import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef } from '@angular/core'; import { GHCIService } from '../../../shared/services/ghci.service'; import * as functionPlot from 'function-plot'; import { Animation, Setting, toJSON, triggerDownload } from './graph2D.helper'; import { TranslateService } from '@ngx-translate/core'; export interface Bounding { width: any; height: any; } export class MateFunGraph2D { private target: string = '#graph2D-container'; private bounding: Bounding; // Chart Instance private instance: any; // Settings public settings: Setting = { axis: true, grid: true, tip: true } private funciones= []; private id = 0; private valores = []; private conjunto= []; // Animation state public animation: Animation = { data: [], init: false, currentFrame: 0, fps: 10, playing: false, timeout: null, animationFrame: null, speedX: 10, boton: true, zoo: 2000 }; public constructor(target:string, bounding:Bounding) { = target; this.bounding = bounding; } public easeInOutCubic = function(fps) { var t = fps < 6 ? 6 : fps; var k = t/60; var animation = k<.5 ? 60*(4*k*k*k) : 60*((k-1)*(2*k-2)*(2*k-2)+1); console.log(animation); return animation; } public setZoom = () => { this.animation.zoo = this.animation.zoo ; } public multiGraf = () => { this.animation.boton = !this.animation.boton; } private renderCanvas(canvas:any) { var shapesData = JSON.parse(canvas.resultado); var shapesDataNormalized = this.normalizeShapesData(shapesData); this.cleanPlot(); this.instance = this.createPlotInstance(shapesDataNormalized); } private renderAnimation(canvas:any) { this.cleanPlot(); var animationData = => JSON.parse(res)); for (var frame of animationData) {; } this.runAnimation(); this.animation.init = true; } public render(canvas:any) { const { target, bounding } = this; if (this.animation.init) { this.stopAnimation(); } switch(canvas.tipo) { case 'graph': { console.log(canvas.resultado) // var jsonCanvas = JSON.parse(JSONRepair(canvas.resultado)); var jsonCanvas = JSON.parse(canvas.resultado); var conjs = this.obtenerConjunto(jsonCanvas.funs[0]); var d = conjs + "}"; //Leo var obj = JSON.parse(d); //Para las funciones if (obj.conj.sets.fdom == "function(x)") { var nom = jsonCanvas.funs[0].dom; var elemento1 = this.recursionfuncion(jsonCanvas.funs[0].sets, nom); var funcionString = ''; funcionString ="var "+nom+" = function(x){\nreturn "+elemento1+"}\n" funcionString += 'return ' + nom + '(x);\n' for (var funs of jsonCanvas.funs) { funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function('+funs.args+'){\n return ' + this.generarExpresion(funs.bdy) + '}\n' + funcionString; } funcionString = '(x)=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; obj.conj.sets.fdom = eval(funcionString); } if (obj.conj.sets.fcod == "function(x)") { var nom = jsonCanvas.funs[0].cod; var elemento2 = this.recursionfuncionCod(jsonCanvas.funs[0].sets, nom); console.log(elemento2) obj.conj.sets.fcod = function (x) { return (eval(elemento2)) } var funcionString = ''; funcionString ="var "+nom+" = function(x){\nreturn "+elemento2+"}\n" funcionString += 'return ' + nom + '(x);\n' for (var funs of jsonCanvas.funs) { funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function('+funs.args+'){\n return ' + this.generarExpresion(funs.bdy) + '}\n' + funcionString; } funcionString = '(x)=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; obj.conj.sets.fdom = eval(funcionString); } var funcionGenerada = this.generarFuncion(jsonCanvas); //para Enumerados if (obj.conj.dom == 'Numer') { var j = 0; for (var f of obj.conj.sets.fdom) { var expresionDom = new RegExp('( '+f+' )', 'g'); funcionGenerada = funcionGenerada.replace(expresionDom, j.toString()); j += 1; } } if (obj.conj.cod == 'Numer') { var j2 = 0; for (var f2 of obj.conj.sets.fcod) { var expresionCod = new RegExp(f2, 'g'); funcionGenerada = funcionGenerada.replace(expresionCod, j2.toString()); j2 += 1; } } if (obj.conj.baseDom == 'R'){ obj.conj.baseCod = 'R'; if (obj.conj.cod != 'Func'){ obj.conj.cod = 'R'; obj.conj.fcod = 'R'; } } let fun = eval(funcionGenerada); var colores = ['violet', 'red', 'blue', 'orange', 'green','black'] var num = this.getRandomArbitrary(0, 5); var color = colores[num]; var tipoGraf; if (obj.conj.baseDom != 'R'){ tipoGraf = 'scatter'; } else { tipoGraf = 'polyline'; } if (this.animation.boton && obj.conj.cod != 'Numer' && obj.conj.dom != 'Numer') { if(this.conjunto.length == 1 && (this.conjunto[0].cod == 'Numer' || this.conjunto[0].dom == 'Numer')){ this.conjunto = []; this.conjunto.push(obj.conj); = 0; this.funciones = []; if(obj.conj.baseDom == 'R'){ this.valores = []; var funcionGenerada2 = this.generarFuncionDisc(jsonCanvas); var funcionesVer2019 = this.createListFunction(jsonCanvas); var listValores = []; for (var k of this.valores){ listValores.push(parseInt(k)) } for (var i of this.valores){ for(var t of this.valores){ var aux = parseInt(t); var aux2 = parseInt(i); var mul = aux * aux2; listValores.push(mul) } } for (i = -999; i < 1000; i++) { listValores.push(i) } let sinRepetidos = listValores.filter((valor, indiceActual, arreglo) => arreglo.indexOf(valor) === indiceActual); for (var fun2 of funcionesVer2019){ let fun3 = eval(fun2); var insertar = false; var punto1 = []; if (sinRepetidos.length) { for (var p of sinRepetidos){ var pn= parseInt(p) - 0.001 var pp= parseInt(p) + 0.001 insertar = (((fun3(pp) != undefined) ) || ((fun3(pn) != undefined)) || insertar) if((fun3(pp) != undefined)){ punto1.push(pp); }else if ((fun3(pn) != undefined)){ punto1.push(p); } } } else { insertar = true; } if (insertar) { console.log("A") this.funciones.push({ id: 0, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun3(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, point:punto1[0], color: color, }); } } } else { console.log("B") this.funciones.push({ id: this.funciones.length, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, color: color }) } } else { if(this.conjunto.length == 1){ = 1; this.conjunto.unshift({radio: 2, dom:this.conjunto[0].baseDom, cod:this.conjunto[0].baseCod, baseCod:this.conjunto[0].baseCod, baseDom:this.conjunto[0].baseDom, sets:{fdom:this.conjunto[0].baseDom,fcod:this.conjunto[0].baseCod}}); this.funciones[0].id =; } if (this.conjunto.length != 0){ if (obj.conj.baseDom == 'R'){ this.conjunto[0].baseDom = 'R'; this.conjunto[0].dom = 'R'; this.conjunto[0].sets.fdom = 'R'; } if (obj.conj.baseCod == 'R'){ this.conjunto[0].baseCod = 'R'; this.conjunto[0].cod = 'R'; this.conjunto[0].sets.fcod = 'R'; } } this.conjunto.push(obj.conj); var identificador=0; if (this.conjunto.length > 1){ identificador=this.conjunto.length - 2 +; } if(obj.conj.baseDom == 'R'){ this.valores = []; var funcionGenerada2 = this.generarFuncionDisc(jsonCanvas); var funcionesVer2019 = this.createListFunction(jsonCanvas); var listValores = []; for (var k of this.valores){ listValores.push(parseInt(k)) } for (var i of this.valores){ for(var t of this.valores){ var aux = parseInt(t); var aux2 = parseInt(i); var mul = aux * aux2; listValores.push(mul) } } for (i = -999; i < 1000; i++) { listValores.push(i) } let sinRepetidos = listValores.filter((valor, indiceActual, arreglo) => arreglo.indexOf(valor) === indiceActual); for (var fun2 of funcionesVer2019){ let fun3 = eval(fun2); var insertar = false; var punto1 = []; if (sinRepetidos.length){ for (var p of sinRepetidos){ var pn= parseInt(p) - 0.001 var pp= parseInt(p) + 0.001 insertar = (((fun3(pp) != undefined) ) || ((fun3(pn) != undefined)) || insertar) if((fun3(pp) != undefined)){ punto1.push(pp); }else if ((fun3(pn) != undefined)){ punto1.push(p); } } } else { insertar = true; } if (insertar){ console.log(fun3) this.funciones.push({ id: identificador, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun3(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, point:punto1[0], color: color, }); } } } else { console.log("D") this.funciones.push({ id: identificador, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, color: color }); } } } else { this.conjunto = []; this.conjunto.push(obj.conj); = 0; this.funciones = []; if (obj.conj.baseDom == 'R') { this.valores = []; var funcionGenerada2 = this.generarFuncionDisc(jsonCanvas); var funcionesVer2019 = this.createListFunction(jsonCanvas); var listValores = []; for (var k of this.valores) { listValores.push(parseInt(k)) } for (var i of this.valores) { for(var t of this.valores){ var aux = parseInt(t); var aux2 = parseInt(i); var mul = aux * aux2; listValores.push(mul) } } for (i = -999; i < 1000; i++) { listValores.push(i) } let sinRepetidos = listValores.filter((valor, indiceActual, arreglo) => arreglo.indexOf(valor) === indiceActual); for (var fun2 of funcionesVer2019) { let fun3 = eval(fun2); var insertar = false; var punto1 = []; if (sinRepetidos.length) { for (var p of sinRepetidos) { var pn= parseInt(p) - 0.001 var pp= parseInt(p) + 0.001 insertar = (((fun3(pp) != undefined) ) || ((fun3(pn) != undefined)) || insertar) if ((fun3(pp) != undefined)) { punto1.push(pp); } else if ((fun3(pn) != undefined)) { punto1.push(p); } } } else { insertar = true; } if (insertar) { this.funciones.push({ id: 0, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun3(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, point:punto1[0], color: color, }); } } } else { this.funciones.push({ id: this.funciones.length, sampler: 'builtIn', fn: function(scope) { return fun(scope.x) }, graphType: tipoGraf, color: color }); } } this.instance = this.createGraficPloteInstace(this.conjunto, this.funciones, this.animation); break; } case 'canvas': { this.renderCanvas(canvas); break; } case 'animacion': { this.renderAnimation(canvas); break; } } } public renderClean() { const { bounding } = this; if (!this.instance) { this.instance = functionPlot({ target:, width: bounding.width, height: bounding.height, grid: this.settings.grid, axis: this.settings.axis, xAxis: { scale: 'linear', domain: { initial: [-10, 10], type: 'discrete' } }, data: [] }) } } public setBounding(bounding:Bounding) { const { instance } = this; this.bounding = bounding; if (bounding.width > 0 && instance) { instance.options.width = bounding.width; instance.options.height = bounding.height;; } } private createGraficPloteInstace = (conjunto, funciones, animation) => { const { bounding, target, settings } = this; return functionPlot({ target: '#graph2D-container', grid: settings.grid, axis: settings.axis, width: bounding.width, height: bounding.height, tip: { color: 'green' }, xAxis: { scale: 'linear', domain: { initial: [-4, 4], type: 'discrete' }, yAxis: { domain: [-4, 4] } }, conj: this.conjunto, data: this.funciones, zoom: animation ? animation.zoo : undefined, plugins: [ functionPlot.plugins.zoomBox() ] }) } private createPlotInstance = (data) => { const { bounding, settings, target } = this; return functionPlot({ target: target, grid: settings.grid, axis: settings.axis, width: bounding.width, height: bounding.height, xAxis: { label: 'x - axis', scale: 'linear', domain: { initial: [-10, 10], type: 'discrete' } }, data: data, plugins: [ functionPlot.plugins.zoomBox() ] }); } /** * @name updateFrame * @desc update data for Function Plot and redraw the graph */ public updateFrame = function() { var $this = this; var $data = $[$this.animation.currentFrame]; if ($this.instance) { $ = $data; $this.instance.draw(); } else { $this.instance = this.createPlotInstance($data); } // Update Frame $this.animation.timeout = setTimeout(function() { $this.animation.currentFrame = ($this.animation.currentFrame + 1) % $; $this.animation.animationFrame = requestAnimationFrame($this.updateFrame.bind($this)); }, 1000/ this.easeInOutCubic($this.animation.fps)); } /** * @name runAnimation * @desc Run Shapes Animation */ public runAnimation = function() { if (this.animation.playing) return; var $this = this; $this.animation.playing = true; $this.updateFrame(); } /** * @name pauseAnimation * @desc Pause Shapes Animation */ public pauseAnimation = function() { var $this = this; cancelAnimationFrame($this.animation.animationFrame); clearTimeout($this.animation.timeout); $this.animation.timeout = null; $this.animation.playing = false; } /** * @name stopAnimation * @desc Stop Shapes Animation */ public stopAnimation = function() { var $this = this; $this.pauseAnimation(); $ = []; $this.animation.currentFrame = 0; $this.animation.init = false; this.instance.removeAllGraphs(); } /** * @name decreaseSpeed * @desc Decrease Speed Animation */ public decreaseSpeed = function() { var decrease = false; if (this.animation.fps > 6) { decrease = true; } if (decrease) { if (this.animation.fps > 10) { this.animation.fps -= 1; this.animation.speedX = this.animation.fps / 10; } else { this.animation.fps -= 1; this.animation.speedX = this.animation.fps / 10; } this.pauseAnimation(); this.runAnimation(); } } /** * @name restoreSpeed * @desc Increase Speed Animation */ public restoreSpeed = function() { this.animation.fps = 10; this.animation.speedX = 1; this.pauseAnimation(); this.runAnimation(); } /** * @name increaseSpeed * @desc Increase Speed Animation */ public increaseSpeed = function() { var increase = false; if (this.animation.fps < 60) { increase = true; } if (increase) { if (this.animation.fps >= 10) { this.animation.fps += 1; this.animation.speedX = this.animation.fps / 10; } else { this.animation.fps += 1; this.animation.speedX = this.animation.fps / 10; } this.pauseAnimation(); this.runAnimation(); } } /** * @name toggleGrid * @desc Show and Hide Grid */ public toggleGrid = function () { this.instance.toggleGrid(); this.settings.grid = !this.settings.grid; } /** * @name toggleAxis * @desc Show and Hide Axis */ public toggleAxis = function () { this.instance.toggleAxis(); this.settings.axis = !this.settings.axis; } /** * @name toggleTip * @desc Show and Hide Tip */ public toggleTip = function () { this.instance.toggleTip(); this.settings.tip = !this.settings.tip; } /** * @name zoomOut * @desc Zoom Out Button Control */ public zoomOut = function () { this.instance.zoomOut(); } /** * @name zoomIn * @desc Zoom In Button Control */ public zoomIn = function () { this.instance.zoomIn(); } /** * @name recenterPlot * @desc center the plot and it returns to the initial state. */ public recenterPlot = function () { this.instance.recenter(); } /** * @name cleanPlot * @desc remove all the graph from the instance. */ public cleanPlot = function () { if (this.animation.playing) { this.stopAnimation(); } else { this.funciones = []; this.conjunto = []; = 0; this.instance.removeAllGraphs(); } } /** * @name exportPlot * @desc Download Plot as an SVG image. */ //Ver bien public exportPlot = function() { // Objects var svg = document.querySelector(`${} svg`); var canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); // Set dimensions of the image var svgSize = svg.getBoundingClientRect(); canvas.width = svgSize.width; canvas.height = svgSize.height; // Convert SVG DOM structure to xml var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); var data = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg); // URL Object used to parse, construct, normalise, and encode URLs. var DOMURL = window.URL || (<any>window).webkitURL || window; var img = new Image(); var svgBlob = new Blob([data], { type: 'image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8' }); var url = DOMURL.createObjectURL(svgBlob); img.onload = function () { ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0); DOMURL.revokeObjectURL(url); var imgURI = canvas .toDataURL('image/png') .replace('image/png', 'image/octet-stream'); triggerDownload(imgURI); }; img.src = url; } /** * @name normalizeRectData * @desc Normalize Rectangle data for Function Plot Library * @param {Object} rectData Data of Rectangle to be normalized * @returns {Object} */ public normalizeRectData = function ($rectData) { var $rectNormalized:any = {}; var $shape:any = {}; $shape.w = $rectData.w; $shape.h = $rectData.h; $shape.x = $rectData.x; $shape.y = $rectData.y; $rectData.color && ($shape.fill = $rectData.color); $rectData.rot !== 'undefined' && ($shape.rotation = $rectData.rot); $rectNormalized.shape = $shape; $rectNormalized.graphType = 'shape'; $rectNormalized.shapeType = 'rect'; return $rectNormalized; } /** * @name normalizeCircleData * @desc Normalize Circle data for Function Plot Library * @param {Object} circleData Data of Circle to be normalized * @returns {Object} */ public normalizeCircleData = function ($circleData) { var $circleNormalized:any = {}; var $shape:any = {}; $shape.r = $circleData.r; $shape.x = $circleData.x; $shape.y = $circleData.y; $circleData.color && ($shape.fill = $circleData.color); $circleData.rot !== 'undefined' && ($shape.rotation = $circleData.rot); $circleNormalized.shape = $shape; $circleNormalized.graphType = 'shape'; $circleNormalized.shapeType = 'circle'; return $circleNormalized; } /** * @name normalizeTextData * @desc Normalize Text data for Function Plot Library * @param {Object} textData Data of Text to be normalized * @returns {Object} */ public normalizeTextData = function ($textData) { var $textNormalized:any = {}; var $shape:any = {}; $shape.text = $textData.text; $shape.size = $textData.size; $shape.x = $textData.x; $shape.y = $textData.y; $textData.color && ($shape.fill = $textData.color); $textData.rot !== 'undefined' && ($shape.rotation = $textData.rot); $textNormalized.shape = $shape; $textNormalized.graphType = 'shape'; $textNormalized.shapeType = 'text'; return $textNormalized; } /** * @name normalizeLineData * @desc Normalize Line data for Function Plot Library * @param {Object} lineData Data of Line to be normalized * @returns {Object} */ public normalizeLineData = function ($lineData) { var $lineNormalized:any = {}; var $points = [] for (var p of $lineData.pts) { $points.push([p[0],p[1]]); } $lineNormalized.points = $points; $lineNormalized.stroke = $lineData.color; $lineNormalized.rotation = $lineData.rot; $lineNormalized.fnType = 'points'; $lineNormalized.polylineType = 'line'; $lineNormalized.graphType = 'polyline'; return $lineNormalized; } /** * @name normalizePolygonData * @desc Normalize Polygon data for Function Plot Library * @param {Object} textData Data of Polygon to be normalized * @returns {Object} */ public normalizePolygonData = function ($polygonData) { var $polygonNormalized:any = {}; var $points = [] for (var p of $polygonData.pts) { $points.push([p[0],p[1]]); } $polygonNormalized.points = $points; $polygonNormalized.fill = $polygonData.color; $polygonNormalized.rotation = $polygonData.rot; $polygonNormalized.fnType = 'points'; $polygonNormalized.polylineType = 'polygon'; $polygonNormalized.graphType = 'polyline'; return $polygonNormalized; } /** * @name normalizeShapesData * @desc Normalize Shapes data for Function Plot Library * @param {Array} shapesData Data of Shapes to be normalized * @returns {Array} */ public normalizeShapesData = function (shapesData) { var normalized:Array<Object> = []; for (var shape of shapesData) { switch(shape.kind) { case 'rect': { normalized.push(this.normalizeRectData(shape)); break; } case 'circle': { normalized.push(this.normalizeCircleData(shape)); break; } case 'text': { normalized.push(this.normalizeTextData(shape)); break; } case 'line': { normalized.push(this.normalizeLineData(shape)); break; } case 'poly': { normalized.push(this.normalizePolygonData(shape)); break; } } } return normalized; } getRandomArbitrary = function (min, max) { return Math.round(Math.random() * (max - min) + min); } generarFuncion = function (graph) { var funcionString = ''; var grafica; for (var fun of graph.funs) { funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function(' + fun.args.join() + '){\n return ' + this.generarExpresion(fun.bdy) + '}\n' + funcionString; if ( == graph.graph) { funcionString += 'return ' + + '(' + fun.args.join() + ');\n' grafica = fun; } } funcionString = '(' + grafica.args.join() + ')=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; return funcionString; } generarExpresion = function (exp) { var expresion = ''; if (exp.kind == 'cnd') { expresion = ' (' + this.generarExpresion(exp.cond) + '?' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp1) + ':' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp2) + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'bop') { if (exp.op == '==') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp1) + ') - (' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp2) + ')) == 0 '; } else if (exp.op == '/=') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp1) + ') - (' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp2) + ')) != 0'; } else if (exp.op == '^') { expresion = ' Math.pow(' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp1) + ',' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp2) + ') '; } else { expresion = ' (' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp1) + ')' + exp.op + '(' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp2) + ') '; } } else if (exp.kind == 'uop') { expresion = ' ' + exp.op + ' ' + this.generarExpresion(exp.exp) + ' '; } else if (exp.kind == 'app') { if ( == 'cos') { = 'Math.cos' } else if ( == 'sin') { = 'Math.sin' } else if ( == 'round') { = 'Math.round' }else if ( == 'sqrt'){ = 'Math.sqrt' } expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'tup') { expresion = ' (' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'lit') { expresion = ' ' + exp.val + ' '; } else if (exp.kind == 'var') { expresion = ' ' + exp.var + ' '; } else { expresion = ' undefined '; } return expresion; } // nueva createListFunction = function (graph) { var funcionString = ''; var grafica; var funciones = []; var j = 0; while (graph.funs[j].fun != graph.graph) { j += 1; } var fun1 = graph.funs[j]; var arrayFunction = []; var nameFun = []; nameFun.push(; funciones = this.armarFuncion(fun1.bdy,graph,nameFun); for (var funs of funciones){ for (var fun of graph.funs){ if ( !={ funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function(' + fun.args.join() + '){\n return ' + this.generarExpresion(fun.bdy) + '}\n' + funcionString; } } funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function(' + fun1.args.join() + '){\n return ' + funs + '}\n' + funcionString; funcionString += ';return ' + + '(' + fun1.args.join() + ');\n' grafica = fun1; funcionString = '(' + grafica.args.join() + ')=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; arrayFunction.push(funcionString); var funcionString = ''; } return arrayFunction; } armarFuncion = function (exp,graph,nameFun){ var lisArm = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp,graph,nameFun); var lisFun = []; for(var lis of lisArm){ var aux = ''; if(lis[0] == 'N'){ aux = lis[1]; }else{ aux = '('+lis[0]+' ? '+lis[1]+' : undefined )'; } lisFun.push(aux); } return lisFun } generateFunctionAndExp = function (exp,graph,namefun6) { var myList = []; // devuelvo lista con tupla (cond,funcion) if (exp.kind == 'cnd') { var lisA = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp1,graph,namefun6); var lisB = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp2,graph,namefun6); var cond = this.createListExp(exp.cond); var g = this.createListExp(exp.cond); var cond2 = g.splice(1); var union = g[0] for (var a of cond2) { union = '('+union+' && '+a+')'; } for (var fun1 of lisA) { var aux121 = []; if (fun1[0] == 'N') { if (cond.length == 0) { aux121[0]='N'; }else{ aux121[0]=union; } }else{ aux121[0]= '('+fun1[0]+' && '+union+ ')'; } aux121[1] = fun1[1]; myList.push(aux121); } for (var fun2 of lisB) { if (cond.length != 0) { for (var condi of cond) { var aux123 = []; aux123[1]=fun2[1]; if (fun2[0] == 'N') { aux123[0]='!('+condi+')'; } else { aux123[0] = '('+fun2[0]+' && !('+condi+'))'; } myList.push(aux123); } } else { myList.push(fun2); } } } else if (exp.kind == 'bop') { if (exp.op == '^') { var lisA1 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp1,graph,namefun6); var lisB1 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp2,graph,namefun6); var aux1 = []; for (var f1 of lisA1){ for (var f2 of lisB1){ var aux11 = 'Math.pow('+f1[1]+' , '+f2[1]+')'; var aux21; if ((f2[0] == 'N') && (f1[0] == 'N')){ aux21 = 'N' }else if(f2[0] == 'N'){ aux21=f1[0] }else if(f1[0] == 'N'){ aux21=f2[0] }else{ aux21= '('+f1[0]+' && '+f2[0]+')'; } aux1[0]= aux21; aux1[1] = aux11; myList.push(aux1); } } } else { var lisA2 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp1,graph,namefun6); var lisB2 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp2,graph,namefun6); var aux2 = []; for (var f1 of lisA2){ for (var f2 of lisB2){ var aux12 = '(('+f1[1]+')'+exp.op+'('+f2[1]+'))'; var aux22 if ((f2[0] == 'N') && (f1[0] == 'N')) { aux22 = 'N' } else if (f2[0] == 'N') { aux22 =f1[0] } else if (f1[0] == 'N') { aux22 =f2[0] } else { aux22= '('+f1[0]+' && '+f2[0]+')'; } aux2[0]= aux22; aux2[1] = aux12; myList.push(aux2); } } } } else if (exp.kind == 'uop') { var lisA3 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exp,graph,namefun6); var aux3 = []; for (var f1 of lisA3) { var aux13 = ' '+exp.op+' '+f1[1]+' '; aux3[0]= f1[0]; aux3[1] = aux13; myList.push(aux3); } } else if (exp.kind == 'app') { if (( == 'Math.cos') || ( == 'cos')) { var aux4 = []; var aux14 = 'Math.cos('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux24 = 'N' aux4[0]= aux24; aux4[1] = aux14; myList.push(aux4); } else if (( == 'Math.sin') || ( == 'sin')) { var aux5 = []; var aux15 = 'Math.sin('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux25 = 'N' aux5[0]= aux25; aux5[1] = aux15; myList.push(aux5); } else if (( == 'Math.round') || ( == 'round')) { var aux6 = []; var aux16 = 'Math.round('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux26 = 'N' aux6[0]= aux26; aux6[1] = aux16; myList.push(aux6); } else if (( == 'Math.sqrt') || ( == 'sqrt')) { var aux7 = []; var aux17 = 'Math.sqrt('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux27 = 'N' aux7[0]= aux27; aux7[1] = aux17; myList.push(aux7); /* } else if (exp.args[0].kind == 'app') { var aux101 = []; var aux1101 ='('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux2101 = 'N' aux101[0]= aux2101; aux101[1] = aux1101; myList.push(aux101); } else if(((exp.args[0].kind == 'cnd' || exp.args[0].kind == 'bop') && (exp.args[0].exp1.kind == 'app' || exp.args[0].exp2.kind == 'app' )) || (exp.args[0].kind == 'uop' && exp.args[0].exp.kind == 'app') ){ var aux102 = []; var aux1102 ='('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux2102 = 'N' aux102[0]= aux2102; aux102[1] = aux1102; myList.push(aux102); */ } else if(JSON.stringify(exp.args[0]).indexOf("app") != -1) { console.log("Entro"); exp.args[0] = this.recorrerArgumentos(exp.args[0]); var aux102 = []; var aux1102 ='('+ => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() +')'; var aux2102 = 'N' aux102[0]= aux2102; aux102[1] = aux1102; myList.push(aux102); } else { var nomFun = => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() if (!namefun6.includes(nomFun)) { var ListnameFNew = namefun6; ListnameFNew.push(nomFun); for (var fun5 of graph.funs) { if ( == { myList = this.generateFunctionAndExp(fun5.bdy,graph,ListnameFNew); for(var iter of myList){ iter[1] = iter[1].replace(/x/g, => this.generarExpresion(e)).join()) } } } } else { var aux76 = []; aux76[0] = 'N'; aux76[1] = + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ')'; myList.push(aux76); } } } else if (exp.kind == 'tup') { var lisA7 = this.generateFunctionAndExp(exp.exps,graph,namefun6); for (var f of lisA7){ var aux65 = []; aux65[1] = '('+f[1]+')'; aux65[0] = f[0]; myList.push(aux65); } //Es esto o las combinaciones // expresion = ' (' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'lit') { var aux8 = []; aux8[0] = 'N'; aux8[1] = ' ' + exp.val + ' '; myList.push(aux8); } else if (exp.kind == 'var') { var aux9 = []; aux9[0] = 'N'; aux9[1] = ' ' + exp.var + ' '; myList.push(aux9); } else { var aux54 = []; aux54[0]= 'N'; aux54[1]='undefined'; myList.push(aux54); } return myList; } recorrerArgumentos = function(argumento) { if (argumento.kind == 'app') { if (( == 'Math.cos') || ( == 'cos')) { = 'Math.cos'; } else if(( == 'Math.sin') || ( == 'sin')) { = 'Math.sin'; } else if(( == 'Math.round') || ( == 'round')) { = 'Math.round'; } else if(( == 'Math.sqrt') || ( == 'sqrt')) { = 'Math.sqrt'; } } else if(argumento.kind == 'cnd') { this.recorrerArgumentos(argumento.exp1) this.recorrerArgumentos(argumento.exp2) } else if(argumento.kind == 'bop') { this.recorrerArgumentos(argumento.exp1) this.recorrerArgumentos(argumento.exp2) } else if(argumento.kind == 'uop') { this.recorrerArgumentos(argumento.exp1) } return argumento; } createListExp = function (exp) { var expresion = ''; var funcione = []; if (exp.kind == 'cnd') { funcione = this.createListExp(exp.cond); } else if (exp.kind == 'bop') { if (exp.op == '==') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.createListExp(exp.exp1)[0] + ') - (' + this.createListExp(exp.exp2)[0] + ')) == 0 '; if (exp.exp1.kind == 'lit') { this.valores.push(exp.exp1.val) } if (exp.exp2.kind == 'lit') { this.valores.push(exp.exp2.val) } funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '/=') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.createListExp(exp.exp1) + ') - (' + this.createListExp(exp.exp2) + ')) != 0'; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '^') { expresion = ' Math.pow(' + this.createListExp(exp.exp1) + ',' + this.createListExp(exp.exp2) + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '&&') { for (var atr of this.createListExp(exp.exp1)){ funcione.push(atr) } for (var atr2 of this.createListExp(exp.exp2)){ funcione.push(atr2) } }else if (exp.op == 'or'){ funcione.push('!'+this.createListExp(exp.exp1)) funcione.push('!'+this.createListExp(exp.exp2)) }else{ var lis1 = this.createListExp(exp.exp1) var lis2 = this.createListExp(exp.exp2) for(var expes1 of lis1){ for (var expes2 of lis2){ expresion = ' ((' + expes1 + ')' + exp.op + '(' + expes2 + ') )'; funcione.push(expresion) } } } } else if (exp.kind == 'uop') { expresion = ' ' + exp.op + ' ' + this.createListExp(exp.exp) + ' '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'app') { if ( == 'Math.cos') { = 'Math.cos' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.sin') { = 'Math.sin' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.round') { = 'Math.round' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.sqrt') { = 'Math.sqrt' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) }else{ expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } } else if (exp.kind == 'tup') { expresion = ' (' + => this.generarExpresion(e)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'lit') { expresion = ' ' + exp.val + ' '; this.valores.push(exp.val) funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'var') { expresion = ' ' + exp.var + ' '; funcione.push(expresion) } else { expresion = 'undefined '; funcione.push(expresion) } return funcione; } ///////////////////// fin de nuevo // Prueba 2019 generarFuncionDisc = function (graph) { var funcionString = ''; var grafica; var arrayFunction = []; var fun = graph.funs[0]; var ListnameF = []; ListnameF.push(; var funciones = this.generarExpresionDisc(fun.bdy,graph,ListnameF) for (var funs of funciones){ funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function(' + fun.args.join() + '){\n return ' + funs + '}\n' + funcionString; if ( == graph.graph) { funcionString += ';return ' + + '(' + fun.args.join() + ');\n' grafica = fun; } funcionString = '(' + grafica.args.join() + ')=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; arrayFunction.push(funcionString); var funcionString = ''; } var arrayFunction1 = [arrayFunction[0]] return arrayFunction; } generarExpresionDisc = function (exp,grap,ListnameF) { var expresion = ''; var funcione = []; if (exp.kind == 'cnd') { var con1 = this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.cond,grap,ListnameF); var con11 = ''; for (var condi of con1){ if (con11 == ''){ con11 = condi; }else{ con11 = '('+con11 +' && '+ condi +')'; } } for (var funs of this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF)){ funcione.push('('+con11+' ? '+ funs +' : undefined)'); } for (var funs2 of this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF)){ for (var condi2 of con1){ funcione.push('(!('+condi2+') ? '+ funs2 +' : undefined)'); } } } else if (exp.kind == 'bop') { if (exp.op == '==') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF) + ') - (' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF) + ')) == 0 '; if (exp.exp1.kind == 'lit') { this.valores.push(exp.exp1.val) } if (exp.exp2.kind == 'lit') { this.valores.push(exp.exp2.val) } funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '/=') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF) + ') - (' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF) + ')) != 0'; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '^') { expresion = ' Math.pow(' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF) + ',' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF) + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.op == '&&') { for (var atr of this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF)){ funcione.push(atr) } for (var atr2 of this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF)){ funcione.push(atr2) } } else if (exp.op == 'or') { funcione.push('!'+this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF)) funcione.push('!'+this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF)) } else { var lis1 = this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp1,grap,ListnameF) var lis2 = this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp2,grap,ListnameF) for(var expes1 of lis1){ for (var expes2 of lis2){ expresion = ' ((' + expes1 + ')' + exp.op + '(' + expes2 + ') )'; funcione.push(expresion) } } } } else if (exp.kind == 'uop') { expresion = ' ' + exp.op + ' ' + this.generarExpresionDisc(exp.exp,grap,ListnameF) + ' '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'app') { if ( == 'Math.cos') { = 'Math.cos' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresionDisc(e,grap,ListnameF)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.sin') { = 'Math.sin' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresionDisc(e,grap,ListnameF)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.round') { = 'Math.round' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresionDisc(e,grap,ListnameF)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if ( == 'Math.sqrt') { = 'Math.sqrt' expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarExpresionDisc(e,grap,ListnameF)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else { if (!ListnameF.includes( { var ListnameFNew = ListnameF; ListnameFNew.push(; for (var fun5 of grap.funs){ if( =={ var funresul = this.generarExpresionDisc(fun5.bdy,grap,ListnameFNew); for (var subfunciones of funresul){ funcione.push(subfunciones); } } } } else { funcione.push(; } } } else if (exp.kind == 'tup') { expresion = ' (' + => this.generarExpresionDisc(e,grap,ListnameF)).join() + ') '; funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'lit') { expresion = ' ' + exp.val + ' '; this.valores.push(exp.val) funcione.push(expresion) } else if (exp.kind == 'var') { expresion = ' ' + exp.var + ' '; funcione.push(expresion) } else { expresion = ' undefined '; funcione.push(expresion) } return funcione; } obtenerConjunto = function (grf) { var setf = '\"sets\": {'; var dominio = '{\"conj\": {'; if (grf.dom == 'R') { dominio += "\"radio\": 0.3, \"baseDom\": \"R\", \"dom\": \"R\""; setf += "\"fdom\": \"R\","; } else if (grf.dom == 'Z') { dominio += "\"radio\": 2, \"baseDom\": \"Z\", \"dom\": \"Z\""; setf += "\"fdom\": \"Z\","; /* } else if (grf.dom == 'N') { dominio += "\"radio\":2, \"baseDom\": \"N\", \"dom\": \"N\""; setf += "\"fdom\": \"N\","; */ } else { var nom = grf.dom; if (Array.isArray(grf.sets[0][nom])) { var arreglo = grf.sets[0][nom]; var arreglo2 = []; for (var item of arreglo) { arreglo2.push("\"" + item + "\""); } dominio += "\"radio\":2, \"baseDom\": \"N\", \"dom\": \"Numer\""; setf += "\"fdom\": [" + arreglo2 + "], "; } else { dominio += this.recursivoDom(grf.sets, nom); setf += "\"fdom\":\"function(x)\","; } } dominio += ", "; if (grf.cod == 'R') { dominio += "\"baseCod\": \"R\", \"cod\": \"R\" ,"; setf += "\"fcod\": \"R\""; } else if (grf.cod == 'Z') { dominio += "\"baseCod\": \"Z\", \"cod\": \"Z\" ,"; setf += "\"fcod\": \"Z\""; /* } else if (grf.cod == 'N') { dominio += "\"baseCod\": \"N\", \"cod\": \"N\" ,"; setf += "\"fcod\": \"N\""; */ } else { var nom1 = grf.cod; if (Array.isArray(grf.sets[0][nom1])) { var arreglo3 = grf.sets[0][nom1]; var arreglo4 = []; for (var item of arreglo3) { arreglo4.push("\"" + item + "\""); } dominio += "\"baseCod\": \"N\", \"cod\": \"Numer\" ,"; setf += '\"fcod\":[' + arreglo4 + ']'; } else { dominio += this.recursivoCod(grf.sets, nom1); setf += "\"fcod\": \"function(x)\""; } } return dominio + setf + "}}"; } recursionfuncion = function (func, nombre) { var fun = func[0][nombre].set; var resul = ""; if (fun == 'R' || fun == 'Z' || fun == 'N') { resul += this.generarF(func[0][nombre].cond); } else { resul += this.generarF(func[0][nombre].cond) + " && " + this.recursionfuncion(func, fun); } return resul; } recursionfuncionCod = function (func, nombre) { //ACA CAMBIE var fun = func[0][nombre].set; var resul = ""; if (fun == 'R' || fun == 'Z' || fun == 'N') { //ACA TAMBIEN resul += this.generarF(func[0][nombre].cond); } else { //ACA TAMBIEN resul += this.generarF(func[0][nombre].cond) + " && " + this.recursionfuncionCod(func, fun); } return resul; } recursivoDom = function (sets, nom) { var domin = ""; if (sets[0][nom].set == 'R') { domin += "\"radio\": 0.3, \"baseDom\": \"R\", \"dom\": \"Func\""; } else if (sets[0][nom].set == 'Z') { domin += "\"radio\": 2, \"baseDom\": \"Z\", \"dom\": \"Func\""; } else if (sets[0][nom].set == 'N') { domin += "\"radio\": 2, \"baseDom\": \"N\", \"dom\": \"Func\""; } else { var nombre = sets[0][nom].set; domin = this.recursivoDom(sets, nombre); } return domin; } recursivoCod = function (sets, nom) { var coodo = ""; if (sets[0][nom].set == 'R') { coodo += "\"baseCod\": \"R\", \"cod\": \"Func\","; } else if (sets[0][nom].set == 'Z') { coodo += "\"baseCod\": \"Z\", \"cod\": \"Func\","; } else if (sets[0][nom].set == 'N') { coodo += "\"baseCod\": \"N\", \"cod\": \"Func\","; } else { var nombre = sets[0][nom].set; coodo += this.recursivoDom(sets, nombre); } return coodo; } generarF = function (exp) { var expresion = ''; if (exp.kind == 'cond') { expresion = ' (' + this.generarF(exp.cond) + '?' + this.generarF(exp.exp1) + ':' + this.generarF(exp.exp2) + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'bop') { if (exp.op == '==') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarF(exp.exp1) + ') - (' + this.generarF(exp.exp2) + ')) == 0 '; } else if (exp.op == '/=') { expresion = ' Math.abs((' + this.generarF(exp.exp1) + ') - (' + this.generarF(exp.exp2) + ')) != 0 '; } else if (exp.op == '^') { expresion = ' Math.pow(' + this.generarF(exp.exp1) + ',' + this.generarF(exp.exp2) + ') '; } else { expresion = ' (' + this.generarF(exp.exp1) + ')' + exp.op + '(' + this.generarF(exp.exp2) + ') '; } } else if (exp.kind == 'uop') { expresion = ' ' + exp.op + ' ' + this.generarF(exp.exp) + ' '; } else if (exp.kind == 'app') { if ( == 'cos') { = 'Math.cos' } else if ( == 'sin') { = 'Math.sin' } else if ( == 'round') { = 'Math.round' }else if ( == 'sqrt'){ = 'Math.sqrt' } expresion = ' ' + + '(' + => this.generarF(e)).join() + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'tup') { expresion = ' (' + => this.generarF(e)).join() + ') '; } else if (exp.kind == 'lit') { expresion = ' ' + exp.val + ' '; } else if (exp.kind == 'var') { expresion = ' ' + exp.var + ' '; } else { expresion = ' undefined '; } return expresion; } generarFun = function (graph) { var funcionString = ''; var grafica; for (var fun of graph.funs) { funcionString = 'var ' + + ' = function(' + fun.args.join() + '){\n return ' + this.generarF(fun.bdy) + '}\n' + funcionString; if ( == graph.graph) { funcionString += 'return ' + + '(' + fun.args.join() + ');\n' grafica = fun; } } funcionString = '(' + grafica.args.join() + ')=>{\n' + funcionString + '}'; return funcionString; } }