 	//else sol.var(i)=1;
+				//La mutacion modifica un gen aleatoriamente con probabilidad uniforme en {0,3}
+                int temp = rand_int(0,sol.pbm().cantEmpleados() - 1);
+				sol.var(i)= temp;
+                //sol.var(i)=rand_int(0,3);
@@ -480,9 +708,23 @@ skeleton newGA
 	bool StopCondition_1::EvaluateCondition(const Problem& pbm,const Solver& solver,const SetUpParams& setup)
-	{
-		return ((int)solver.best_cost_trial() == pbm.dimension());
-	}
+	{  
+		//Condicion de parada. Si el fitness es 0 terminamos la ejecucion.
+		bool fin=(int)solver.best_cost_trial() == 0;
+        //cout << pbm.cantEmpleados();
+        /*if (fin){
+			//Escribo el resultado en el archivo de salida
+			FILE * pFile;
+			pFile = fopen ("asignacion_colores.csv","w");
+			for (int i=0;i<pbm.dimension();i++){
+				fprintf (pFile, "%d,%d\n",i+1,solver.best_solution_trial().var(i));
+			}
+			fclose (pFile);
+		}*/
+		//return (fin);
+        return false;
+    }
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.o b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.o
index 4f82e569fc1e56f70197a1983c5ad02662110b10..283670cb85547df1d706371b120197be0558692c 100644
Binary files a/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.o and b/malva/rep/GA/newGA.req.o differ
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/res/sol.txt b/malva/rep/GA/res/sol.txt
index 1687ecab0c103fa5a7cf6e29a4f5e75aec744d66..2c2640332dc468c0d8e0322030def6b45c2beabf 100644
--- a/malva/rep/GA/res/sol.txt
+++ b/malva/rep/GA/res/sol.txt
@@ -3,14 +3,14 @@
                    STATISTICS OF TRIALS                   	 
-1	10		1			160			1			260		260
-2	10		1			360			3			610		610
-3	10		2			260			2			451		451
-4	10		1			160			1			250		250
-5	10		2			360			3			645		645
-6	10		1			360			3			679		679
-7	10		2			360			3			672		672
-8	10		2			360			3			636		636
-9	10		1			360			3			693		693
-10	10		0			460			4			824		824
+1	174340		665865			60			0			0		13926
+2	173017		567169			60			0			0		11581
+3	166149		662569			60			0			0		14247
+4	256269		569548			6960			69			7283		10187
+5	165324		576086			60			0			0		10918
+6	256269		667850			2860			28			3686		13166
+7	173365		573089			60			0			0		17748
+8	165161		664025			7260			72			8987		11607
+9	179840		664189			60			0			0		9365
+10	170629		569643			60			0			0		11567
diff --git a/malva/rep/GA/solution b/malva/rep/GA/solution
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..4f80418ee7845f5482f7cbc62b73e7f59eb49222
--- /dev/null
+++ b/malva/rep/GA/solution
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+1 1 2 5 6 7
+2 3 8
+5 4